Sentences with phrase «something about human nature»

David — knowing something about human nature and our failings, I would say that your statement sounds nice but I probably disagree with how it relates to real world behavior.
I agree on that... save that the continuation of that series does tell us something about Human Nature and pursuit of commercial advantage in Publishing doesn't it?
Despite the lack of discipline, Apatow is trying to stretch himself, to say something about human nature: his insight here is less about comedy than about adult life as a succession of equivocations and betrayals.
And that tells us something about human nature.

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I believe this wise and nuanced document says something true about human nature; I'm afraid Mr. Smalling might label it «common bigotry.»
Yes — and I think there is something in our human nature that is about survival that while a good and necessary thing to have can when mixed with none of us being perfect lead us to perceptions and magical thinking which may or may not be in touch with reality.
The Corporeal Nature of Freedom and its Sphere Before speaking of the existence of freedom and in freedom something will have to be said about the specifically human creatureliness of freedom which will clarify the dialectical character of our relation to our own and other people's freedom.
Something Iâ $ ™ ve learned about myself, and human nature in general, is that the better angels of our nature have corresponding demons.
That God's love, manifest in diverse ways throughout the duration of the universe, might come to a full and unsurpassable self - expression in an individual human being who lived and died in the Middle East almost two thousand years ago does not seem incongruous with what we now understand about the nature of an evolving universe, especially if we regard religion as a phenomenon emergent from the universe rather than just something done on the earth by cosmically homeless human subjects.
There is something special about the world - and the nature of the human mind - which allows patterns within nature to be discerned and represented.
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil reveals something critically important about human nature.
It is taken from something he says about the relationship between human suffering and human depravity in his essay «On Human Nature.&rhuman suffering and human depravity in his essay «On Human Nature.&rhuman depravity in his essay «On Human Nature.&rHuman Nature
When this belief was coupled with the notion of a last judgement which would not occur until God «had accomplished the number of his elect», in words from still another prayer, it said something about the corporate nature of human life, the equally corporate nature of whatever destiny men have, and the need for patient waiting until our fellowmen have found their capacity for fulfillment along with us.
Just as the discovery that sodium chloride has properties not exhibited by sodium and chlorine in isolation tells us something about the nature of sodium and chlorine which we could not otherwise know, so too the existence of subjectivity in combinations of atoms that make human brains tells us something about the nature of those atoms that make those brains.
Dominic CavendishTheatre critic and adaptor of Orwell: A Celebration1984 grabs us by the throat in early adolescence or adulthood and never lets go because it tells us something deeply unpleasant about human nature; something we know at once, however safe and secure we are, to be true.
You know, a human being has something about her that is shared by a mosquito, in [an] elephants, in [an] orchid, but which is not shared by other things in nature, like a hurricane or a rock.
Extreme weather: Everybody talks about it, but human nature often gets in the way of our doing something about it.
Our forth High Five paper published in Nature in September 2015, «The earliest unequivocally modern humans in southern China,» reveals something unexpected about how early humans trekked around the globe.
For example, the Human Microbiome Project is something I have only just discovered but am extremely excited about, particularly because it's primary purpose is reestablishing a healthy mental and physical relationship with bacteria, and coming back into balance with nature, one of the Kombucha Kamp mantras.
You know, the very human nature is about enriching and deception in order to gain something.
He is caught in a moment in which the release of a technically - perfect and complex film about the nucleus of human nature is something we almost take for granted, a fault that lies entirely within us, or if none of this applies to you, in me.
The film is often hilarious in its cynical depiction of human nature, but there's also something almost disturbing and eerie about the world of the film.
It's possible that it has something interesting to say about human nature.
It was a film that set the bar for the decade that followed, creating film - makers that essentially said «Screw You» to the Hollywood system, going on the make movies that said something about the ever evolving world, showing the ugly side of human nature and how man was really capable of behaving.
Your story will move from the particular to something more universal — a story that reveals as much about human nature as about unique individuals.
No matter how veiled something appears at first, the answer is there in human nature, one way or another, already discovered and spoken about in our past and the technologies that changed us yesteryear.
My goal is to create pieces that reflect the peculiar nature of dogs and their behavior (and sometimes you might see something about humans too).
It's human nature to be curious about someone else's job, especially when that job is something that is so rare or has been the butt of so many jokes and even more stereotypes.
Her use of traditional forms — weaving, knitting, sewing and stitching — may at first seem crafty, but there's always something more sinister, more undecided in her work which suggests other ideas about the human condition that go beyond our attraction to nature.
AJ: Are the players in your painting dramas expressing something primal or animalistic about human nature?
«I'd always done stuff about nature,» he said, «and I wanted to smash up, mash up those two elements — the human and nature — and do something about our relationship to nature
Now, Mother Nature is about to release havoc on the human race and Gary's life was dedicated to trying to convince people to do something about it.
But the chaotic nature we should be more concerned about is that of the human mind and of those efforts to deliberately manipulate normal weather patterns into something else.
It also seems well in human nature to let bad things happen before we decide to actually do something about it.
I'm just wondering if there is something in human nature that stops us worrying about too many things at once.
There is, as Yuval Levin noted in his remarks on the encyclical, something paradoxical about the union of the left, which tends to see itself as the party of science, and the environmental movement, since the latter's holistic view of nature is at odds with modern science's ethic of human power over nature.
Salacious hand - rubbing aside, the hack suggests something rather profound about human nature.
On a personal note, it's encouraging for me to see a law school finally paying attention to social psychology (and I can only hope that Yale and other schools will start thinking about individual psychology as well): it has always struck me as completely bizarre that although there is a tacit assumption that law has something to do with human conduct and is not just an exercise in art — if, as Shelley says, poets can be legislators, then lawyers can be poets — there is not one moment spent in a student's legal education in exploring the nature of the human actor.
It's only natural for the two to meet, with videos of Pokemon popping up in strange places and the like being fair game, but Vine hotshot Logan Paul found a special way to do it that demonstrated something dark about human nature that has to do with Pokemon GO while simultaneously causing absolute hilarity, and more than a fair measure of absolute bedlam.
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