Sentences with phrase «someone speaking up»

Here's why Suster says it's imperative more VCs begin to speak up — men and women:
But it's also the ability to flex and grow — and listen as users speak up with ideas.
«It has called to attention the importance of having a work environment that is safe to speak up [in],» New York City - based Mila Singh, culture strategist at culture management platform CultureIQ, said of the #MeToo trend.
For men who behave professionally in the workplace, speaking up about any alarming behavior you see is also important.
When a PR crisis erupts out of nowhere, put consumer interests first and speak up quickly with calm, caring and genuine statements.
«The movement has been building for a long time; now, it's time to see how powerfully women will speak up on their own behalf in politics, entertainment, etc.,» says Leader - Chivée.
«This is deeply ingrained bias and years of culture that have long taught men to speak up and loud and with authority and the rest of us [women] to listen when they do so.»
But when there's a pattern of behavior profiled across many women and researched by a trusted journalist who has examined evidence, we must speak up and make sure this kind of behavior won't be tolerated no matter how powerful somebody is and no matter how many people they threaten and try to silence.
If the balance feels off, be sure to speak up — don't hold things back, because in addition to harming your professional relationship, it can affect aspects of your personal one as well.
Yet when it's in tech or VC we seem much slower to speak up.
Some employees are hesitant to speak up in meetings.
And while sex harassment is nothing new, more victims are speaking up — and employers are listening.
Some are even hesitant to speak up privately.
Encourage people to speak up Innovative teams are comprised of inspired employees who are unafraid to speak their minds.
As a product launch date inched closer, it was common for a few teams working on the same project to realize they were unlikely to make the date, but no one spoke up, under the belief that another team was even farther behind.
I remember one coaching client of mine who was a senior executive who was fearful of speaking up in meetings.
«You need to get an informed, intelligent and well - meaning leader who isn't afraid to say, «Let me speak up against this,»» she says.
Fortune: You've spoken up about the issue of paid leave and the need for a federal policy.
I'll do anything for my team, and I'll speak up when needed, but I tend to lead more by example.
«Women speaking up for themselves and for those around them is the strongest force we have to change the world.»
Speaking up wouldn't have changed much.
In the same vein, if you're made aware of an issue before a customer reaches out to you to complain, be the first to speak up!
«I want Musk to speak up against Donald Trump's climate change policies,» he said.
Thornton finally spoke up in a conference call in February, when he laid out his vision to turn Barrick into a slimmed - down gold producer.
The reaction to Fowler's blog post showed women that their voices could make a difference, and that speaking up, while still a risk, might mean other woman won't have to experience what they had experienced.
Some people are shy to speak up in meetings or to contribute.
In fact, in small layoffs, it's the whistleblowers who spoke up (inconveniently) or anyone who made one of their bosses (or their egos) uncomfortable who are often the first to go.
They start avoiding colleagues and rarely speak up in meetings.
Anyone speaking up was likely to be ignored, labeled a problem, and avoided.
Women of late are speaking up more loudly than ever before about the experiences they've had with men who have abused their privilege and their power.
There just has to be a protected space for women to speak up.
He cautions that in groups of more than seven, people don't speak up as much.
It did speak up on the Stop Online Piracy Act earlier this year, but for the most part Google has been focusing its public muscle on uncontroversial projects like augmented reality glasses and robot cars.
The affirmation I focused on was, «I am listening to, loving, and trusting my inner voice and speaking up for the world to hear.»
Your dedication and expertise will inspire others to speak up and participate.
If they notice something they are of course encouraged to speak up about it.
«If you speak up at some length at work, even if you are in a senior position, you will be seen not only as gabby but also as incompetent,» the authors warn women in another post for The Daily Beast.
I hope that it does inspire a lot of people, any minority who's been preyed upon in this way to speak up and feel confident that they can speak up
To close this gap, provide every employee with an opportunity to speak up and ask questions.
For example, letting everyone just speak up whenever and in whatever way they want makes it difficult to manage communications.
Whether they speak up in a meeting or they try to make small talk with an acquaintance, people with social anxiety worry that their anxiety is noticeable.
In an interview with Business Insider, Akshay Kumar — one of the most famous actors in Bollywood — said sexual misconduct is «everywhere» and that the allegations against entertainment stars in the US may encourage other women around the world to speak up.
Today, we all have a voice in the debate and can speak up.
Among those that speak up are academics, former FAA officials, aerospace industry executives, drone entrepreneurs looking to build new companies around UAS technologies and services, local law enforcement, and U.S. intelligence employees.
Don't be afraid to speak up and ask the publisher where they intend to place your ads.
Lord encouraged professional women to always speak up about what they want, and to build networks of support within companies.
And she said, «Oh, yeah, you don't speak up or challenge leadership.
And knowing that one's career hangs in the balance doesn't exactly encourage an astronaut to speak up about any mental health challenges they might be facing.
Later on in the discussion, Zeif spoke up again when Trump asked the group to provide suggestions for ways to prevent school shootings and argued that the country could look to states like Maryland, which have stricter, and more effective, gun laws.
Given that most people see speaking up as a risk, it's rare that anyone takes that risk without good reason.
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