Sentences with phrase «someone living in a smaller space»

It also could be great for campers, boaters — anyone living in a small space.
I told my husband if we can make it living in this small space together for 3 - 4 months, we should be able to make it through just about anything!
When you live in a small space, there's a limit to how many clothes you can fit in your home, and taste in clothing varies widely.
The constraints of living in a small space, and walking rather than driving to get around really informed our choices, so I looked for items that can collapse or be used for multiple stages, and prioritized things like strollers and carriers more than someone who drives might have.
The compactness is useful for people living in smaller spaces or who travel to other people's homes where space is a factor.
Millennial and Gen Z parents tend to live in smaller spaces, have more modest incomes, and prefer to buy less, discard less, and get the most out of what they buy,» says Murray.
The more compact size can be helpful if you live in a small space or other shared living arrangements.
And then we started our RV adventure... and living in a small space with six other people made me rethink air fresheners.
It turns out that living in a small space can produce less - than - pleasant odors on a regular basis, especially during the warmer months.
This is an awesome solution for someone living in a smaller space, or apartment where they can not install a permanent solution.
If you live in a small space and don't have room to store an upright vacuum, a hand vacuum is a great alternative.
Parents who live in smaller spaces like apartments, flats and studios may find the Slim Snacker particularly useful.
Newborns seem to be comforted by swaddling in a soft blanket, perhaps because they have begun life in a small space, but keep swaddling loose enough to allow some movement.
Also because it inflates to a larger size, it is only really good to use in a full size bath tub which may not be ideal for families who live in smaller spaces.
Unfortunately, for families who live in a smaller space, a high chair isn't always a favorable option.
When you live in a smaller space, like an apartment, you may find that your home feels like it is being swallowed by a ton of baby stuff.
The Stokke Sleepi's oval shape and wheels make it easy to move from room to room, a necessity if you live in a small space!
If you live in a small space but don't like the idea of unfolding and setting up the high chair for every meal, you can go for a high chair with a compact design.
This stroller is perfect if you live in a small space or just hate having all of your baby gear take over your life!
Living in a small space means that I gleefully look forward to the end of the year purge as we tuck away all of our new treasures and collections.
Although larger models are adorable in many ways, the Dream On Me Bassinet is perfect for families living in smaller spaces.
Many seniors live in smaller spaces than they used to, with less use for new tchotchkes and collectibles.
«And you have a lot of people living in small spaces who move around a lot.»
If you buy an artificial tree, vow to use it for the next nine years (this is the magic number when using a fake tree usually starts to become less environmentally taxing than buying a real one every year), or consider an understated «wall tree» if you live in a smaller space.
Owning less stuff has allowed me to live in a smaller space, to spend less money, to work less, and has ultimately given me the freedom to spend my time the way I want.
The two main lessons I've taken from living in a small space are that you need to maximize storage options by doing things like using bins and crates under the bed and make sure everything has its own place.
I live in a small space so I do a lot of stacking to not only create depth, but also create the illusion of organized chaos.
Keep reading to hear more about Chelsey's transition into full - time freelance work, how she became her own boss, and the challenges she has faced with decorating and living in a small space.
Living in a small space has really forced me to love everything I own and think twice about random impulsive purchases.
Don't let living in a small space take away your holiday cheer (if you're someone who likes decorating).
What are some challenges that you deal with living in a small space?
I live in a small space and am looking for ways to use bold color to brighten the space for spring and summer.
Love the idea of living in a small space?
If you need a laid back dog that is happy living in a small space, consider one of these guys.
Securely leashed walks and a romp in a fenced off yard is good for poodle dogs that live in small spaces.
Your dog will be living in a smaller space, pretty much always indoors, and won't have access to a free running yard.
When living in small spaces such as a condo or apartment,...
The Leela Fold - and - Store Cat Condo is an ideal solution for playful felines living in small space..
The smell is not great if you live in a small space and don't want to have the windows open all the time.
If you live in a small space and plan to live there for a long period of time, you may want to adopt a smaller breed.
Living in small space shouldn't stop you from adopting a puppy.
Despite their somewhat intimidating appearance, members of this breed are generally quiet and not particularly active, making them ideal for living in a small space.
If you love large dogs but live in a small space, be assured that you can find a sizable, low - energy pet that will make a great apartment companion.
What types of large dogs will be happy living in a small space and why?
While it's true that many small breeds do well living in smaller spaces, people are often surprised to learn that this isn't always the case.
However, for many parents, particularly those with many children or who are living in smaller spaces, a small mammal is the perfect pet for their children,» said David Sprinkle, research director at Packaged Facts.
It is the perfect solution for dog owners who live in small spaces and urban environments, or when the weather ruins your plans to take a nice long walk in the park.
If you live in a small space, lead an inactive lifestyle, or don't have reasonable access to locations where your German Shorthaired Pointer can get out and run, then it's not likely to be the breed best suited for you.
Ideal for those living in small spaces, Pomeranians make great apartment dogs.
While they have the potential to be yappy, their ability to adjust to their environment and their friendliness with strangers make them a top choice for those living in small spaces with lots of people.
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