Sentences with phrase «solutions someone propose»

Many patents lay claim to all possible approaches to a problem, instead of the specific solution proposed by the inventor.
Regardless of the dilemma presented, the number of solutions proposed was never more than about 50.
In fact, the types of bullying are just as diverse as solutions proposed to stop it.
This is where a patent lays claim to all possible approaches to a problem, instead of the specific solution proposed by the inventor.
Simple solutions proposed by vested interests, such as «higher expenditures, smaller classes... added support and administrative personnel» will not do.
The international solution proposed was to control emissions of carbon dioxide.
The «circuit breaker» solution proposed by the unions is no help to the average taxpayer, and will actually hurt most of them.
Taking as reference the town of Torrevieja, where one of the biggest earthquakes in the province of Alicante took place in 1829 with more than 389 dead and 209 wounded, the professor has published an article on seismic risk in tourist destinations since «the technological solutions proposed in its Local Action Plan against earthquakes does not seem enough,» he says.
The bioidentical hormones and other natural solutions she proposes address physical ailments as well as emotional well - being, youthful vitality, confidence, and natural beauty.
A class of parents queued into the performance of their local schools would be far more likely to overcome the problem of governance fragmentation than the alternative solution proposed by Ford.
What is clear is that they have no idea how much they will cost, if any new buildings would need to be leased in order to oversee them, what kind of infrastructure is required to deliver them, if new training would be necessary, how much the various technical solutions they propose would cost or whether they would fit into our existing systems.
Indeed, in their much — discussed research on «cultural cognition,» Dan Kahan and his colleagues suggest that public perceptions of climate change at least partly depend on the technological solutions proposed.
John Collins Rudolf of the Green blog got some reaction from experts on tropical forests to an unorthodox climate solution proposed at a Wednesday House hearing by Representative Dana Rohrabacher, Republican of California.
These measures are solutions proposed based on experience and on research on community cat management techniques and the public's response tocommunity cats.
At the heart of these drawbacks, To the Moon is more technically complex than other scaling solutions proposed so far, including all hard forks as well as a Segregated Witness soft fork.
Alternatively, AsicBoost can be blocked by adopting the latest iteration of Extension Blocks, an alternative scaling solution proposed by the Bcoin development team.
The debate surrounding Bitcoin's scalability, the various solutions proposed so far and the varying opinions within the Bitcoin community have helped elucidate the elements at play.
Unfortunately, the current state of affairs tarnishes the reputation of our legal system and without money to add to the pot, we as BC Family Lawyers are left in the position of naming the problem without proposing a solution
The company originally raised the tax problem in April and rejected two possible solutions proposed by Williams.
Encountering solutions proposed by theologians can also stimulate and challenge.
«The challenges identified and solutions proposed become leading topics of political and civic discourse statewide,» the Democrats wrote in the letter, an unfinished copy of which Capital was allowed to review.
Furthermore, there are no realistic solutions proposed for how to deal with those shortfalls.
As NYC teachers union contract negotiations begin to be discussed, Chalkbeat NY highlights teacher pay solutions proposed by an E4E - New York Teacher Policy...
«The real solution we propose,» notes Bryan, «is a return to the Defined Benefit Plan Design while utilizing the 401 (k) rules.
The initial solution proposed by the University was to trap all the cats and convey all animals lacking a collar to the Santa Clara County Humane Society where they would be killed.
1) Climate change is certainly serious, so lets deal with the problem urgently with the traditional solutions proposed renewable energy etc..
This major energy transition is already occuring commercially using important solutions proposed separately, by T. Boone Pickens and Mr. Al Gore.
And it will be almost impossible for the U.S. to act if one party not only rejects the most common solution proposed for the problem (cap - and - trade) but repudiates even the idea that there is a problem to be solved....»
They concede that some of the more spectacular solutions proposed, such as melting the Arctic ice cap by covering it with black soot or diverting arctic rivers, might create problems far greater than those they solve.
We see solutions proposed requiring substantial reductions in fossil fuel emissions which, even though they may be insufficient, are in the opposite direction of the global ~ 5 % increase we are seeing now.
It should also be noted that the national solution proposed by the Grocery Manufacturers Association is an outright ban on GMO labels at the federal level.
They even proposed eerily similar solutions to the market - based solutions proposed today to stop carbon emissions: Caps on volume of slaves traded and auctioning rights between companies plus levying of fines for people who broke it.
The potential solutions proposed, and calls for urgency by folks like Hansen and Mann and Anderson are all well and good — but they are NOT really Plans but merely «ideas».
Among the many blockchain solutions proposed for the gaming industry, the most popular have been those that create marketplaces for in - game purchases used in free - to - play models.
Microsoft supports the off - chain solution proposed by the original Bitcoin community.
If Bitcoin becomes a worldwide cryptocurrency, used and accepted everywhere, the 8 MB solution proposed by Bitcoin Cash supporters will not be enough to process the increased traffic, and another hard fork would be needed.
Analyzed solutions proposed by IT team if it will meet client's requirements.
The resulting global fit indices X2 = 113.23, p < 0.0005, chi - square - degrees of freedom (d. f.) ratio = 2.45, RMSEA = 0.102, CFI = 0.72, NFI = 0.68, GFI = 0.59, AGFI = 0.57 showed that the one factor solution proposed by the author should be rejected.
This is one solution proposed in his new Harvard Education Press title, Dancing in the Rain: Leading with Compassion, Vitality, and Mindfulness in Education, a book designed to give education leaders the tools to handle the pressures of the profession.
Håkon said that the technical solution he proposed should cover most digital publishing needs.
Three parts to this answer the first is the obvious one that I assume you understand already Secondly a idea slightly harder to grasp but simple economics and third is related to what we are proposing as a solution
We also wrote in the same article in 2002: «The ultimate agenda of pro-Kyoto advocates is to eliminate fossil fuels, but this would result in a catastrophic shortfall in global energy supply — the wasteful, inefficient energy solutions proposed by Kyoto advocates simply can not replace fossil fuels.»
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