Sentences with phrase «someone a genius»

The latest stroke of genius of the company once again proves this in an impressive way.
The stroke of genius in this approach is to combine several groups of characters into one volume.
Such a simple and yet genius idea for a babies towel!
Adding the hummus is a pure stroke of genius for a lighter and healthy alternative..
The idea with Genius Hour is to allow students time and space to work on their own projects, with freedom to choose their own topics.
A work of immense power and great sadness I return to time and again because within the pages we glimpse a European writer of genius at work.
My first year of Genius Hour in my fifth - grade classroom was a huge success.
There are high expectations for the creative genius behind Mad Men, one of the most acclaimed drama series ever.
After that I saw the pure genius behind the cabin.
Actually, not as genius as you might be lead to believe.
That flying robot army shows why it makes sense to craft a movie around an evil genius from another planet: It gives the writers license to dream up pretty much anything they want.
I must say that the tenderness is a result of adding mashed potatoes to the mix, a stroke of pure genius on my part.
So what are the essentials of personalized education, and how does something like Genius Hour play a role?
One of the last great pleasures is the ability to unleash your creative genius on an unsuspecting station wagon.
And that part doesn't take genius; it takes a strong work ethic, determination, and guts.
And remember that the bible was written by genius men that didn't know where the sun went at night.
They include a free Genius Bar, where you can ask any questions about using the computer.
If you are in a hurry, then head over to the Resume Genius resume builder and get yours done in under 15 minutes.
When calling a job application for a brand consultant position, employers expect a marketing genius with load of creativity and never give - up attitude.
I have been attempting to come up with genius ways to promote my new career, you know, something that has never been done before.
Is is comic genius when it's not your own life, though.
Now the folks over at Boy Genius have managed to dig up a few leaked pictures showing that the phone is listed as «coming soon».
I don't know what genius originally coined that phrase, but it's my life mantra.
Even that stroke of mad genius in the writer's room managed to inform character and plot.
You sure are a resourceful wife to make such genius use of space to make a beautiful home.
I love potatoes how ever they're made but this is just genius idea!
I will definitely be back to see what other genius recipes you have to offer.
Okay, to be fair, I am definitely not a culinary genius as I am not the inventor of chocolate covered frozen bananas.
It was called Legendary and it was terrible, proving that the mark of true genius lies in combining a fantastic concept with flawless execution.
But the real genius behind this for me is that you can find recipes by typing in an ingredient or ingredients.
I am an 8th grade science teacher that is passionate about Genius Hour in the classroom.
In my mind, it was a stroke of genius because from that point forward, we could visualize the «anticipated memories» of the situation.
Regardless of your view point though, very few could question the artistic genius behind this latest instalment.
His tactical genius in coming back from 3 - 0 in a champions league final against perhaps one of the best squads of all time..
To the design genius who came up with the idea for packing toxic chemicals into a package so obviously irresistible for kids: What were you thinking?
Yet even the tech genius didn't do it all on his own.
A warm thank you to whoever made Genius Hour!
Your next door neighbour might be a fashion genius at something, or that movie really had some nice outfits.
If that is you, check out a tool called Genius Link.
The uncanny ability to recognise any note has long been associated with musical genius.
If you don't know whether you have the right insurance products, I absolutely recommend Policy Genius as a top of the line independent insurance broker.
It would be sheer genius in cold climates, which seemed like pretty much everywhere last winter.
A good looking math genius and professional poker player.
Perhaps it's the pink colour, or the way you paired the jeans with the shoes, but I think this was absolute genius doing.
This guy is a political genius although I believe he made a mistake sitting down for this interview.
Like how genius can one be (thank you makeup artist) to do a bright purple eyeshadow in a metallic touch.
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