Sentences with phrase «solve world hunger»

After all, if government were willing to throw enough subsidies at it, we could see NGO's attempt to solve world hunger using caviar and truffles.
If you watched Ant - Man or read any of the books over the years, you might have asked yourself why Pym never thought to solve world hunger by growing various foods and sundries to massive proportions.
They did not expect that cleaning our plates would solve world hunger.
What do atheist contribute to solve world hunger and poverty?
As soon as they finish their research into giant beanstalks to solve the world hunger problem and geese that lay golden eggs to fix our economy.
The simple fact is I have absolutely no idea how to solve world hunger.
and then i thought well, since historically the world over god has such a great reputation of answering prayer, solving world hunger, an end to war or rape.....
We are not solving world hunger, finding a cure or making a gigantic difference in our communities, well maybe some.......
On the global stage, meanwhile, Gates has sharply criticized the powerful livestock industry as he talks up his vision for solving world hunger by promoting vegetarian diets.
Okay, I'm not donating a kidney or solving world hunger, but with my help, the airlines are able to keep up this charade and continue to reap profits for checked baggage.

Not exact matches

It's a science - driven company focused on solving problems like world hunger and global warming with, for instance, drought - resistance seeds, which have been gaining market share from competitors but had to be developed over years.
The Good Food Institute (GFI) is on the forefront of the movement to use food technology and markets to solve some of the world's biggest problems, from climate change and global hunger to antibiotic resistance and the exploitation of billions of animals annually.
«No one can solve hunger alone, but together we can make a real difference in our communities around the world,» said Stephen P. Weisz, president and chief executive officer of Marriott Vacations Worldwide.
That's why issues like the ailing environment, world hunger, and overpopulation are largely ignored by many Christians; instead of taking responsibility for these problems they leave them up to God to solve one way or another.
For 2 days and 26 pages of site entries people from around the world have thrown anger and curses and hate at each other and at God — and for what??? No arguments have been won, no souls have been won, no peace has been gained, no problems have been solved, no hunger has been fed, no bank accounts have been increased... get the picture?
I'm saying world hunger is not a problem which exists or can be solved in isolation.
If you want to really help poor people around the world, if you care about mankind in general, solving the problem of hunger, raising the wellfare of all of us that are not just the ultra rich, then you should go in the opposite direction of supporting ANY republican candidate.
So the atheists, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet who have donated billions to solve the world's hunger and medical problems have no moral compass?
Benbrook and Mellon argued against genetically modified food because they say the technology hasn't done what it promised over the past two decades, it has not been determined if there are long - term health risks, weeds are becoming resistant to Bt and requiring the use of more herbicides and biotechnology can't prove it will solve the world's hunger crisis.
Solving the problem of world hunger sustainably is possible, according to a new study released by Washington State Unive...
Nor would Disney's agricultural research solve «a widespread problem like world hunger,» as I enthused in my college application.
The real tragedy is that the debate about biotechnology is diverting attention from solving the problem of world hunger.
Let me just say that it would be ironic if AGW exists and was prevented from causing disaster, we conquered the new superdiseases, we solved the energy crisis, we eliminated world hunger, and we managed to turn war into a series of paintball games only to be wiped out by a giant rock.
All this happens swiftly, in silence, at the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere, and gratis: dear colleagues, when we learn to do likewise we will be sicut Deus [like God], and we will have also solved the problem of hunger in the world
I can't solve the crisis in the Middle East, I can't stop world hunger, but perhaps something I can do on some miniscule level will stop devastation to my environment.
Please explain the lost yields in Africa, then and how you have worked out the sources of their loss (and the gains that should have occurred by farming practices and the whole GM - crop - will - solve - third - world - hunger bounty that hasn't appeared).
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