Sentences with phrase «something a little»

I also doubled the cayenne pepper to give it a little more bite.
Thanks for sharing a bit of what cold have been and for giving me a little bit more to add to the backstory of the show we did end up getting.
Fighting off the egg overload by making something a little bit different.
I always try to make something a little different for this meal each year.
Your date's taste in movies isn't always a deal breaker, but it does tell you a little more about them.
If you've ever thought of making something a little different, this is when you should do it.
If you're looking for something a little different with an amazing texture, look no further!
It's my lazy way of doing something a little bit healthy.
It was really so much fun to share with you a little about me and a great cookie recipe!
If you want to feed them veggies on a daily basis, find something a little easier on the stomach!
Maybe not but I can help make it a little easier for you.
I did feel like they took very long to rise but I just gave them a little longer since every kitchen is different.
I cut out meat completely and suddenly but I find it's taking me a little more time to go completely vegan, because I am a cheese and chocolate lover.
I'm usually a 6 and the medium did give me a little extra room.
< - That helps me want it a little bit less.
My only concern is that we rely on him a little too much, and the endless game time he plays leads to an injury like last season.
I ordered the cookies and cream flavor and find I like it a little more with milk rather than water.
Despite this, there are fewer omega - 3s in comparison to other recipes in this review, which makes it a little less well - balanced.
However no matter how much you enjoy your routine there is such a thing as taking it a little too far.
I did find it a little better if I used a damp beauty blender, and enjoyed wearing it applied this way.
If you're looking to make a great first impression, leave yourself a little extra time for traffic, meetings running long, or other unpredictable events.
BUT it tells me a little something about their lifestyle.
But your interest made me look at it a little bit more.
So today we've got something a little different for you!
If you are new here you can get to know me a little better in my About Me page!
In 2005, I bought the restaurant and the school end of the business and we decided to see if we could push it a little harder.
Just give yourself a little time and pretty quickly this will become part of your routine.
Today, I want to get into it a little more with some specific recommendations for what size these mini goals should be.
You might be able to help yourself a little in this category by becoming an authorized user on an old account with an excellent payment record.
But then again, I'm sick now so maybe I pushed it a little too long!
I think we took her a little by surprise.
Even though it both starts and ends with war, today's gallery update brings us a little something from other types of games as well.
Overall, with the rebates and incentives, you get your bang for the buck even if it's going cost you a little extra at the pump.
I did end up adding it a little bit of color... I think it's the perfect amount.
It took our confidence away from us a little bit.
If your monthly payments are $ 325, a 0.25 percent rate reduction would save you a little over $ 500 in interest over the life of the loan.
I'll also tell you a little story about this humble peanut butter pie.
If you can believe it, I actually surprised myself a little bit with this tablescape.
They remind me a little of like miniature cowboy boots.
We also offer something a little different in our hot pink baby clothes line.
If you feel strong in your legs, challenge yourself a little more by shifting the knees back so they are more in line with your ankles.
The bolts are in designer black and gold, which make them a little difficult to spot at a distance.
This combo no only helps you lose weight, it gives you a little boost as well!
I tried baking them a little longer at a lower temp but I don't know what went wrong.
I do work during the daytime and it's now 1:00 AM and I'm here blogging... so give me a little break.
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