Sentences with phrase «someone with kids»

While family dinner around the dining room table is not as common as it once was, parents are spending lots of time with their kids in other ways.
If you are not a classroom teacher and are just looking for fun winter activities to do with your kids at home, these are perfect for you too!
I have so many cherished memories of spending more time with my kids traveling, camping, and playing outdoor sports.
My biggest tip for anyone thinking about how to make long term travel with kids work for them, is action your plans and just go for it!
In working with kids who sometimes have handwriting difficulties or don't like to write, shaving cream can be a great way to get them to practice.
Playing with your kids does not need to be messy, complicated, or expensive.
Staying home with my kids made it easier for me to nurse and it was nice not to have to do much pumping.
They are ideal for families with kids living in small spaces.
Our guide was nice and good with the kids as well!
Even though they are not suggested for houses with little kids, they ought to get along great with kids who're older.
Sure, you can play with the kids at home.
When autumn has finally arrived, it's hard to take your mind off of fall crafts to make with the kids on chilly, brisk days.
He was always great with the kids of his previous owners.
But, that parent will still have the right to spend time with the kids on some schedule.
His answer was «yes,» although he noted that there are clear «do's and don'ts» for talking with kids about sensitive topics.
Life with kids doesn't have to be complicated!
I made this a couple of nights ago and it was a hit with my kids who don't do spicy.
There are tons and tons of cooking with kids activities that you could do — from baking cakes or cookies to churning up ice cream together.
She also has potential to be good with kids as well.
I'm outside all day with our family vacation with the kids spring break.
The love parents share with their kids can be really fulfilling.
If you are a parent with a kid playing sports, you know how expensive sports are these days.
But teachers have struggled this year with how to incorporate Hawaiian culture into their classrooms, and connect with kids from very different backgrounds.
I loved reading with my kids when they were babies and toddlers even if it often meant them eating the books at the same home.
Some moms may need to employ child care while they meet with clients but can manage other aspects of their work day with the kids around.
It is needed to open gates of communication to have a better relationship with kids especially, family, even everybody.
I go into schools to talk with kids about making things themselves, and teach craft workshops to kids so they can learn how to make things on their own.
Enjoy quality outdoor time with your kids with spring season activities that keep them busy rain or shine.
Using common household supplies and materials when you're crafting with kids makes craft time easy, and keeps costs down.
Every time a friend with kids in school tells me textbooks are too generic, I think back to that moment.
This breed may not be an ideal first choice for households with children, but it can get along with some kids if raised with them and well - trained and socialized.
I know some parents feel that they need to be «creative» or «crafty» to do fun activities with their kids at home, what would you say to those parents?
To have to deal with kids eating breakfast which is quite likely to contain milk, margarine, cheese — that would be a nightmare for kids with allergies.
Books are a good way for parents to spend time with their kids while talking to them about money.
I was a bit nervous (especially with the kids helping) but it was great.
Just because you are married with kids does not mean that it is the end of your date life.
Some people are treated with kid gloves while others particularly those in opposition are subjected to all manner of harrowing experiences.
With this stroller, you can travel light in any place that you want to go with your kid because it provides easy mobility.
Plus these are a big hit with my kids so I make a big batch and keep them in the fridge for fast snacks.
Traditional parenting techniques can prove problematic when used with kids with attachment issues.
The good news is that they are very playful and would love to interact with your kids as well as visitors to your unit.
I've had some really good conversations with my kids during or after a film we see together, especially if it has to do with identity or secrets or values.
Same thing happens even with kids who have a year or two of school under their belt.
I love baking with my kids too — it takes the pressure off the final product looking perfect!
They are a great veggie to grow in the garden with kids because they are fast - growing and one of the first crops to pop up in spring.
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