Sentences with phrase «somatic stem cells»

the role of somatic stem cells in determining tumor progression and metastatic behavior, and control of the stem cell niche by tumor microenvironment
«No one has ever studied protein synthesis in somatic stem cells.
«This study has offered a novel way for Bam to carry out the switch from self - renewal to differentiation,» says Xie, whose lab uses a combination of genetic, molecular, genomic and cell biological approaches to investigate GSCs as well as somatic stem cells of fruit flies.
However, the cell types that somatic stem cells produce are usually restricted to those of the organ in which they sit.
Though immune therapy and regenerative medicine are promising areas of research for future medical therapies, they are limited today by the difficulty of creating stem cells, and scientists around the world are searching for ways to create somatic stem cells in the easiest way possible.
This was a surprise, Matunis says, and left a puzzle: Where were the new somatic stem cells coming from?
The team did several experiments to be sure that the hub cells were involved, including one in which they genetically marked the hub cells and saw the mark appear in the newly formed somatic stem cells — a clear sign that hub cells had divided to make new stem cells.
Abstract Regeneration of adult tissues depends on somatic stem cells that remain quiescent, yet are primed to enter a differentiation program.
Pluripotent stem cellderived somatic stem cells as tool to study the role of microRNAs in early human neural development
«Our next step is modelling conditions like Huntington Disease with inducent pluripontent stem cells (IPS),» he tells in vivo, «and studying somatic stem cells».
The collection of protocols includes the isolation and maintenance of stem cells from various species using «conventional» and novel methods, such as derivation of ES cells from single blastomeres, differentiation of stem cells into specific tissue types, isolation and maintenance of somatic stem cells, stem cell - specific techniques and approaches to tissue engineering using stem cell derivatives.
Adult stem cells — also called somatic stem cells — can be derived from the dog's own fat tissue and marrow.
One key question to be answered is whether the barrier is established in all somatic stem cells of the body.
According to Tomokatsu Ikawa, the first and corresponding author of the paper published in Stem Cell Reports, «We decided to look at the possibility that somatic stem cells could be maintained in a stem cell - like state where they could proliferate without undergoing differentiation.»
«When we finally figured out a way to kill all of the somatic stem cells, we thought that the rest of the tissue would probably just empty out,» she says.
When the somatic stem cells were destroyed, the hub cells cranked up their machinery for cell division.
But in the rest, the somatic stem cells grew back.
MSCs are considered adult or somatic stem cells and remain in a non-proliferative, quiescent state during most of their lifetime, until stimulated by the signals triggered by tissue renewal, damage and remodeling processes.
Through the screening of numerous natural ingredients based on the proliferative and migratory ability of the somatic stem cells, her team found several ingredients for the skin rejuvenation and launched skincare products with a concept of stem cell activation.
Somatic stem cells, known as cyst progenitor cells, and differentiating cyst cells are labeled in red.
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