Sentences with phrase «someone did a study»

Well, Fenwick & West did a study of U.S. tech IPOs that did a private financing within three years of their IPO.
So what I've observed is when I first did the study two years ago — and I did it together with US News and WPP — when I first did this study, the US was ranked as the fourth - best brand.
Personal experience suggests no and so do studies, PsyBlog points out.
I did a study abroad program in London when I was in high school.
Oxford did a study that said that half of U.S. jobs will be automated in 20 years.
«We did studies of what makes one nationality more valuable than another, and of course the British nationality is one of the best in the world,» Professor Dimitry Kochenov at the University of Groningen, who compiled the report, said at a conference in London.
So what relationship did the study find behind a fledgling firm having a female founder, board member, or C - level executive and the business coming to a happy ending?
«I'd be hired to do a study, and I'd come in and tell them, «This is the world, the way it is.»
«We did this study because understanding how much radiation comes off of common household items helps place radiation readings in context - it puts things in perspective,» Hayes said.
But according to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) which did a study in 2013 on the drug shortage, other reasons include a lack of materials to make the drugs, as well as delays in getting government approval for new and experimental drugs.
And so that's... that is one that... again, it's one of these very odd things where people had done these studies in the 1950s and then it got dropped altogether.
Not only does the study lay out the areas with the highest absolute numbers of grads (the usual big - city suspects like New York, L.A., Chicago, Washington, D.C., and Boston top the list), but it also compares cities by the concentration of grads among residents.
Do these study findings surprise you or jive with your personal experience of female - owned firms?
In fact, Career Builder recently did a study that found some alarming evidence that most Americans have poor spending habits and are living paycheck - to - paycheck.
Did the study run long enough?
Have you done any studies or had any success with looking at stocks like ACIA or WB that are trending just above their 10 dma moving averages?
UBS tried to show that this was not applicable to China and did a study several years ago showing that among developing countries this relationship didn't hold.
And even when they do study business, too much time is spent on theoretical rather than experiential learning.
In 2012, Facebook did a study into how its most popular brands drive engagement via its Pages.
SARAH: The Pew Foundation did a study on the flood program and they looked at these houses that have had multiple floods, and these are about 1 percent of houses that have flood insurance, but they make up 10 percent of claims.
How do you study thirty or forty thousand links if search rank, PageRank, high trust domains etc., don't matter?
A colleague of mine who works at a pension fund did a study last year in which he concluded that, because of the extreme degree of public pension underfunding, a 10 % decline in the stock market for a sustained period — i.e. more than 3 or 4 months — would cause every single public pension fund to blow up.
He's an insider and has access to better data than the outsiders and academics who have done studies that conclude $ 3 - 5 trillion of underfunding.
Which schools did they attend, and what did they study?
Rand Fishkin and his team have done studies that suggest that Google rewards sites that link out to authoritative sites that are relevant to the topic of your page or post.
Harvard Business School did a study: If you invested a dollar 20 years ago in a select portfolio of public companies focused just on growing their businesses, that dollar would've grown to $ 14.46.
They look at all the possible starting points, some start, some do their studies, they start in 1926 and then they look at the 30 year windows.
If you do study financial history like the period of the Internet Boom then collect books and articles from many perspectives AND look at supply as well as demand.
«When people do studies on Harvey, my expectation would be that part of it will be a slight contribution from climate change.»
The St. Louis Fed did a study of the vote of the Fed Board.
have you done a study?
If you do a study on who is out there at the frontlines fighting poverty, helping the poor / needy it is the believers.
I know that what maybe important to me might not be important to another but someone recently did a study to find out that the part in the brain that «lights up» when some people who play video - games excessively, is the same that «lights up» when folks get high on drugs....
If you actually do any study into Judaism, you will find that women are not considered 2nd class citizens.
you're saying the catholic Church did the study?
They go to church and occasionally do studies that give limited excerpts of the Bible to influence the opinion of the followers.
Do you study to get a degree?
When one meets a musician, the first question is always «Whom did you study with?»
You should do a study on what Jesus meant by lust.
We're doing a study on the Church right now actually and looking at The Nine Marks of a Healthy Church.
And if you find them you're clearly not doing any studying.
Our church is doing this study because we want our focus to be for the good of all in our community, church, and world.
It is interesting, because if you were to do a study of the book of Ephesians, and take note of all the key terms and ideas found throughout the book, you would discover that Paul repeats them all in these next eleven verses.
Why do you study the Bible?
I had already done studies into evolution, the big bang, physics, and a tiny bit of quantum physics (that crap was confusing!)
Mark Frees himself was once a pastor of a non-denominational church, but came to the conclusion that the one - pastor system isn't Biblical while doing a study of the church in order to teach it to the congregation.
It also occurred to me that he did not do the study himself but was parroting stuff out of books, not the bible.
Now, when you do a study of Christ's power and glory now that He has ascended, you will see that it is even more amazing still.
I just find it funny that people of science find every opportunity to jump on the anti-Faith argument without doing any studies or research about it.
If you want to know the truth, please do this study; it will be well worth your time.
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