Sentences with phrase «solution to this question»

A perfect solution to the question of what to do with his body.
Worked solutions to the questions on the worksheet are given.
Along with the practice tests are fully worked solutions to all questions.
Life coaching can help you make important changes in your life and help you find solutions to questions and concerns that have been pressing in your life.
Students, meanwhile, posted their own photos and videos related to course concepts, engaged in discussions and sought solutions to questions and problems.
I'd like to give a possible solution to that question by introducing you to monthly dividend stocks.
When you provide solutions to these questions, they'll see you as an essential part of their lives.
The responses presented may not represent the only possible solutions to the questions asked and may not be applied equally to seemingly similar questions.
An answer pdf is included, with my handwritten solutions to the questions.
• Provided answers and solutions to questions raised by system users.
But maybe one short term solution to your question would be taking a contractor through the place with you?
Is there such a thing as a purely «public» solution to the question of homosexuality that leaves the «private» realm untouched?
Along with the practice test are fully worked solutions to all questions.
Hanushek's proposed solution to the question of how to raise educational standards was brutally simple: fire the worst 10 % of teachers and replace them with better ones.
If ADMX does not find axions, that may force theorists to devise new solutions to those questions.
Every family with children has to improvise its own solution to the question of work vs. family: in the overwhelming majority of two - parent families, both parents work.
«It makes people slightly uneasy that evolution can end up reaching the same solutions to questions about how to catch something, how to digest something, and how to work,» Conway Morris added.
Mary can be found in World Car's sales and services area ready to offer solutions to your questions.
You need to be fair in giving your book that you find solves all human problems in a perfect fixation so we can compare books and see which one has the perfect plan and solution to every question humans ask.
While seeking to advance discussion on what it means to be «pro-life,» I do not propose a definitive solution to that question.
If this doctrine of the triunity of God were merely intellectual speculation or an intellectual answer to an intellectual problem, it might be interesting to academic minds; it might be a way of meeting a difficult question and providing a better or worse solution to that question.
There are no simple solutions to the question of how decision making beyond forced - choice majority voting might occur in the church, but a brief account in Stanley Hauerwas» memoir Hannah's Child is suggestive.
It seems to be preferable for them / us to have a personal but temporary solution to a question than a permanent but impersonal solution.
The no vote by the North East also affected the Labour Government's attempt to address the West Lothian question, because the government had canvassed regional assemblies as a partial solution to this Question.
«I know that everyone who joins us at the festival will meet new people, be inspired by what they see and hear and have a heap of fun — all while delivering some great solutions to the questions posed.»
«There's no obvious solution to the question of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and little progress has been made on this issue — but there's been progress over the status of EU nationals in the UK.
Though Barnes & Noble says some publishers might not allow this for the books they publish, its a big step toward finding an acceptable solution to the question of digital rights management around e-books.
Making characters whatever sexual orientation the player wants them to be (often called «playersexuality») is not the best solution to the question of romance in games because it can reinforce some harmful attitudes about real - life sexuality.
Knott is pleased to have found a personalized solution to the question of making photographic prints more collectible, but don't be surprised if the «0 Series» makes the typically good - natured photographer a tiny bit wistful.
Hilltop's offsets are one solution to the question WGL Energy, a provider to energy utility Washington Gas, seeks to answer: How can they help their customers green their natural gas usage?
The hypothesis is «accepted» OVER TIME into the consensus paradigm when SUFFICIENT evidence and SUFFICIENT testing have convinced all significant stakeholders that it is the only credible, non falsified solution to the question available AT THAT TIME.
The White House emphasized that the administration is simply fulfilling its legal obligations and will still press for a legislative solution to the question of curbing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
The result, AERO believes, is that property owners will have their long - awaited solution to the question of underutilized overhead airspace, and commercial drone operators will finally have legal access to the itineraries necessary for their drone fleets to soar freely.
This is where the extra bulk comes from, and it's a unique solution to the question of how to fit a zooming lens into a normal smartphone.
Consulted and advised consignors and buyers on viable solutions to the questions on values, training, breeding associated with thoroughbred racing.
This eliminates a lot of work for the court in addition to providing an amicable solution to questions about custody and child care.
Here is the only solution to the question of God, the question which underlies every thought which enters into the mind of man.
California Educator August 2015 SAN FRANCISCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT (SFUSD) found solutions to these questions by partnering with two Bay Area universities and the local teachers union to create a «residency» program that goes beyond typical preservice...
Worked solution to this question on integration - area and volume of revolution.
The Journal of Religion, 48 (April, 1968), 124 - 35, proposes a new solution to the question, along with a criticism of Hartshorne's position.
Also at 10:30 a.m., Assemblyman Joe Giglio and the Assembly Minority Task Force on Preventing Domestic Violence will hold a press conference to announce the task force's findings and solutions to the question of domestic violence in New York, back of Assembly chamber, 3rd floor, state Capitol, Albany.
He does not see the existence of the soul as the solution to the question of the uniquely creative behaviour of man.
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