Sentences with phrase «someone sneezed»

Going on a witch - hunt because someone says «Bless you» to another employee that sneezed (real example) creates an environment of paranoia and stifled self - expression, without improving how people treat each other.
Plus, 81 million active users is nothing to sneeze at, and Spotify isn't exactly profitable yet.
Sure, there's the holiday season to look forward to, but there's also the advent of coughing and sneezing as the latest cold or flu strain makes its way around your company.
And while the business — which runs affiliated sites including Yemeksepeti, Foodora, and Foodpanda — may not be the next Uber, per se, it's certainly nothing to sneeze at.
Customers say that it's got great sneeze - stopping power, too, removing allergy - causing particles from medium to large rooms.
The nosy iPhone app that snoops your Twitter and Facebook circles for local illness reports is nothing to sneeze at.
Sneezing, wheezing and taking allergy medication is part of every - day life.
When he's not pretending to be sneezed on, Holiday is the marketing strategist for American Apparel, the made - in - the - U.S.A. clothing company that has become better known for its racy ads and the sexual harassment lawsuits levied against CEO Dov Charney than its workaday T - shirts.
On MSNBC, he claimed he was sneezed on while visiting a Burger King.
Our bodies can only take so many sneezes on a flight before our immune system takes a hit and we find ourselves spending our hard - earned vacation days staring at the ceiling of a hotel bathroom.
Is that tightness in your chest a sign you're about to have a panic attack, a nasty case of pneumonia, or a sneezing fit?
Long - time Foursquare investor, Fred Wilson of Union Square Ventures would also remind people that the company's massive data stores and people - mapping features are nothing to sneeze at.
I learned that after having kids, one - in - three women experience leaks if they laugh or sneeze or do a jumping jack.
Although 316 horsepower is nothing to sneeze at, he wanted more obvious oomph, from a good old - fashioned six - banger.
«However, if you do fly with your baby, remember to be extra dedicated to hand washing or sanitizing, and try to shield your baby from any direct contact with the coughs or sneezes of obviously ill travelers.»
In 2012, the Mayan - forecasted apocalypse that was supposed to happen on Dec. 21 came and went without so much as a sneeze.
Make sure to start sneezing, wheezing and blowing your nose, and you definitely shouldn't appear fine the days before, so the sudden sickness is believable.
In the case of a U.S. government shutdown, though, the adage should probably read the other way around: When the U.S. catches a cold, Canada sneezes.
«I open the curtains to let the beautiful sun shine on my face, triggering my photic sneeze reflex.
It turns out that sneezes start in your nerves.
Still, fourth place is nothing to sneeze at.
When the U.S. sneezes, Canada catches a cold.
When something enters your nose, it sets off the «sneeze sensor» in your brain, which then sends signals for you to to close your throat, eyes.
Some airlines including Southwest are saying they will keep passengers from flying if they appear to be very ill with a communicable disease, but it can be hard even for medical professionals to attribute a lone sneeze to flu, as opposed to some other condition.
And it's not just the tight deadlines, stress - eaten bagels, and sneezing coworkers that are doing you in.
Commuters and passengers should make sure that they are «doing the sensible, common sense things like washing their hands frequently, and covering their coughs and sneezes,» advises Lisa Koonin, the Centers for Disease Control's (CDC) lead for pandemic planning for the private sector and businesses.
They are not going to prevent virus particles from penetrating the body's defenses, although they could be useful in blocking the sneezes of a person who is already sick but has to leave the house.
The more people you cram into an enclosed area without barriers, the higher the likelihood that a sneeze or cough will spread disease.
A man sneezes, and the stock market crashes.
One of the premier global brands to which anyone or any city would love to hitch its wagon, when Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos sneezes, people want to examine the tissue for opportunity.
This promise is nothing to sneeze at.
That's nothing to sneeze at, pardon the pun.
If one of them sneezes, the keyboards go into overdrive as everyone races to cover it.
Uta Winkler said she's been waking up to fits of sneezes every morning for years in the Kushner Village complex in Manhattan.
$ 90,000 by 29 is nothing to sneeze at.
This amount calculates to about $ 340 billion — nothing to sneeze at, but a far cry from the current U.S. debt level.
Asian and commodity - producing economies in particular depend on China, and catch a cold when it sneezes.
That's nothing to sneeze at — and the benefit could potentially be a lot higher!
If both sneezed at the same time then instead of «God bless you» perhaps someone would cry out «God have mercy.»
The Housing Market: A real estate recovery, after all, is nothing to sneeze at.
«The old saying goes that when the U.S. economy sneezes, the world catches cold.
It clogged the river for miles, causing coughing, sneezing and skin irritations.
Initially, this seemed like a pretty silly idea, but $ 72,800 of passive income in 4 months is definitely nothing to sneeze at!
Of course, every time the Fed meets and there is a cough or sneeze hinting at interest rate increases, REITs all tumble.
If we're walking down the same street, and you have a cold, and I have the belief that anyone who sneezes around me is possessed by Satan and that the only course of action acceptable to God Almighty is that is kill you... that belief matters.
The Jatravartid People of Viltvodle Six firmly believe that the entire universe was sneezed out of the nose of a being called The Great Green Arkleseizure.
Have a nice day and don't sneeze too much.
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