Sentences with phrase «someone with real life»

These tools also allow small businesses to take advantage of augmented reality, which allows for the virtual world to become one with real life.
«If you're near (a bank branch) feel free to go in and initiate a conversation with a real live human being.»
When managers pay attention to employee strengths, they subtly mesh engagement with real life — which also goes a long way toward eradicating disengagement, Gallup has found.
They need to face the facts and face reality so they can get on with their real lives.
Just so you know, I discuss all sorts of email technique (with real life examples from readers like you) in my free weekly newsletter.
These are real people with real lives.
The way we react to tangled Christmas lights, rush hour traffic, and lost luggage can shed volumes of light on how we deal with real life situations of greater magnitude.
In combination with some inspirational words from the CEO, this contact with a real live beneficiary significantly improved both sales and revenue during the employees» first seven weeks.
It just blends in with real life, which makes it infinitely more interesting to me than something that's occurring only in this virtual space.
Great post and great way to backup your suggestions with real life case studies and research.
Our classes are small, hyper - focused on education and filled with real life experiences and lender presentations and support.
One of the easiest ways to show how to use this strategy is with a real life example.
A friend and colleague of mine who happens to be a wheat farmer shared with me his real life experience with trying to compete against the Monsanto - driven corporate farms in this country.
There is no way to duplicate the experience that comes with real life trading experience.
The reason why group interview articles are so great to read, is because they are usually packed with real life examples (not guesses or assumptions), case studies, tips from the field and some form of link building discussion.
What has that to do with real life
If you want the method to make your church grow or give you the five keys to a victorious life then you'll go away disappointed but if you're hungry for a faith that can deal with real life, joy and pain, triumph and disaster, laughter and sorrow then join Rob in a journey to follow the rabbi.
To say there is no evidence for the real existence of the most discussed figure in history denies the unique manner in which Christianity came about (a claim that God came in the flesh conveyed with real life details, etc).
That doesn't change the fact that the New Testament is a collection folktales that were intermingled with real life politics and intended for an audience of jewish xenophobes.
It's cute to see kids think and behave the way they do, but eventually they have to abandon all belief in fairy tales and deal with real life.
It is partly because of this self - defeating worship of a false and impossible objectivity that New Testament study has sometimes lost contact with the real life of the ancient church and therefore with the life of the continuing church.
It prepares you for lots of things, but few that have anything to do with real life... or even real ministry.
What is sad is the large number of people who can not cope with real life.
I too am tired of selective appeals to «biblical marriage» that tend to glorify the modern nuclear family as the only ideal and render real people with real lives into a mere political / religious «issue,» and I too am reluctant to support an establishment that sends part of its profits to the Family Research Council, an organization that has fed blatant misinformation about homosexuality to Christians for years.
Nothing whatsoever to do with real life.
You know, people dealing with real life and real struggles and questions.
I get the blog feed on my reader along with Real Live Preacher and recently Rabbi Rami Shapiro.
Against this dualism, between the internal and external, private and public, a dualism which has led to the exploitation and oppression of many human beings, I contend that followers of Christ have no other option but to take an active interest in the earthly, secular things such as politics and economics because Jesus would not permit us the luxury of dwelling in a «spiritual ghetto unrelated and unconcerned with real life issues».
They are real women with real lives and real stories.
It's a tad bit risqué but deals with real life issues of non-vegan vs. vegan tastefully and extensively.
Let Chef Brian and Cafe Avalaun help prepare your teen with real life hands on instruction on how to navigate a gluten free kitchen and prepare the foods that they often have to miss out on.
The days of lazy pajama lounging, appetizer nibbling, and cocktail sipping holidays have come to a pass and now we are faced with the real life of the...
It shows that behind all our beautiful blogs that there is a real person with a real life.
it seems like wenger simply decided that he should take off a defender for an attacker with no real live context except a theory that suggests a striker would more likely score a goal than a defender.
We asked this question because we want to help you be a more effective parent with real life, day - to - day struggles.
We're real women with real life circumstances and we're all different.
Rest, Play, Grow combines real science with real life stories, humour, and sensible strategies.
Friday's are always exciting but the icing on the cake is giving you an exclusive behind the scenes interview with real life supershero.
It's also a great way to prepare your kids with the real life skills they'll need to be successful in adulthood.
We are real people with real lives, which means we deal with real life issues, just like everyone else.
Take a page out of the» other side's» playbook and intersperse the stats and logic with real life stories of the potential consequences of ignoring risks.
These aren't statistics, these are real people with real life's.
And they will learn ethics, how to deal with real life, and many other things from you, that are not taught, or can't be taught, in a classroom full of children with only one adult.
They are filled with real life stories so you can see what others had success with and what didn't work as well.
They are all simple in themselves, but can lead to hours of pretending to be super heroes and saving the world or helping a parent with real life tasks.
So with real life use of all the options, we're certainly going to have our favorites.
Some practical classes with real life objects irrespective of the size may grab student's attention to a great extent.
He deftly combines research with real life experiences to detail the struggle between hopelessness and possibility.
It is also fitted with additional toys which include: a ring rattle, a Dog chime,, Frog shaped rattle with bead chase, discovery cards with real life imagery, leaf - shaped water - filled teether, and large baby - safe mirror.
Previous video games have been set in the Middle East, but this is the first to grapple with a real life incident, especially one which occurred so recently.
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