Sentences with phrase «someone with this condition»

Also, sleep - wake cycle disturbances are common among people with conditions such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, the researchers said.
The court found that the problems associated with the condition did not substantially limit any of his major life activities.
For some of the conditions they are listed as «breeders option» to use a dog diagnosed with the condition as the hereditary links are not established.
They will have to live with the conditions of lower temperatures then and higher temperatures now.
Our bodies are constantly dealing with swings in blood sugar, and blood sugar problems are not simply reserved for those dealing with conditions like diabetes.
If a winning entry does not comply with the conditions of entry, the entry will not be eligible for selection.
The prognosis for dogs with this condition results in 50 % of dogs still being alive after one year.
People with conditions such as kidney disease and heart failure are advised to aim for even lower levels.
His team is now looking at patterns of gene activity in the four brains to work out whether it is possible to detect early signs associated with conditions like autism.
In our clinics we see many patients with conditions such as fatigue, allergies, insomnia, frequent infections, excess weight and skin problems.
Some women with the condition experience a little pain, but for others it can be much worse.
As well as helping with the condition of your dogs skin and coat, salmon gives their immune system a boost.
People with this condition do not make enough cortisol.
You might also notice reduced inflammation levels and improved mobility that comes with conditions like arthritis, or simple wear and tear from age.
Proof of Loss: A statement made regarding the extent of the claim; it may be requested in accordance with the conditions of the policy.
When a baby doesn't gain weight at a healthy rate, she may be diagnosed with a condition called failure to gain weight (or failure to thrive).
Even in less serious cases, children with this condition often require physical therapy to help them increase their range of movement and attempt to develop at least partial use of the affected arm.
It is normal that babies born with this condition also measure small, due to many being born prematurely.
«They have to be a certain type of individual,» he says, explaining that they have to be able to cope with conditions such as erratic schedules.
Most cats with this condition don't show any symptoms even though their mouth is extremely painful.
As you know I have been struggling with this condition for a long time and would hate to purchase it only to find out that it is not beneficial.
Babies can suffer from the same burning and discomfort adults experience with this condition.
Researchers have previously believed that this variation is the result of differences in the genetic makeup of those individuals with the condition.
Even as their physical scars were helped through treatment, the emotional scars from dealing with and living with this condition often seemed to stick around.
The report will give you details on any problems with condition of the home.
By correcting these shifts, we can and do see improvement in function and quality of life for patients suffering with these conditions.
You can start a new practice, clear your doubts, deepen your practice or spend some time working with a condition.
Many dog owners have heard of it, but anyone owning a large breed dog or considering a large breed dog should be become familiar with this condition.
The biopsy will show changes in the skin consistent with this condition.
He was born with a condition which did not even allow him to be used in the research studies.
They insist that spending and debt ceiling bills are vital in their own right and should not come with conditions attached.
The beneficiaries of the trust are also named within this document along with the conditions in which the trustee will distribute the assets to the beneficiaries.
Your doctor may diagnose your baby with this condition based on your family's medical history and a physical examination or blood test.
There are probably plenty of other people with your condition on this site or similar sites.
Since this may be an inherited trait, it is best not to breed pets with this condition.
Some students deal with a condition known as attention - deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), which can make impulse control difficult.
The prognosis for dogs affected with this condition is guarded.
It is highly recommended animals with this condition are not bred as it is genetic.
Or you used one last time, and it didn't work well with your condition?
The question is: are you satisfied with the condition of these roads?
Twenty six districts requested waivers from this requirement and all were approved with conditions.
Even with these conditions though, there are some districts in town that are highly desirable and hard to get into unless you live there.
Everything was done in just over an hour and I was very happy with the condition of my car since it is been washed after everything was done.
What would you suggest as the optimal diet for someone with that condition, would it be essentially the same as for general health (a whole - food plant - based diet)?
Her paintings now have a conscious object quality and concern with the condition of their own existence.
Children with these conditions need to be seen by a doctor.
The plaintiff filed a premises liability lawsuit against the city, claiming that the lack of lighting combined with the condition of the vertical poles created a dangerous hazard.
Many people with the condition find that even after they're able to manage the voices in their heads, they struggle with memory and the ability to focus on tasks.
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