Sentences with phrase «someone as your soul»

The family has had an ownership stake in the national newspaper since 1980, and Thomson told Globe employees that he saw the paper as the soul of the family business.
Your souls shall be forgiven for your lack of faith, just as all souls will be forgiven in time.
Heaven is that planet 35000 light - years from earth, ten times as big made of hydrogen and oxygen for water, gold as atmosphere (yes we're taking the gold) But to desist as soul when given the chance in hell if you truly believe seems impassible for me to fathom.
An Atheist who points at a dead body and says, look as far as we know this person has ceased to function, as souls don't exist.
If there is no such thing as a soul, there is also no such thing as true love... if life is simply a biological state, it too is semi-meaningless
Programs can enter another computer and continue, just as soul can continue.
The social philosopher Eugen Rosenstock - Huessy wrote: «Man as an animal organism lives forward from birth toward death, but, as a soul who knows beforehand that he will die, he molds his life looking backward from the end.»
Kant, through his Inaugural Dissertation and Critique, attempted to prove concepts such as the soul and god.
What we might say is that the modern condition of the person is of a soul longing for its recovery as soul, longing for an escape from the reductionism of person to mere self, to consciousness disoriented from reality.
How do spiritual realities, such as the soul, fit into the world of matter described by physics, chemistry, and biology?
However, the Bible teaches that when a person dies, then, they as a soul, die and is in the grave, awaiting a resurrection from the dead.
He guides persons and objects from within as the soul directs the body (see 1:399).
Only the series of dominant occasions known as the soul is a separate society, i.e., a set of personally ordered occasions which provide continuity in time for the patterns already generated in large part by nexus of living occasions within the field of activity proper to the brain.
She is the first to share in the resurrection of her Son when she is taken to heaven in her body as well as her soul.
When we know God's voice and answer his call, we sing, and as our soul «magnifies the Lord» we ourselves are magnified, becoming greater than the sum of our parts.
Now as the soul is more excellent than the body, and admits of far greater joy, so this spiritual union brings in more astonishing delights and ravishments than any other marriage relationship is capable of.
The meaning then was not that personality, conceived somehow in metaphysical terms as a soul, had sensations and experiences mediated through or associated with its physical organism.
Hebrew thought developed this idea rather than immortality, first, because the Hebrews had a vivid sense of the goodness of material bodily existence; and second, because they understood the necessary unity of the person not as a soul - in - body but as a whole living, feeling, thinking personality.
Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
Behold, all souls are mine, the soul of the father as well as the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sins shall die?»
At youth events such as Soul Survivor, where it was originally popularised, this song has often produced an explosion of joy.
When a man dies that whole thing dies; that is to say, that subsistent thing, made up of body and soul, perishes as the soul is separated from the body.
As emotionally compelling of an idea as a soul may be, there is absolutely no evidence what - so - ever that a soul exists outside the cognitive functions of the very material human brain.
Does your faith community have a similar statement regarding sexuality as All Souls Church?
This dimension of Hellenism is an important source of much of our traditional dualisms, such as soul - body and the denigration of worldliness, which in part was adopted by the Christian tradition.
Nevertheless, influenced by more atomistic modes of thinking inherited from the Greeks, many Christians came to think of the self as a soul isolated from the body and cut off from the world by the boundaries of the skin, an immortal substance in a perishable body.
Had Jesus risen as a soul rather than a person, Thomas could not have touched his hands and feet.
Behold, all souls are mine; the soul of the father as well as the soul of the child is mine: The soul that sins shall die» (18:1 - 4)
Only a complete child would believe in such ridiculous things such as souls, angels, demons, and a magic man in the sky.
Keep in mind as your Soul reads this through your eyes, that the «Other Side» was in the Cosmos first, and thus is more Evolved, than this Physical Side of the Universe which coalesced from the Resonant Frequencies of the «Other Side.»
All of us were already part of the true «GOD» since the beginning and we comprise the True God and existed as souls (no mass nor energy).
Eckhart says that Mary is the one who's still learning, whereas Martha is the one who has learned perfectly because she combines contemplation and action — though Eckhart doesn't use those words — in an unselfish, detached way She can now operate as the soul «without a why» and be effective spontaneously without losing that contact with God.
As Rachel Conrad Wahlberg has pointed out, Jesus saw women, Magdalene among them, not just as bodies for procreation but as souls who could respond to God's word.
Ezekiel 18:4 Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
For example, there is the distinction which men make between themselves as souls, selves, or thinking beings, over against the inanimate world of rocks, trees, and mountains.
As I have quoted on other occasions and in other writing, St. Thomas Aquinas made the point with his usual precision in an incidental remark — provided perhaps that we change his word «soul» to the word «mind» Aquinas said, «In his «rule» God stands in relation to the whole universe as the soul stands in relation to the body.»
a doorway that is as wide as our soul...
To talk about ourselves as souls who happen to possess bodies is to make a grave mistake.
Also in the case of animals, it is often best to speak of dominant occasions of experience to refer to that entity which in man is organized as soul.
There is no such thing as a soul.
David Hart has noted that there is a long theological tradition, particularly in Eastern Orthodoxy, that «makes no distinction, essentially, between the fire of hell and the light of God's glory, and that interprets damnation as the soul's resistance to the beauty of God's glory, its refusal to open itself before the divine love, which causes divine love to seem an exterior chastisement» (The Beauty of the Infinite, 399).
Ward then runs into difficulty, because he believes in an afterlife, but as the soul is «truly material» for him, he is left without a subject of our conscious states in the next life.
Is there such a thing as the soul?
«That which is the finest, essence — this whole world has that as its soul.
As the soul's desire, as a sharpened arrow, as the rays of the sun swiftly to a distance fly — so let cough fly also.
For... nature abhors a vacuum, and hence as soon as the soul is emptied of self Divinity fills the void.
our brains,, religionist attempt to rename it as a soul.
Just as each soul's relationship with God is different, so — in a sense — must be every historical manifestation of Christianity in culture and politics.
We are matter as well as souls, physical as well as spiritual.
It gives it body as well as soul, it makes it claim, as everything real must claim, some characteristic realm of fact as its very own.
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