Sentences with phrase «somber note»

On a more somber note, Paul Byrne, prominent consultant to many Hudson County pols, died in early May.
The title alludes to the ABBA album also called The Visitors, which came out in 1981; the band's eighth and last record, it strikes a surprising and almost somber note — ABBA broke apart soon after the album came out, with members blaming crises in their relationships and their exhaustion.
Opening with a distress call from the Asgardian refugee spaceship that was seen fleeing planetary destruction at the end of last year's «Thor: Ragnarok,» «Infinity War» gets that outcome out of the way early, paving a path forward for a film that, while very funny for much of its 2 1/2 - hour running time, ends on an almost stunningly somber note.
As memorials and reminders of America's insidious past, the works offer somber notes complemented by pieces by contemporary artists such as Kerry James Marshall, David Altmejd, and Nina Chanel Abney.
The day began in North Lauderdale on a somber note as her family unveiled Alyssa's headstone at Star of David Memorial Gardens.
The evening started off on a somber note with Cohen pouring 10,000 BB gun pellets into a metal container to illustrate the power of the United States» nuclear arsenal in front of a stunned audience.
Its somber note reverberates into our innermost depths.
But today — Sir David's voice takes on a somber note — Charlie comes with a different task: to show us how coral reefs are the keys that can unlock the truth about the bewildering changes we have unleashed in our climate.
For example, at the end of some inconclusive, static interchange, there will be the sound of a guitar echoing in an echo chamber, or a somber note being intoned on a synthesizer, as though something has been expressed.
But again, it's the same trick as the somber note on the synthesizer, a fake promise that something has happened or is happening.
Meyers ended things on a more somber note, praising the people in the background on Hollywood film sets.
We start on a somber note, with bodies being collected and buried at sea following the attack on Mother Base at the end of Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes.
The death in the opening scene kicks things off on a somber note.
Gemma Doyle is looking forward to a holiday from Spence Academy, spending time with her friends in the city, attending ritzy balls, and on a somber note, tending to her ailing father.
«The year ended on a somber note for the PC market, as it declined for the second consecutive year.
Battlefields On a more somber note, Belgium's location along the Western Front means that it is home to some of the most famous battlefields of World War I. From Ypres to Liege, Wallonia to Flanders, the country has a variety of battlefields where visitors can pay homage to the lives lost in one of the most devastating wars of the 20th century.
On a more somber note, 2007 sadly marked the death of Season 2 artist Elizabeth Murray, who passed away on August 12.
The paper closes on a somber note: The above figures are themselves based on IPCC AR4 SRES A1B (medium GHG) emission scenarios.
My obsession with legal tech began the day I needed contract management software and my search for the perfect solution ended on a somber note.
«Nichols» sentencing trial ends on a somber note»: This article appears today in The Atlanta Journal - Constitution.
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