Sentences with phrase «something about happiness»

And when it left her, she discovered something about happiness.

Not exact matches

Using the app takes about five minutes each day: participants in our experiment log in to Plasticity's online platform, pick a number out of 100 to rate their happiness level that day and post a brief note about something they're grateful for at work.
Seniors know something valuable about happiness that younger folks tend to overlook, for instance.
Happiness is about finding balance: Too much of anything, even something you love, will eventually cause you to burn out.
I think something similar could be said about happiness report in Help Scout.
I'd much rather read something that is thought - provoking than fluffy posts about sunshine and happiness (though cat pictures are always welcome).
Jennifer Fulwiler talked about her spiritual autobiography, Something Other Than God: How I Passionately Sought Happiness and Accidentally Found It.
To say that God is the Lord when Sennacherib is about to enslave you and put out your eyes is to say something of real significance; Similarly today, we have to ask whether technics, happiness, the state, money, or communism (our modern Sennacheribs) must be called the Lord or (there can be no question of an «and») whether Jesus Christ is Lord.
Perhaps joy — which Paul often talks about amidst pains — is something fundamentally different than happiness.
Something about them shouts happiness.
There's something about hitting a nostalgic feeling right on the head that brings the ultimate kind of happiness.
Something about stone fruits in the hot months brings me so much happiness.
Something about a steaming hot bowl of food that you eat by the forkful just says happiness when it's freezing cold outside.
could be and I'm not disputing anything you say; but there is something to be said about happiness and the way Jalen spoke for his love for his teammates, he seems truly happy.
i think the only one i remember u said something nice about was wilshere... yeah of course u can still support arsenal but i do nt understand why u do that: / because i think it must be reeeeaaaallly hard for u... like an endotherm reaction... you get more hate and anger (negativity) from supporting arsenal than getting happiness (positivity)
Before you laugh off The Cycflix, happiness and habits expert Gretchen Rubin, whose book Better Than Before is all about habit formation, says Byrne is most definitely on to something.
Something you've talked about in the past is how serious inner work not only lead to happiness — but also to the big «O» — orgasm?
Something about the creamy coconut and avocado blended with the sweet yet mellow mango and banana makes my taste buds sing with happiness.
Something non-physical that I love about myself is... My genuine desire for others» happiness and well being.
I love their Key To Happiness Layered Necklace In Rose Gold, it's dainty and feminine and, as everything else, has something special about it.
Something about remembering the «good old days» brings us happiness.
You're not going to see results overnight, but if it's something you're truly passionate about, you'll find it easy to blog for yourself and for your happiness — the readers will come along.
This is one of my absolute favorite color combinations, something about it just makes me so happy and who wouldn't welcome a little extra happiness?
I am always nervous when talking about online dating safety because I do not want to scare anyone away from something that, in the end, brought me so much happiness.
I'm not really perfect in relationship but we could do something about it.I want sumbody to make happiness with.If it's you, lets do it babe.
Well, the only way to change things is to take ownership of your own happiness and do something about it!
England About Blog Twenty - something nature and eco blogger on a journey to living a greener & wilder life for health, happiness and the planet.
Carole Lombard, as a designing manicurist, and Fred MacMurray, as the penniless playboy the former mistakes for her meal ticket, are both wonderful, but there's something odd about the tone of the picture, evidenced by the fact that our sadness for Ralph Bellamy, Lombard's unrequited suitor, outweighs our happiness for Lombard and MacMurray at the close.
This is the start of exactly the kind of film you would expect from Sundance as each of these characters have something to teach and learn from the other, especially about life and the pursuit of happiness.
There's something nice about seeing the reserved, depressed Kyra find a sliver of happiness with Doug.
Yet beneath all the overplayed artsiness — and not too far beneath, thankfully — there's a genuinely affecting film, about how people pursue personal happiness, sometimes at the expense of their families, and sometimes as as way of building something newer and better.
There's just something about that car that makes people laugh and brings happiness to people.
Black comedy from satirist Todd Solondz (Happiness) starring Selma Blair, Christopher Walken and Mia Farrow about a 30 - something man - child whose attempts to find love and break free from his parents prove far more harrowing than he initially thought.
Relative Happiness is about a thirty - something woman named Lexie (Melissa Bergland) who's struggling to find love while running a Bed and Breakfast in a small town in Nova Scotia.
It asks about achievement, effort, behaviour, happiness as well as 78 self assessment criteria like: - do you think you fear doing something wrong; - do you think you have lots of worries; - do you think you complete classwork poorly; - do you think you are depressed.
His self - deprecation and wit are awesome to behold, and there's something very life - affirming about his quest for happiness amid this mess that is life.
There is something about their innocence and laughter that reminds them that life continues and happiness is found in the small blessings that come their way.
I spend mostly what I need rather than what I want and if it is something I want I think about long term happiness (so I don't buy a fancy car, in other words).
If you would like to feel this happiness, then you have to start doing something about it.
It seems a simple solution to some serious problems, but think about it: by simulating a situation that feels natural to your kitty — and eliminating something that feels quite unnatural — it only makes sense that her health and happiness will improve!
England About Blog Twenty - something nature and eco blogger on a journey to living a greener & wilder life for health, happiness and the planet.
So it's with great happiness and excitement, after years of talking about doing something with them one day, I am pleased to announce that gapingvoid is now publishing cartoon business cards with, the coolest business - card publisher on the planet.
He began his study of climate as a true skeptic, taking the time to put in the effort to truly learn everything he could about the science before recognizing that it is something that will greatly affect the life, prosperity and happiness of his daughter, her peers, and even more so any grandchildren that may some day follow.
It's about clearing the clutter so we can focus on what's important, create something amazing, find happiness.
Brisbane About Blog A twenty - something lifestyle blogger in Brisbane gathering all the fun, happiness, memories and experiences I possibly can.
As I thought about it, a lot of times I feel joy I realized it was very often followed up with fearful thoughts that my happiness could only last so long before something went wrong.
England About Blog Twenty - something nature and eco blogger on a journey to living a greener & wilder life for health, happiness and the planet.
Emotional work is something that we rarely hear about but psychologists study this topic as a factor in relationship happiness.
Thus, selling real estate for too many registrants really turns on being psychologically able to influence targets to «do» something, to buy happiness vs educating them about the product, especially if the salesperson knows next to nothing about said product, which I would estimate to include the vast majority of real estate sales people in the mix today (those with five years or less poorly prepared / inexperienced newbies) which brings us right back to Mclean's first concern.
There is always something about ourselves or our life to make us feel insecure, or a «glaring imperfection» that can rob us of our happiness and contentment with who we are and where we are right now.
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