Sentences with phrase «someone unafraid»

So you might logically think that the most successful fast - growth companies are started by very young founders who are unfettered by convention and unwritten rules, able to take risks, and unafraid to shake up the old order.
Encourage people to speak up Innovative teams are comprised of inspired employees who are unafraid to speak their minds.
For decades — centuries — the archetype of the successful business person has been the sneering blowhard, unafraid to bark orders and excoriate the work of underlings.
Legere's loud and proud nature also means he's unafraid to send up competitors and calls them names in public.
Saying no is a major self - control challenge for many people, but «No» is a powerful word that you should unafraid to wield.
«Dad was (and still is) open, honest, and unafraid to ask questions or seek advice — even from his children,» writes Branson.
What he means is, Pixar's ballyhooed Braintrust idea meetings boast a mixture of champion storytellers like John Lasseter, the director of the first two Toy Story films — and a whole bunch of employees unafraid to challenge him, even though he's the John Lasseter.
And open - minded managers appreciate employees who are unafraid to share ideas and who want to contribute in a way that makes a difference, even if that means challenging the views of their superiors.
For a leader familiar with the hard knocks of politics, Whitman has been unafraid to flip - flop.
Today, fathers are portrayed as cuddly caregivers, unafraid to get their hands dirty when it comes to daily parenting duties.
It's unafraid to introduce a drastically new game mechanic for a single level, which gives the game a hand - made feeling.
Social entrepreneurs often start small but then build traction because they are unafraid to reach out to others to help them do their work.»
People who start companies are passionate, energetic and unafraid of risk.
Similarly, Elon Musk and Richard Branson — men who are unafraid to take figurative and literal moonshots with their business ventures — are compelling personalities.
Having «yes» as a first option daily means to be unafraid to fail and move forward.
He is unafraid of controversy while managing to live without regrets, as his mother taught him.
Silicon Valley is a unique environment where venture capital firms line the streets, share expertise and are unafraid of investing in the dreams of imaginative entrepreneurs.
Yep, AOD's only mission is to «help people get what they rightly deserve,» loudly, persistently and annoyingly, care of scrappy spitfires unafraid to tango with horrible, rotten, no - good customer service reps.
Early on in her tenure, she became known for being a bit of an intrapreneur unafraid of taking imitative, as she showed by authorizing the 1993 Waco raid of the Branch Davidian cult compound.
As Bloomberg noted moments later, the evening was off to a sassy start, the mayor unafraid to return in kind.
You end up unafraid to push outside your comfort zone.»
At F.Y.I.s, Mayer liked to tell employees that she believed in taking risks and that she was unafraid to admit failure.
My personal view is that Trump is 100 % unafraid to inject politics into Fed policy.
He also has a reputation for being bipartisan and unafraid to stand up to members of his own party.
We only work with entrepreneurs who are unafraid of failure, who seek advice and implementation building ventures that disrupt industries.
This leftist tactic has worked for over one hundred years, because there are not many people who can stand unafraid before it.
Is it not this unflinching freedom that allows Pope Francis to do what he does because he is unafraid and totally free to be himself at the same time of being such faithful son of the Church?
I will be unafraid to be real about my mental illness and the ways it stops me from living life how I'd wish.
We are grateful for all that has been achieved, and as we plan our summer events for 2018, we are, paraphrasing Scripture, awake, watchful and unafraid.
I will be unafraid to speak up about the ways I have had my potential limited by those who see female - ness as a call to hold back.
I swear, SWEAR, I heard the cat say «OH SHIT» before it tore off for the hole in the fence with my dog on his heels, unafraid.
I will be unafraid to hold different theology on women, on marriage, on life.
In conclusion, I do find it interesting that those who are raising concerns about all that happened and is happening are doing so unafraid in the public forum of my post with a lot of emotion and intelligence, while those who are trying to silence the discussion or at least control it are contacting me privately outside of the public forum with words that attempt to direct, intimidate or shame me.
We are the ones who are unafraid.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears Looms but the Horror of the shade, And yet the menace of the years Finds and shall find me unafraid.
«And a Church,» he writes, «that taught one part of mankind to walk upright and unafraid through one Dark Age may yet summon up the power that will enable us to avert another Dark Age, or to face it, if it begins to descend upon us, with unyielding courage.»
Israel is unafraid and not under threat!
According to development experts, well - bonded children are secure and unafraid.
There is more than one way to be unafraid, even as we refute error we acknowledge that truth is not yet understood fully.
If this is what Fox news calls «fair, balanced, and unafraid», I think there is no reason to trust or watch Fox news anymore.
Our church is a place where we're unafraid to acknowledge that we're always in beta.
Because I am a man of faith, I have hope; because I hope, there is no place for fear; because I am unafraid, I can love, for love has already cast out my fears.
Now unafraid, I reached out and held his decaying hands.
Kaufman is unafraid to be — to use two of his favorite adjectives — both human and humane, honest about both his caution and his passions, and in that he provides even those of us who disagree with him with an admirable model of how to be a theologian.
Then I was young and unafraid, And dreams were made and used and wasted.
He is a man of prayer with a pastoral heart, but unafraid to face challenges.
The evidence of evolution is readily available to those who are willing and unafraid to look for the truth.
At the same time, he's curious about his world, unafraid of disagreement and open to new experiences.
Had we not better say «it doth not yet appear what we shall be» and go about our business unafraid and untroubled?
In the new millennium we are to put our trust in God alone, unafraid to take the gospel message into our own hearts and to witness boldly to the perennial truth, who is Jesus.
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