Sentences with phrase «someone opens their mouth»

Then she put the mask on, its sound chip emitting Chewie's plaintive growl every time she opened her mouth.
To do that, you need to stop being polite and start being passionate, from the moment you open your mouth.
I really do believe, especially the first decade of my career in food, it was spent with my head down, and my eyes and ears open, and I only opened my mouth when someone put food in it.»
«You have to be willing to open your mouth and say whatever comes out, and hope you're going to get the bread you need or the cheese you want to eat,» says Kelm.
Even if you manage to accomplish all of the above, you can instantly ruin that strong first impression once you open your mouth and say any of the following eighteen words or phrases.
And while five percent might not sound like a massive improvement, given how incredibly easy it is to just open your mouth and speak, MacLeod insists this study hack is definitely worth a try.
Whether you realize it or not, you are pitching yourself, your product, your cause, and your company every time you open your mouth, write an e-mail, or hop on a call with someone.
He opens his mouth wide to offer a resonant laugh that sounds like the noise karate champions make while kicking through a piece of wood: «Hi - yah!
«But as soon as I open my mouth, you can sometimes look at the person's face and they're kind of like, «Wow, she knows something, too.»»
After she waited about 15 minutes in the living room of the bungalow, she alleges that Trump «came to me and started kissing me open mouthed
Such an «open mouth» policy could never improve our results and in some situations could seriously hurt us.
But given Mr. Trump's seemingly congenital inability to stay on script, it's anybody's guess what will actually come out when he opens his mouth.
Look, I'll level with you, I've pretty much just spent the week staring open mouthed at the internet while one more UK political crisis collapses into the next.
If other countries didn't like us before he opened his mouth, they do now.
then open their mouth and prove that they are even lower life than the one they talk about..
This reply is for Ms. GK, please think before you open your mouth, in your feeble attempt, to speak for African Americans!
Nope, we have no corner on the market of the open mouth, insert foot and chew.
I don't consider Irish Catholics and Mexican Catholics the same either — don't open your mouth if you are too lazy to read the article and look up the subject matters.
They embarrass themselves every time they open their mouths.
think about that Before opening your mouth about God think twice!
Next time you open your mouth without facts, please do yourself a favor and read up before you comment without the whole story.
So personally, I think they got exactly what they deserved for opening their mouths and complaining over 4 busses having a simple basic add that is not offensive at all except to those who believe they have the right to DICTATE (derived from Dictator) to others what they can and can not do and who SCREAM bloody murder if they are subject to the same rules they themselves wish to espouse.
The moment I said It / The moment I opened my mouth / Lead in your eyelids / Bulldozed the life out of me / I know what you're thinking / But darling you're not thinking straight / Sadly things just happen we can't explain / It's not even light out / But you've somewhere to be.
They can always be spotted by the maxim: «Keep silent and be thought a fool; open your mouth and remove all doubt.»
I guess old Rush open his mouth once too often.
Once again, a chritian opens mouth, inserts foot.
Think about what it means to be «Christ - like» before you open your mouth about this «Christian nation.»
Keep mouth closed and people will only think your a fool, but open your mouth and people will know your a fool.
God is not going to open your mouth and do it for you, you have to open your mouth yourself and say the words yourself.
Further proving Sam Clemens adage, «Better to remain silent and be thought the fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.»
... Open mouth insert foot.
Regarding the author's attempt to apply the concept of Biblical retaliation to the current situation, the author should not place himself in the position where he is known to be a fool by opening his mouth.
Christ endured much on the cross, and did so patiently, because when he suffered he did not threaten; he was led like a sheep to the slaughter and he did not open his mouth.
As Confucius said... «Better to remain silent and give illusion of stupidity than open mouth and remove all doubt.»
Please don't open your mouth and spew these wacky faux news blatherings.
2 He opened His mouth and began to teach them, saying, 3 «Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Before you open your mouth to say things like that get your facts staright!
Congratulations, you opened your mouth and removed all doubt.
I am not advocating people don't see drs. I am saying a person can also open their mouths and speak to their conditions and command it to leave.
I still had to get up there every week and open my mouth.
The object of opening the mind, as of opening the mouth, is to shut it again on something solid.»
The authority of ignorance is when you open your mouth and plain self serving opinion spews forth.
You know, Job's comforters were doing great... until they opened their mouths...
I will open my mouth in a parable; I will utter dark sayings from of old, things that we have heard and known, that our fathers have told us.
My hand has found like a nest the wealth of the peoples... And there was none that moved a wing or opened the mouth, or chirped.
At a Boston press conference Michael Ferber said, «Every time the general opens his mouth he gets another couple of hundred draft cards.»
-- Prov 13:3 This may seem at first to mean «don't open your mouth», but think what a guard does: he stands vigilant and lets pass only what is permitted.
«You see, victims — especially victims in evangelical environments — are told that their allegations of abuse are private matters, that opening their mouths and saying that things are not okay is «divisive» and «against Christian unity.»
Yes, God sees the heart, and that is what is most important, but that doesn't negate the importance of what we communicate to the world before we ever get a chance to open our mouths.
I often think that Job's friends did a great job comforting Job, all the way up until one of them opened his mouth.
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