Sentences with phrase «somebody who»

That was somebody who had died coming back to this life.
Offended at somebody who calls sacred scripture «drivel»?
«On the one hand, we have somebody who - if he isn't redeemed - faces death or danger or captivity, versus a theoretical possibility that someone could be harmed if these people go back to terror,» he said.
We would morally condemn somebody who would, as Scripture puts it, «stand idly by the blood of [his] neighbor» (Leviticus 19:16).
Finally somebody who remembers that this is supposed to be a country founded on FREEDOM OF RELIGION!!
An atheist can be far more moral than somebody who wastes his time praying.
Somebody who finds joy in this life, on the one hand.
See for instance Raimon Panikkar, On Catholic Identity (University of Tulsa 1991), p. 2, where this becomes clear from what he says on the identity of a Christian: «We may agree that a Christian is somebody who acknowledges a special relation to Jesus Christ, but the understanding of this relation can not be expressed in any univocal way and the analogy can not go beyond the formal or structural contents of the word «relation»
Somebody who cultivates the possibilities given to him by God, nature, humans or coincidence.
We often think of Jesus as being somebody who never needed a moment to Himself.
This confidence is based on an extrapolation which might be possible only for somebody who is, like Panikkar, equally at home in various religions and cultures.
It wouldn't have made any difference if they hadn't eaten it... Because if you're dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won't give up.
Somebody who experiences life as a grace.
I respect somebody who has other beliefs.
«Describing the Sabbath is like describing ice cream to somebody who has never eaten it.
Or, what about somebody who is already married?
LOL David, you make it sound like there actually is somebody who knows correct doctrine instead of it being each christian makes up his own doctrine because NOBODY can demonstrate by any reliable method whatsoever what the «true doctrine» should be..
Christ teaches us that, if we have two coats, to give one to somebody who has no coat.
«That's entirely different than talking to somebody who demands acceptance rather than asking for forgiveness,» Cardinal George said.
I know of too many people out there in the ether who just crave a listening ear; somebody who won't judge, knows nothing of their past.
«The choice to end our partnership is definitely something that shines a light on a disappointing trend within parts of the Christian community,» he said, «which is that there are Christians who believe like one another who aren't willing to stand with one another, simply because they're afraid of the backlash people will direct their way if they are seen with somebody who might not be politically...
You have been pressed on every side, you know there is nothing as dangerous as somebody who is makeing a come back, Glory!!!
I tell you, if you have never read Scripture with somebody who has never read it before, you are missing out.
I smell somebody who's guilty paying off and then pretending to be not - guilty.
That such people have any rational basis for their skepticism is out of the question, of course, and Dawkins tells us exactly what to think of them: «It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid, or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that).»
Somebody who is young can be more right than somebody who is old.
I know somebody who can give you joy.»
Williams defines a priest as «somebody who by offering sacrifice to God recreates a shattered relationship» between God and humanity.
Mormonism may sound ridiculous to somebody who is not used to it but in all fairness, Christianity also sounds ridiculous to somebody who has never encountered it before.
«Pray for strength emotionally and also for wisdom to be able to provide the correct guidance for them and to also have that caring spirit... your time may be restricted, but this is somebody who's coming to you with a genuine need... have that spirit to want to help them first.»
I don't mind being called a loser by somebody who believes in talking snakes and invisible diseases (sin) in invisible body parts (soul) and a big magic sky daddy created everything with a magic spell..
Once again, people believe what they believe, and if somebody can present a reasonable argument for his / her stance to somebody who's willing to listen, that's great.
Because if you're dealing with somebody who has the sort of mentality which likes leaving hats on the pavement with bricks under them you know perfectly well they won't give up.
But we can go to them and say, «I know somebody who can heal you.
Somebody who has three doctorates can be more wrong than somebody who only has a GED.
I know somebody who can free you.
Rather than walk past somebody who's experiencing homelessness, stop, spend a few moments of your time with them because it can make so much difference,» she said.
The religious indoctrination in those people is so complete that when they encounter somebody who actually is an Atheist it results in them becoming automatically defensive... as if another person simply believing differently than them is somehow an attack on their beliefs.
Of course, there is no reason you can't have somebody who is good at all three, but I think that real pastoring has gotten lost in the emphasis on what happens in a 60 - 90 minute timeslot on Sunday morning.
Everybody else heard somebody who didn't particularly care about their problems.
The newspaper's kind of candidate is «somebody who is well - spoken, physically put together, has a sense of humour».
But the «me» of today does not consider the «me» of fifteen years ago a heretic; just somebody who had to learn some difficult lessons the hard way.
I was manipulated out of my vocation by a bishop who didn't believe that somebody who had been very ill with depression, even though fully recovered, should be employed as a priest.
An «atheist» is simply somebody who has not declared religion to be true.
Can I just say what a relief to seek out somebody who truly is aware of what they re speaking about on the internet.
However, most people in America consider somebody who is of a mixed race consisting party African to be «Black».
Nor are the services of worship readily intelligible to somebody who has no acquaintance with the tradition of which it is an expression.
James Mildred also said: «That is an encouragement for Christians all across our society that here is somebody who is very publicly saying I've got two masters and I know the one I'm going to chose, I know the one I'm going to follow.
For example, when people break up — whether it's dating couple that breaks up, somebody who's been living together that breaks up or a marriage that breaks up — people do not break up for sexual reasons; people break up because of relationship problems.
It is simply unfair to blame bible believing Christians for somebody who says you can be an atheist by his definition and still be a Christian.
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