Sentences with phrase «someone hiding behind»

It add a layer of credibility, rather than allowing chronic complainers to hide behind anonymous usernames, and provide an interactive connection through which merchants can engage with valuable customers.
And hiding behind your own social platforms is just as one - sided as what you fear will happen by talking to the media.»
«There was a bag with a motorcycle helmet hidden behind the bushes.
It can be easy to hide behind vague language, thinking the details will work themselves out as you go along, but if you don't have the answer now it's unlikely it'll suddenly come to you in the heat of the moment.
It was opened partly in response to a n examination by The New York Times of condominiums at the Time Warner Center in Manhattan whose ownership is hidden behind shell companies, according to the people with knowledge of the case.
It was to use social media for the greater good, not for sharing harm and hate and bullying and hiding behind our computers.
«They complain and say that if they didn't go to all these meetings, they could be so productive, but I think they kind of hide behind that claim.»
I'm sure many of us are hoping that the sooner Governments release the grip on services and utilities, and stop hiding behind the «national security» banner, we might actually start seeing some of the world's most intelligent companies being allowed to do what they do best, innovate.
Alutiiq occupies space in several buildings of Volvo Park, a low - slung office complex hidden behind a medical center in Chesapeake.
Consider how Christian Bale's character was able to hide behind his image in American Psycho with the help connections, and how the bad rap of Emma Stone's character in Easy A created an unnecessarily tough situation for a girl who actually had good intentions.
Companies are encouraged to take employees and leaders who were once hidden behind the company brand and put them out in front to carry the company's message forward.
You can't hide behind others, agencies or huge budgets.
No matter how insecure and afraid I might have been feeling on the inside, I managed to hide it all behind a super confident, capable, «can do» exterior.
It doesn't mean that you should hide behind the fine print of your terms and conditions.
This is an excuse salespeople hide behind when they either don't know their competitors, or they're worse than their competitors and don't want to say so.
Only by hiding behind the concept of «amateurism» is it possible to run a humming industry without paying your workers.
Armed with a Stechkin pistol, he hid behind a stone embankment and reportedly unloaded a clip before getting wounded.
It's crucial you understand the value of coming across as relatable and human rather than hiding behind a corporate wall.
Buchheim has found his keys, which had been hidden behind a wastebasket by a skeptical reporter.
That has raised fears that operators will hide behind technical excuses to mask what are essentially commercially - driven choices.
The event was staged at one end of the stadium, with the remaining three - quarters hidden behind giant blue curtains.
«To hide behind the First Amendment [in publishing a sex tape], that is an insult to journalists.»
No camera crews or producers are hiding behind the nearest tree.
So don't hide behind your website.
As a young entrepreneur myself, I have experienced too many times when female colleagues failed to dish it to me straight when I consulted them about my business ideas or when they kept blunt feedback hidden behind a smile.
Homebodies - They hide behind the family, using them as a retreat from the harsh world.
Before I joined WebpageFX, I didn't have much of a «public» personality to speak of online, and instead preferred to hide behind the comfortable presence of the brand accounts I ran at the time.
We used to think that we could hide behind our business but that's no longer the case.
«As our uniformed officers entered the casino, they observed Bennett hiding behind a slot machine.
«You are the most diverse class in Northeastern's history — in other words, you are Donald Trump's worst nightmare... I think that everything that we've lived and learned tells us that we will never come out on top if we accept advice from soundbite salesmen and carnival barkers who pretend the most powerful country on Earth can remain great by looking inward and hiding behind walls at a time that technology has made that impossible to do and unwise to even attempt.
Robert Palmer, policy advisor at advocacy group Global Witness, said the filings showed people might be able to hide behind shell companies despite the new system.
I'd watched CEOs slowly unravel as the false curtains they hid behind were swept away by the harsh realities of competitive markets.
In business, when you're going into very serious transactions with someone, financial transactions, it's important not to play a game or hide behind behind some made up identity.
If you can't flee, is there a desk or something you can hide behind?
He has also attacked Germany, saying it hides behind tariffs to win an export advantage for its car industry.
Your boss might hide behind the guise of humor, but they're really just using you as a punching bag.
Until the wayward states knuckle under, the ECB will hide behind EU rules against monetizing sovereign debt and let rising bond yields keep the pressure on politicians.
Can we step out of our comfortable corporate safe zone, where we hide behind our PR teams?
HOW TO DEAL: There's no hiding behind middle managers and spreadsheets out here.
Top executives refuse to hide behind polite discomfort, creating safety for others to openly offer differing views.
Small - business owners who allow consumers to see and hear them will garner more trust than those who hide behind stock photos and static text on a web page.
Now go pick up the phone and stop hiding behind emails.
Unfortunately, people are quick to complain when hidden behind a computer screen, but hold back on compliments.
Like many other major private companies, Bechtel's leaders feels they can no longer afford to hide behind its closely held status and let others control the narrative about its business.
In my personal opinion, one of the ways that websites maintain positivity is through real IDs vs. hiding behind anonymity.
«My hope is they don't try to hide behind executive privilege or try to say «this is classified information,»» the senator said of the intelligence chiefs.
In many instances, they've been hiding behind pending legislation from either friends or legislative friends who they've engaged to try to get legislation to bail them out of what might be a bad contractual relationship or a bad personal guarantee.
Instead, banks should evaluate the AFC landscape, determine what they need from a working relationship with an AFC, develop a detailed request for proposals, and move forward into this new lending environment rather than hoping to hide behind the regulatory barriers that harm borrowers and the banks themselves.
When it comes to beauty, seek balance by finding ways to accentuate what you love about yourself without hiding behind a costume, and remember that the greatest beauty comes from within.
It's time for Mark Zuckerberg to stop hiding behind his Facebook page.»
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