Sentences with phrase «solid defensive display»

What we didn't expect was the rock solid defensive displays we have been producing.
Simeone's men will have to produce yet another collective solid defensive display to deal with Bayern's possession - based game which will likely see the Germans dominate the ball for large periods.
Last term much of Brendan Rodgers success was underpinned by solid defensive displays, which is not to say that Swansea City don't have effective attacking options but the Welsh side could certainly do with more strength in depth.
Final Thought Victories in Champions League games are built at the back solid defensive displays, which is just what Arsenal need to be doing, starting tonight, against Dortmund.
Man of the Match: Calum Chambers - A solid defensive display added to by his threat in the final third, assisting Sanchez before scoring his first goal for the club.
The irony of him saying that, we put in a solid defensive display that pleased me more than anything because a great defence wins you titles
Aly Cissokho — Liverpool fans warned Villa that Cissokho is useless, but he showed that's not the case with a solid defensive display and adventurous runs down the wing.
There were big performances across the pitch with Marcos Alonso a constant threat down the left flank while Cesar Azpilicueta provided a wonderful assist and a solid defensive display.
Even though the relegation threatened club have been on the up recently and have won games against both Liverpool and Man United in the last few weeks, their success has been built on a solid defensive display.
Thats the difference cech saves you games with those type of saves, like de gea has done for utd all season...... we also struggle to breakdown a solid defensive display from a team
After a 2 - 0 win at Highbury, which saw a young Cesc Fabregas show why it was the right decision from Arsene Wenger to flog Patrick Vieira to Juventus, a solid defensive display from Arsenal secured a 0 - 0 draw on in Turin.
Their manager Ronald Koeman will also be determined not to lose two EPL games in a row and their success so far has been largely based on a solid defensive display.
The St Andrews» side have had an amazing season and the on loan Man City keeper has been a great part of the club's solid defensive displays and clearly McLeish is keen on bringing in someone to do as good a job at Hart and whilst James will clearly be a shorter term solution he still has a season or two in the tank and is well worth bringing in.
Despite West Ham's striker woes, the Hammers have only failed to score in three away matches this season (Arsenal, Everton and Leicester) so perhaps another solid defensive display will allow us to sneak one more one - nil success.
The Lancashire club recorded just three wins away from home last season, but all three came via some solid defensive displays — beating Bolton, Burnley and Aston Villa without conceding — and so another big shift from their defence could be the catalyst for a winning away start to the season, which would be more than ideal considering the clubs tendency to fall into away lulls.
That solid defensive display unsurprisingly pleased Mourinho.
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