Sentences with phrase «something 's paces»

I personally felt a bit sad for him as he paced back and forth, but for most people, it was quite exciting to see such a majestic creature so close.
We are praying through our days — morning, midday and evening — with Common Prayer as we pace through Lent towards Easter.
And don't tell me pace doesn't matter because as much as I don't like them Liverpool are the prime example of what pace can do.
He'd always let me wear the sweater on the field as we paced around forming four - leaf clovers and diamonds while playing rousing marches.
You are far more likely to achieve long - term success if you pace yourself and work to a balanced exercise schedule.
I just finished a 656 page eBook the other day, and Paperwhite's «Reading Time» feature really helped me pace it out.
Mertesacker has to be bench and Gabriel brought in with he pace.
I can still see him pacing up and down the center aisle with the baby in the crook of his arm.
It stayed really moist for the 3 days I paced myself to gobble it up.
Just three weeks ago I paced the house, cleaning and straightening.
In case you pace your power station exercise equipment onto floor that is not smooth or flat, you should use gym mats.
Perhaps it's the blink - and - you - miss - it pace at which the footage has been ruthlessly edited, but with the exception of the surface shots of Coruscant the trailer isn't particularly evocative of the Star Wars universe.
Like a great thrill ride, what's most remarkable about Aster's confident direction is how deftly he paces his film.
Final Verdict: An intriguing family mystery drama fails to keep itself paced sufficiently, so it falls apart somewhere in the second act, never truly recovering.
Increase you pace however and the extra performance starts to make itself felt, the engine really getting into its stride at about 5000rpm (just as the maximum torque plateau is reached) where it pulls with noticeably more vigour.
How might you check our quality before you pace an order?
He's a bundle of energy now, and definitely wants daily walks, otherwise he paces the house!
He seems to be having increasing episodes where he paces, pants, winces / wines & seems very distressed.
She paces constantly and stays away from us.
The Kicking Horse River, charges, tearing through its namesake canyon, go for it pace until it slams into the Columbia River on the edge of town hitting its brakes.
The former is harder to understand given the gameplay shift from 3D to 2D, and from what I've read it paces badly because of that, the announcer and the cinematic attacks.
The story isn't particularly great, nor is it paced well with 15 - 20 minute cutscenes constantly taking place after the player plays a single basketball game, but I was always interested in seeing how Frequency's adventure would end.
However, my major grievance with this game is the presentation of the story and the cut scenes; it paces horribly and is seemingly cut short of back - story and fluidity to make it more suitable for a portable platform, but instead of just making missions short and adding lots of checkpoints, AC3: Liberation has had its story compromised.
And on Saturday, he paced behind Thomas and Josie as they wove through the crowd at the convention center, eager to find something the three could play together.
The only shortcoming of «Robert Motherwell on Paper» is its inclusion of too few of the collages, both early and late, that show him pacing off his distance from cubism.
Intrigued, I pace backwards and forwards before discerning its subtleties.
They learned to respect growth's destructive ability, and in their second venture they paced growth so that it did not overwhelm their people, processes, and controls.
I imagine him pacing and asking and talking fervently to God.
Between the deep resonance of a bell sounded every 10 minutes (audio art originally created by Robert Farber signifying the rate of AIDS - related deaths in 1991), performance artist Joseph Ravens was followed by an ensemble of five all dressed in bright crimson chanted the words «condom cloud» in a hauntingly Gregorian manner as they paced through the museum carrying with balloons of dark gray inflated condoms above them
At the same hole, a golf pro with Grandview told them their pace was fine.
If you pace yourself well, you'll be running most strongly at the very end.
He paced back and forth for nearly a minute before he stopped suddenly and stared directly t me with an aggrieved and perplexed look on his face.
Maxi Climber is the equipment that can help you pace up from slow to high - intensity workouts.
Rock them back and forth and up and down gently as you pace around the room.
The hardest thing has been how do you pace the story and how you tell the story for two players.
The boards now include the option of speeding up the characters, or even slowing them down as they pace through the board maps.
They like to self - monitor, and that would include how they pace themselves, what times of day they work, where they choose to work from.»
9:30 am rolled around and my mother - in - law drive me to an «emergency» chiropractic appointment where I paced the lobby waiting my turn.
As Michael Harrison (former Director of Kettle's Yard, Cambridge) observed, «the paintings carry with them that pace, that slowness, that sense of time.
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