Sentences with phrase «solutions facilitates access to justice»

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But to use the digital divide as an argument to stifle the implementation of ODR solutions to alleviate court dockets and facilitate access to justice is not only unwarranted, it's undemocratic since 87 % of Canadians do have access to computers.
The Action Group on Access to Justice (TAG) is catalyzing solutions to Ontario's access to justice challenges by facilitating collaboration with institutional, political and community stakehoAccess to Justice (TAG) is catalyzing solutions to Ontario's access to justice challenges by facilitating collaboration with institutional, political and community stakehJustice (TAG) is catalyzing solutions to Ontario's access to justice challenges by facilitating collaboration with institutional, political and community stakehoaccess to justice challenges by facilitating collaboration with institutional, political and community stakehjustice challenges by facilitating collaboration with institutional, political and community stakeholders.
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