Sentences with phrase «someone more freedom»

I love digital manga because it's supposed to give more freedom in what I read and when.
I no longer have to stress about protein intake which translates to so much much more freedom in life.
While this may seem somewhat limiting it actually provides you with more freedom with how you want to play.
Having the extra man at back perhaps allows more freedom of movement and creativity up front despite (or because of) one less person.
There are no wires in these bras, allowing for more freedom of movement and no added pressure to the breasts.
Now as the technology has evolved, we're seeing much more freedom with the music.
Moreover, it requires less installation space and allows for more freedom when designing the chassis.
It would have been nice to have a bit more freedom in terms of creating a character to fit what you want.
You can allow yourself a little more freedom when choosing a font for your site's header.
Some are able to give more freedom when it comes to position and many parents feel that they are the best for breastfeeding because of it.
I like that the safety harness can be either a full five point harness or a 3 - point lap belt for older children who want more freedom of movement.
This results in smooth camera movements that adapt to the players next intention, preventing frustration and offering more freedom in level design.
But I still think it's possible to do this and give players more freedom on how to make their character suit them.
If you want even more freedom in your monthly expenses, you should strive to spend less on a car than you can afford to spend.
It gives a bit more freedom as to where you can hit enemies and it just helps combat flow better, which is always a good thing.
A «Track» mode allows a little more freedom from the stability control and changes the throttle's response curve.
The coalition government has been pushing the roll - out of the programme, which gives schools more freedom over their budgets and curriculum.
«You have much more freedom on set than you do in a real home,» she says.
Schools will also get more freedom over what they can pay teachers, the coalition pledges, a move which will be unpopular with many teaching unions.
The team found that self - published authors enjoy more freedom in making decisions about editing, design and marketing.
They also generally find that they're able to give your dog more freedom in the house sooner without worrying that he'll have an accident.
Because the payment is made directly to the beneficiaries, a regular life insurance policy provides more freedom of choice.
And in order to foster talent, we're planning to give schools more freedom to set their own pay structures, giving the teachers who add the most value the biggest rewards.
We have made a start, but we now need to give teachers more freedom over what and how they teach in the classroom.
The educational environment of the future may allow students and parents far more freedom and flexibility in choosing their educational paths.
You have a lot of your career ahead of you and being considered in how you spend now means more freedom and flexibility later.
Make it clear that you'll grant more freedom when he's able to show you that he makes good decisions.
In writing articles, creating courses or working with ecommerce clients he has one goal: to create more freedom for online store owners.
We're just giving people more freedom of choice.
The advantage of this plan is that it does not restrict access on the part of adults while it gives parents more freedom of choice about what their children can see at home.
As you continue to unfold and surrender to what you experience in your body, you'll find more freedom, not only within your physical self, but in your whole life.
Explain that he can show you when he's ready for more freedom by doing well with the independence he already has.
He thinks taxes need to be cut and that businesses need more freedom from regulations to create more jobs.
The 8 open projects give children more freedom as to how to create a solution to a problem.
Tap into this moment of instability to establish the precision that will allow you to experience more freedom in the pose.
We recognize that as an opportunity to give students more freedom and teach online.
I get the feeling that the advent of systems such as blind spot control have allowed the designers more freedom at the expense of basics such as uninterrupted visibility.
Your child will continue her special meal plan, but she may have a bit more freedom while taking the medication.
It also gives the level designer more freedom in producing a unique level design because the game doesn't necessarily need to stick to a true - to - life design reliability approach.
As a parent, you will experience a lot more freedom during this time period.
This again gives the developers more freedom to work with the story.
You don't want more freedom because you're power hungry; you want more room to operate because you know that's best for the kids and for your school.
Will say I am self - employed so do have more freedom then the 9 - 5 guy.
As youths accumulate points, they are afforded more freedom from adult supervision.
Tell your 15 - year - old teen that she will be able to gain more freedom if she could show you that she would handle more independent tasks.
Before you know it, you'll be feeling more freedom, making higher profit margins, and spending less time with the mundane, operational and administrative tasks that you hate.
The difference between regular recipes (like the ones you find on my blog), and vegan meal templates is that templates give you way more freedom!
Both bills would also give states more freedom to innovate and let them change the ways in which they evaluate teachers.

Phrases with «someone more freedom»

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