Sentences with phrase «someone asses»

I'm a bit shy, but that doesn't mean I don't kick ass in video games.
Good luck in the future and don't let the door hit you in ass on the way out.
Natural state of humans: parked on ass eating bacon?
The boys are initially scared and weak, but thankfully, she's the total bad ass of the film.
You may assume people use dating apps because they either lonely, looking for a relationship, or just looking to get ass.
The selections below are the best headphones for running but also kick ass for general fitness, too.
It's a action movie for action lovers that needs to be seen on a huge screen with big ass speakers so you can really appreciate the bullets and punches.
And this weekend, young black girls watched her kick ass with her mind (and her mouth!).
Your books deserve all the attention they deserve, because it's apparent you've worked for ass off to achieve that!
Not as bad ass as he should have been.
This is why we don't press and we look like ass at the end of the season (in my opinion, of course).
Does that mean you don't «know» your own ass hole?
A leather jacket always ups the «edgy» factor — I feel kind of bad ass when I wear mine!
This, my friends, is about kissing ass.
I'm more of an amazon with a fat girly ass if you like that type of thing let's talk?
I love how you just wear whatever you want, look fabulous, and not give a rats ass about what everyone else thinks!
We put on that uniform every day and walk through those gates to protect your ignorant ass from these dirt bags.
And say to take your sorry half ass excuse for a game somewhere else.
Listen... if you really want to have a serious discussion just tell me and others following this link know and we can wipe your smart ass clean in no time.
I enjoyed the film very much, but it wasn't ass good as I expected.
Look out we've got a bad ass who think he's being politically correct.
I love the idea of nipple and ass play while dressed sexy.
Who is tired playing games with grown ass men who still think they are momma's little boys.
Let's put fat ass in a kennel and serve him 1 cup of gravy train in the morning, and 1 at night.
I love sports so if you are down for a kick ass game of basketball, football, baseball, or soccer I'm your girl!
In fact, it kicks ass so hard it should be illegal.
The problem is they're stuck up their own ass when it comes to dealing with third - parties.
I love how you said you had to haul ass on the tube.
People that have no logical argument to what I'm saying automatically feel the need to make their self look like a dumb ass by saying dumb shit.
I think it is fair to assume that we suck ass in this area.
Subscribe and get FREE updates about how to get ripped ABS and exceptional health and physical fitness that comes with it, so you can kick more ass in life.
Maybe that's why I love the metallic hues so much, they make me feel like a bad ass woman.
I'm a total sucker for pretty eyes and a nice ass.
I guess your a dumb ass because you can't read.
I like slender totally smooth with a cute tight ass.
One time, I got an interview by spending a long ass time on my cover letter.
How much ass does the Big Ten still have?
I love that they show off the new characters by having them in high velocity action and kicking some serious ass on another character!
B / W film still kicks ass over any digital camera equivalent.
We'll tell you now: if we have to deal with her complaining ass all through the main game, we'll be looking for an option to feed her to the zombies.
I just wish I could get my lazy ass out of bed earlier.
The real achievement here is that this really long ass story is actually really freaking good!
Most move out to get away from that rat race so your thinking is a little ass backwards.
Maybe if they were announcing kick - ass new features, like going from # 4 to # 5 in their processor family map, or even using white paint for the device shell.
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