Sentences with phrase «solid feeding issues»

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See also: Nighttime Sleep Issues: For the breastfeeding, are you nursing before you feed solids or after?
We do not yet have a solid evidence - based understanding of why this link exists, as the relationship between feeding experiences and postnatal mental health issues is likely to be complex and different for different women.
If Wikipedia is to be believed (and the sources it cites seem pretty solid) before the 1940's a fairly low percentage of children were given any sort of formula, and even fewer were solely formula fed, because the issues were so obvious.
She notes that if sleep is the biggest issue, you can explore explore alternative ways of getting more sleep, such as nursing in a side - lying position (if you're uncomfortable with co-sleeping, your husband can supervise while baby is nursing) or taking «shifts» at night where you or your husband are responsible for all of the feeding and baby care while the other sleeps a solid chunk.
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