Sentences with phrase «something about climate issue»

Flashback 2010: Dr. Roger Pielke, Jr. explains climate silliness: «There is something about climate issue that makes people — especially but not limited to academics and scientists — completely and utterly lose their senses» — August 12, 2010

Not exact matches

The other issue is when we talk about doing something about climate change, doing something means to avoid major sea level rise, we need to reduce emissions globally starting today... seven percent per year.
By thinking hard about what gets shared and liked on social media, they are helping to counter the «climate silence» and ensure that the issue remains interesting and relevant, particularly to younger audiences — something the legacy media would do well to take note of.
«We've known just about everything we need to know to do something about this issue for a very long time,» said Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Texas Tech University Climate Science Center.
Organizing art at a fair around social issues — particularly in our current fraught political climate — can be risky, but there is nevertheless something important about seeing work that addresses the issues that preoccupy us today.
The majority of people actively doing something about climate are aware that the climate issue forces one to think more fluidly about a lot of things and question one's own assumptions.
Despite climate policy being something of a sleeper issue in this election, our results suggest that concern about the climate is more widespread now than it was five years ago.
I strongly believe that climate change is a serious issue and something needs to be done about it now to make the world a better place for our future generations.
After a decade of grass - roots rural community angst from being ridden over roughshod by multi-national energy companies aided by state and federal governments eager to be seen to be «doing something» about climate change, while ignoring the basic human right to enjoy rest and repose in their own home, the issue of health impacts will now get the hearing it deserves.
I want to choose something that is informative and accessible, even for people without much knowledge about climate change, politics, or environmental issues.
On the other hand, one assumes that California is imposing this solar panel mandate because California voters think climate change is a serious issue that policymakers ought to do something about.
(Thus, a payment of $ 5,000 will be made regardless of whether the U.S. government or any other government does or does not «do something» about the alleged climate issue).
The natural gas and oil industry recognizes that climate change is a serious issue and actually does something about it.
MC: That might be the cause, but on the other hand you look at public opinion polls about issues that are of concern to the American public, and climate change just isn't near the top of those lists, and maybe they made a calculated decision that a more sellable approach would be to focus on energy independence and self - sufficiency, because that's something that people have already bought.
There's something about the issue of climate change that prompts people to immediately head off to opposite sides of the room — with very few people congregating in the middle.
See which says that «McCain has been one of the most outspoken members of Congress on the issue of climate change» and he «managed to force the first real Senate vote on actually doing something about the largest environmental peril our species has yet faced.»
Is this mere, accident, thoughtless oversight, or does such casual disregard for careful argument say something deeper about politicians who seek to identify themselves by the climate issue?
Climate change is real, human beings are responsible for a good portion of it, and we need to take the issue seriously sooner rather than later and start to do something about it.
Solves the population issue and then we might be able to do something about the climate then
But that's an entirely different issue from the very simple one about Mann's correlation of sediments from Finnish bridge building with global climate fields — something that may qualify as a classic example of spurious correlation, up with Yule's original alcoholism and C of E marriages.
It is arguably time to tackle the tropospheric humidity issue, but this should be done from the perspective of comparing multiple data sources and assessing the uncertainty, before publishing trend analyses in the context of saying something about climate change.
We cant afford to NOT do something about climate change and other environmental issues.
The day that the leading climate scientists (and some politicians) of the world are as knowledgeable, as expert and as skilled in linguistics as Lakoff and Mirowski are about the real issues, maybe then something might begin to change for the better.
It does seem that the Right prefers denial of scientific reality than do something about their inability to deal with an issue like climate change.
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