Sentences with phrase «solidarity march»

PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and others participate in solidarity march in Puerto Rico, via the governor's office on
They're asking that like - minded folks who can't make it to the nation's capital stage solidarity marches in their own communities.
They are holding a Breastfeeding Solidarity March in Gaborone on 10 June, starting at 8:30 (announcement below)
Employees that are also members of a union or worker solidarity march are protected from video surveillance according to Section 7 of the NLRA or National Labor Relations Act.
The NLRB determined that Boeing's photography and video surveillance of employees during union solidarity marches interfered with workers» right to organize and improve working conditions.
Members of the community joined solidarity marches across the campus.
The construction trades unions added their muscle to the fight against budget cuts and layoffs in the public sector when they rallied at Brooklyn's Cadman Plaza and then marched across the Brooklyn Bridge to City Hall in the early afternoon on June 15 in what organizers called a «Solidarity March for the Middle Class.»
Christians and Muslims in Benue State, on Monday, staged a joint peaceful solidarity march to the Government House, Makurdi, in support of the Anti-Open Grazing Prohibition and Ranches Establishment Law recently enacted by the Benue State Government.
Nadine Yousef appeared genuinely touched Saturday when more than 60 people stopped in front of the West Side Bazaar, where she works, to express support for immigrants and refugees as part of the Western New York Peace Center's Immigrants Solidarity March and Rally.
The protester's encampment is bristling with energy — and it's sure to get a major boost today, when unions, college students, and the green movement joins the fray for a massive solidarity march today at 4:30 pm.
More than 3,600 people gathered in Columbia on Saturday afternoon for the Mid-Missouri Solidarity March.
PHOTO OF THE WEEK: Gov. Cuomo, Mayor de Blasio and others participate in solidarity march in Puerto Rico, via the governor's office on flickr; «Belongings of homeless individuals removed from Soho.
They're asking that like - minded folks who can't make it to the nation's capital stage solidarity marches in their own communities.
They are holding a Breastfeeding Solidarity March in Gaborone on 10 June, starting at 8:30 (announcement...
Meanwhile, the opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC) says it will be embarking on a solidarity march on Thursday, September 21, 2017, «to commemorate the Founder's Day Celebration of the birthday of Osagyefo Dr Kwame Nkrumah, the Founder and first President of the Republic of Ghana».
Activist and college professor Tanya Loughead led the chant, early in Sunday's Women's Solidarity March in Buffalo.
The Israeli ambassador to Britain has written to the Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg, to express his abhorrence at «offensive and shocking» comments made by David Ward MP on the presence of the Israeli prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, at the solidarity march in Paris on Sunday.
The opposition National Democratic Congress (NDC), will be embarking on a solidarity March on Thursday, September 21, 2017, to commemorate the Founders Day Celebration of the birthday of Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah.
The Speaker, Yakubu Dogara, who led the lawmakers on solidarity march to the Senate, demanded for an immediate investigation into the incident.
«This is like a solidarity march,» said Steve Canham, who works in IT for clinical research at a university in Surrey.
At the same time, 65 solidarity marches are being held in 32 countries around the world, including 13 in Canada.
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