Sentences with phrase «solid surfaces in»

132 - character summary: PNNL - led researchers coat protein - like molecules on solid surfaces in highly ordered manner, paving way for biomedical applications.
there's no solid surface in the sky.
Custom built solid surface in kitchen & bathrooms...

Not exact matches

So Dragon should be capable of landing on any solid or liquid surface in the inner solar system.
In 2011, Clean Harbors acquired Peak Energy Services, bringing on the capabilities to service oil and gas drilling operations by providing surface rentals and specialized liquid, solid and sludge processing.
DeLillo manages to grasp with words these deliberately indistinct and ungraspable spaces: «We entered a passageway that dead - ended in what appeared to be a solid surface
Then place them on a cookie sheet or other flat surface, one layer deep, and put them in the freezer until frozen solid.
It seems to be a solid pan overall - I would not recommend putting any nonstick bakeware or cookware in the dishwasher, as it does pit and scratch the surface, but this is easy to clean in the sink.
Open 1 can of coconut milk and carefully spoon off about 3 tablespoons of the solid fat from the surface and place it in a large Dutch oven.
Carefully transfer molds or surface to your freezer and freeze until fat bombs are solid, then pop out and store in a lidded container in your freezer.
You want your mixture to be thicker and more solid, so it can be dropped onto your surface in individual dollops and won't just run everywhere.
This model, with perforations in a solid surface rather than bars wired or woven together, means even the smallest morsel stays put, while letting in smoky BBQ goodness.
Discard the solids left in the strainer, spoon off and discard as much of the fat as possible from the surface of the strained cooking liquids.
Watson's solid swing and his intelligent approach to the game have attracted attention ever since he surfaced at the Hawaiian Open in 1973 and then blew a three - stroke lead in the last round.
With whip in full and powerful play, Arcaro avoided the muddy going on the rail, made instead for the solid running surface stretching in front of the vacant third stall.
In order to facilitate this reflex, parents should hold babies upright to allow the feet touching the solid surface.
Looking at the grungy 30 - year - old carpet in what was once my office, we knew a change to a solid surface was in order.
This question has come under fire in recent years as research continues to surface supporting delaying introduction of solid foods to infants than was previously thought.
In addition, a suction cup base allows you to easily attach the toy wheel to a solid surface.
Ensuring that your heater is on a flat and solid surface and that it is turned off when not in use will also minimize the risk of fires.
«When the weather fluctuates between warm and cold and in bodies of water where there are currents underneath the ice, it can weaken the surface of the ice and make it dangerously fragile even though it seems to be frozen solid,» said Joe Pecoraro, manager of the Park District's Beaches and Pools Unit, who narrated the demonstration.
One thing I dislike about using cloth diapers with lots of folds and layers against the baby's bum is that if the baby poops, it gets on all the exposed inner surfaces of the diaper which means that there is lots of unfolding and extra spraying / dunking to do in order to remove all of the solid waste.
It fits well in doorways and it is smooth to push on solid grounds and flat surfaces.
We are learning that stability is a common feature of large - scale atmospheric systems in the giant planets: with no solid surface underlying the gas, there is no friction to dissipate atmospheric motions.
Supercooled water droplets in a cloud can remain liquid at temperatures far below freezing, their surface tension preventing solid crystals from forming.
Each plastic home comes equipped with a solid surface to live on in an otherwise watery world.
«It gives us some insight into the connection between the slow circulation of near - solid rock in Earth's mantle caused by convection currents carrying heat upwards from the planet's interior, and observed active plate tectonics at the surface.
Although this radius is impressive, keep in mind that ultrasonic devices are limited by walls, furniture, and other solid surfaces.
It is possible to have a berg as high out of water as it is deep below the surface; for if we imagine a large, solid lump of any regular shape, which has a very small sharp high pinnacle in the center, the height above water can easily equal the depth below.
Their results showed that a typical raindrop — roughly 2 millimetres wide and travelling at a few metres per second — compresses air in front of it a few microseconds before hitting a solid surface.
In the established FEBID process, an electron beam is used to write structures from molecules adsorbed onto a solid surface that provides support and nucleation sites for deposit growth.
While space agencies are planning to send more orbiters to study Jupiter and its moons in the next decade, probes remain impractical because the gas planet has no solid surface to land on.
The porous carbon powder he settled on has massive surface area and turns the neat trick of converting gaseous carbon dioxide into solid polymer chains that nestle in the pores.
Smouldering (or smoldering in American spelling) combustion is a flameless form of combustion, deriving its heat from oxidations occurring on the surface of a solid fuel.
On Pluto, a slurry of nitrogen and water ice melted by subsurface heat stands in for lava, the team suggests, freezing solid once it is exposed at the surface.
Sean McCoy, an engineer at Carnegie Mellon University, said that the stability of stored gas increases over time because C02 dissolves in briny water and eventually forms solid carbon formations, making it less likely to creep back up the surface.
Single adatoms are expected to participate in many processes occurring at solid surfaces, such as the growth of graphene on metals.
When these granular particles are left on a vibrating solid surface, they are not only subject to random vibrations, they are also under the spell of solid friction forces, like the force a dry floor would exert on a brick in contact with that floor.
«The reactions occurring at surfaces are very difficult to probe because there are so few molecules involved, and they frequently occur very rapidly,» adds John Vickerman, a chemist at the University of Manchester in the U.K. «Furthermore, the scientist has to distinguish what is happening in a layer one molecule thick from the rest of the solid.
But because Jupiter lacks a solid surface, the upwelling probably works in a completely different way than on Earth.
«Wettability plays a key role in determining the equilibrium contact angles, contact angle hysteresis, and adhesion between a solid surface and liquid, as well as the retraction process of a liquid droplet impinged on the surface,» explained Doo Jin Lee, lead author, and a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Materials and Engineering at Seoul National University.
«This material contributes significantly to the high elevation of the Martian southern hemisphere and underscores the role of major impacts in shaping the early surfaces of the solid planets,» says Maria Zuber of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who is a member of the mapping team.
«Normally, whenever there is a solid material sitting on a surface, there is a certain concentration of that substance lingering in the air above it in a gas phase,» says physicist Kurt Becker, Polytechnic Institute of New York University's associate provost for research and technology initiatives.
A thick atmosphere protects its solid surface from damaging radiation and it is the only other place in the solar system with liquid on its surface.
The idea is, you have your active molecules on the surface, and you excite electrons down in the solid with ultraviolet light so that they rise up to the surface molecules to drive chemical reactions.
In a paper published in EPJ E, the authors found that under the same solid fraction, friction on surfaces with a structure made up of micro-holes is much higher than that on surfaces patterned with an array of pillarIn a paper published in EPJ E, the authors found that under the same solid fraction, friction on surfaces with a structure made up of micro-holes is much higher than that on surfaces patterned with an array of pillarin EPJ E, the authors found that under the same solid fraction, friction on surfaces with a structure made up of micro-holes is much higher than that on surfaces patterned with an array of pillars.
Just like its insect role model, the robot uses four legs to propel its leap from either a solid surface or from water — but it does so using the energy stored in a spring - loaded device that mimics the action of a flea's leg when it jumps.
The appearance of these compounds in the wine mainly comes from the solid parts of the grape (skin and seeds) during winemaking,» explains the University of Seville researcher Julio Nogales, who also says that «we already knew this, but now we can relate the structural composition of the skin and the seeds with the ease with which we can obtain phenols and understand the differences in phenol extraction according to whether we use the external or internal surface of the skin.»
Solid hydrocarbon particles tens of nanometers wide clump together in the atmosphere to form the haze before eventually settling onto Pluto's surface (SN: 4/15/17, p. 14).
To help visualize this, Dennett offered the imagery of flicking a drumhead, but in this case, on a solid surface where the laser does the «flicking.»
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