Sentences with phrase «something about calcium»

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Something I didn't know about okra is that it is high in fiber, vitamins A, C and K and is a good source of iron, calcium and magnesium.
Also, it was interesting to read about your thoughts on calcium intake, something I've never really put much thought to.
Well let me tell you what you do in the case that you're a Mormon: you eat a LOT of Nutella (there's something euphoric about it) and did you know that Swiss Miss has a «Pick - me - up Breakfast Blend» which, thankfully, has «as much caffeine as a cup of coffee»... OH and it is an «excellent source of Calcium» too.
Calcium is also something you shouldn't forget about in your pregnancy nutrition diet.
And so now there are something like 4,400 on Earth which is at least as far as we can see completely unique, and there was a period which Dr. Hazen called red earth about a couple of billion, two billion years ago, when life first gets going when there's some, you know, early forms of life and about 2,000 or so minerals arise [there], microorganisms make sheaths of minerals like calcium carbonate that we now see in animals with shells.
What about supplementing with powdered calcium carbonate product mixed into something like tomato juice or other pulpy drink (per the instructions on the label)?
Therefore, current evidence suggests that dietary calcium intake is not something most people need to worry about.
Again, something to be careful with if you have anemia but if you're concerned about hemochromatosis, you may wan na consider a little bit extra black tea, a little bit extra coffee, milk thistle, hyssop root, dandelion root, being careful with or using calcium supplements, eating calcium - rich foods, looking into bloodletting potentially up to few times a month.
So using a calcium supplement or eating lots of calcium - rich foods, again, is something that you'd wan na consider if you have hemochromatosis but you've got ta actually be careful with excessive calcium supplementation if you're concerned about anemia or low iron levels.
Dave Asprey: I'm unworried about that, but I'll do it again in five years if it climbs to seven or something, I'm going to be like all right either I upped the K2 or I downed the calcium.
Fossil Fuels kill 320 times more people per unit power produced than solar + / Egyptians... There is something satisfying about visualizing oil company executives conscripted to toil under the hothouse conditions on 21 st Century Earth building the Great Carbon Pyramids - pyramids of calcium carbonate (or calcium bicarbonate, as the case may be) miles high, /
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