Sentences with phrase «someone gets upset»

I was dating a guy who openly told me many times, «I don't believe in monogamy,» and then I got upset when he cheated.
Even though tenants would obviously get upset if the plumbing was leaking, it is false data to suggest that owning apartments causes people to lose interest in buying apartments.
Don't stay up all night watching movies, or waiting for someone to get upset about a Knee Defender.
In fact, I used to throw controllers and get all upset if I ever lost or had a few interceptions.
«Parents who respond to their children's emotions in a comforting manner have kids who are more socially well - adjusted than do parents who either tell their kids they are overreacting or who punish their kids for getting upset,» child psychologist Nancy Eisenberg of Arizona State University said in an interview.
I still cared for him, I wanted him to be happy, I would get upset if he was upset.
Beth was in tears and getting upset when the hostess was asking her questions.
I can't see many people getting upset with it.
The rule is you're not allowed to get upset: You've got to digest the feedback and appreciate it as necessary perspective.
and I told them what I did and they couldn't tell, they actually got upset,» Nelson said.
We need someone to actually come out and say, «I pay them less» — as Thornley pretty much did — before we get upset.
But getting upset and angry... not useful.
I don't swear at people or get upset.
The utility then gets upset at the general contractor, because without Larkin's employees, the contractor usually fails to meet the utility's deadlines.
But economists such as Ragan get upset when politicians start favouring one of those variables over the others.
The first is that we can get upset and frustrated as well, which lets their bad mood rub off on us.
Then in the days following up to her meeting with you, she gets upset that she have to attend.
When you get upset and bring down a team member, it never pays off in the end.
Can you manage your distressing emotions well — e.g., recover quickly when you get upset or stressed?
«The guy got upset,» Sobel says with a chuckle.
For instance, rather than get upset when the yard was locked down because of riot or fight, which caused me to miss my workout, I chose to work out in my cell instead.
I don't often make lunch plans because people get upset when I have to cancel them.
Most of the time we get upset, or react negatively to a situation, it is because that situation didn't go as we planned it.
When one passenger is late, your existing passenger gets upset at the rider experience.
Not sure why certain individuals are getting upset at the viewpoint of the author, at the end of the day it is just that, the opinions of a stranger so why let it bother you.
«In the 1990s some of the big branches did back off on their sales culture because customers were getting upset,» said Fadil.
«As a driver, is it worth getting upset, winding up upside down in a ditch or hurting somebody?»
It should be noted when Julian Robertson got upset with a Business Week article by Gary Weiss that had too much truth in it, he sued publisher McGraw Hill for $ 1 billion because it was «a nice round number.»
2 And because it's not exact, people are going to get upset, but the whole point of a thumb rule is to get people to understand a difficult concept more easily.
Forgive me if others who've experienced the same thing get upset when a holiday gets stretched into MONTHS and then those calling names get so upset and claim they are being assaulted.
Some people have gotten upset.
I mean, I'm all for (creationism) in philosophy class, history of religion class, human psychology class,» but bring it into science class, and Nye gets upset.
Science has THEORIES, which are only valid until a better one comes along, and no one gets upset about that.
People seem to get upset when someone bring up Intelligent Design or baffled is someone believes in Evolution but like I said, both are just theories.
You can believe whatever it takes to get you through the day and I won't get upset.
I use to get upset with many of the televangelist and the money thing, but not so much any more.
We don't get upset about corruption, poor education and poverty but let's freak out about swearing by someone known for swearing.
Janice gets upset, tells Khalilah that she will never find her ring because she is a heathen, and storms off.
when you all turn into hypocrites is when i get upset... its like black people creating black history month... what if a white person did that... then it would be racist... gay people want to be accepted and not hated on... the answer is not to turn around and hate and attack everyone else... really humans in america are fuct... no way out of it... you have all entangled yourself in a web of hate... grow up
My primary issue with Christians is, they expect to be allowed to take offense at something, and then get upset when others respond in kind.
I'm a Christian, and all too often I get upset with other Christians who believe that you have to wear your Christianity on your sleeve and constantly talk about it to others.
Also, it sounds like someone got upset by their college professor, and now since they have a CNN blog they figured they would soundoff on them because they are «successful» in the sight of the liberal (theologically) media, where «god» is anything we desire.
I am happy to report millions of Canadians are good without God, and those who aren't are confident enough in their beliefs to not get upset over a marketing campaign and let God do the judging.
Mormons (the mainstream ones) get upset when other Christians exclude them from being called «Christian».
The hateful Christians get all upset over abortion gays and muslims.
Everyone else got upset because Jesus was liberating people without anyone else's permission, endorsement, or approval.
It's almost as though people would rather get upset about something than have to use their brains and formulate an actual argument.
To get upset over what someone of another faith does in accordance with their own beliefs only suggests that you believe the other person might be right.
A person gets upset over a response and decides the best way to approach it is by reverting to 10 year old tactics....
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