Sentences with phrase «someone comes face»

You never know when you are going to come face to face with a client or potential customer.
«A lot of people get discouraged about meditation because they like the idea of it, but then feel like they're «failing» at it because they just come face to face with the quality of distraction,» says Arden Pennell, Business Insider's program director.
He had been self - reliant and fearless, he says, but after coming face to face with his own mortality, he realized he needed to do a better job of protecting his money and his family.
When I had to throw in the towel on my first startup, I came face to face with all the effort and work I'd done to try and make it.
Starting today, people in the U.K. will come face to face with one of the country's most famous female authors when they pay for a pint.
In one corner of Mattel's Design Center, I come face to face with some real magic: A machine that once made reels for View - Masters, the bright red 3D «stereoscopes» — invented in 1939 — that many of us grew up with.
In stepping into leadership at 21st Century Fox (FOX), James Murdoch will come face to face with the shadow of his 84 - year - old father.
I was on a road trip recently, driving through the American south, and ended up coming face to face with the economics of gambling.
When Prime Minister Trudeau came face - to - face with 54 - year - old Kathy Katula from rural Ontario last January, he learned about real - life consequences.
> Oh boy, can not wait till you come face to face with God.
That I will be coming face to face with the almighty God that created me and you (even if you do not believe it) and we all will face His judgement as well.
I don't believe the Bible is a true historical record or the word of God, but let's just say that if I die and come face to face with God, I'll accept that I was wrong.
It is only when we can acknowledge and cooperate with this potential that we come face to face with the danger and beauty of the sexual act.
A few days later, I was walking the street and I came face to face with these friendly warm people who were handing out their church information.
Reconciliation is hard and humbling, this is true, and it's also startlingly beautiful as if we were hiking through the woods at the base of the mountain and then we suddenly come face - to - face with a powerful waterfall, raining down from the glaciers at the top, ready to quench our thirst.
While giving lectures at a mid-western college I came face to face with a major affliction among young people: biblical illiteracy.
The fact is, to get to «repentance» a person will need to come face to face with the reason they do need to repent — and way too many run away from church then and there.
Coming face - to - face with the suffering of her child brought forth a compassionate and courageous artist.
I entertain the possibility that all will be saved only because I do not see how one can come face to face with Divine Love without being overcome by a desire to be embraced by it.
I will pray for him that God will bring him to his senses before he comes face to face with the Maker of Everything including gravity!
It has always astonished me that so many churches and individuals who are «missions minded» rarely engage in the mission of Christ that requires them to come face to face with an unbeliever and love that person into God's kingdom (p. 125).
«That moment I came face to face with my own privilege.
In Mount Sinai when Moses came face to face with God, the burning bush???? anybody know it??? that was Jesuschrist talking to Moses!!!
It's as if we come face to face with a part of life we don't want to see, so that often it appears that instead of «protecting» the one who is suffering, we are protecting ourselves.
Come face to face and dialogue with people.
If this divine discipline does not come in this life, if their heart does not soften, if they do not weep and wail and mourn for the sin they have become accustomed to, they will come face to face with their failure before the judgment seat of Christ.
And as far as primitive people's suffering, there wasn't much of what you called suffering before they came face to face with civilization.
Moses came face to face with the Eternal in the Wilderness?
'10 Along the way, we come face to face with our intent to have postponed that day of reckoning.
I lived Jesus, i have seen the change in my life, I have come face to face with the supernatural, I have experienced the Power of God so I know I am correct, but this is me, I share my faith, never force it.
I am saddened by all the non-believers who will be shocked that when they die they will come face to face with God and they will fall on their knees in fear because they will know how wrong they were.
What shook his foundations was suddenly coming face - to - face with his mortality, or at least...
And even more detrimental, it gets you to believe that you are incomplete until you come face to face with the love of your life.
He sat at his kitchen table wrestling with the meaning of his present crisis and came face - to - face with the fact that he could lose his newborn daughter or wife at any moment.
Worried it might finally be the day she comes face - to - face with the brutal consequences of her recent criminal dalliances, Beth turns the corner to find her dog eating spilled food.
«If we are to claim Jesus as savior,» he said, «we must, without fail, come face - to - face with our own morality.»
It reminds us that coming face to face — or even reasonably close — to the historical Jesus will not be a comfortable experience.
We have come face to face with the laws of ecology.
We don't have to wait until we die to come face to face and go wow I wish I had lived differently because you had so much better for me.
But, when we push the matter back to the rise of these directives, we come face to face with the basic character of the priest as the personal attendant and minister of the god.
Being in that place allowed me to come face to face with issues from my past as well as my current struggle, and placed me in a place to successfully overcome my overmedication via alcohol.
Nobody knows anything until they come face to face with Him and they realize they are entirely in God's loving hands, as He loves and loves and loves them.
Having insisted on the unity of our capacities, Julian would, I imagine, go on to talk about how we can exercise them specifically for seeking, finding and loving God: Your first capacity, for seeing the truth, gives you the ability to encounter God directly, to come face to face with God, she might say.
We come face to face with our own limits and those of our spouse.
I'm always encouraged and it always makes me feel good when I hear of another who is willing to come face to face with what they REALLY feel and what they REALLY believe.
Reading the Sermon on the Mount every day for a month and coming face to face with my own hypocrisy.
He never imagined they'd be sleeping on pool loungers in a makeshift hotel shelter, coming face - to - face with the destruction of a category - 5 storm, or flying home on a Samaritan's Purse plane.
May the Lord help us to recognize Him when we do come face to face.
When we come face to face with death I don't think we can say to ourselves, as it were: «Well, all right.
We come face to face with the proposition, the faith, and the conviction that God, in addition to being creative out - going love, is also responsive love.
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