Sentences with phrase «something about people who»

I think this says something about the people who complain.
There's something about the people who work there and the way the products are always set up.
«I've noticed something about people who make a difference in the world: They hold the unshakable conviction that individuals are extremely important and that every life matters.
(tried to add something about the people who ask you if the twins are natural and you tell them, no, they have robot bodies under their skin, but I couldn't add it succinctly.
Having participants choose their own group is a major issue for drawing meaningful conclusions in science because there's the possibility that something about the people who choose a particular group might be inherently different from the people who choose the other group.
King Solomon once said something about people who say there is no God.
In that sermon, I also mentioned something about the people who lived in the time of Noah living to be hundreds of years old.
US should do something about people who r using american land to launch provoking movies which is causing harm to US interest in the outside world.
A dress should say something about the person who's wearing it.
All resume summaries need to say something about the person who is writing them.
There's something about a person who smiles a lot.

Not exact matches

When we launch something into the world, it's completely normal and natural to expect that the people who love and care about us will support it.
If you're really serious about finding someone to marry right now, you should be using or something, where you can target based on very specific criteria, and these are other people who are paid and committed to settling down right now, so if marriage in the next 18 months is your goal, then is the product for you.
Joke all you want about grown men and women wearing Mickey Mouse ears, but the DisneyWorld and Universal Studios theme park complexes are major employers for people over 50 who want to trade the stresses of a white - collar career for something more light - hearted.
If people pay attention to something and get all excited about it and expect millions of downloads, of course people who didn't buy my shares now wanted my shares.
Instead, make it a story about the culture of innovation and the many people who have sustained it; giving others role models and the license to have something to strive for.
«Smartphones burden those who carry them for work because their very presence activates the Zeigarnik Effect — the difficulty people have to completely forget about something when it is left incomplete,» she explains.
One of the things we talk about at Zenefits is that we want to hire people who have a chip on their shoulder — an intensity to prove they can accomplish something, or prove people who have doubted them wrong.
As he pushes the firm further into government corridors, Barton realizes that people are leery of power that hides its face — that there's something sinister about the mysterious adviser who sits in a corner taking notes and is never introduced.
If there's a consistent characteristic about most people who work out, it's that they usually like something to listen to while breaking a sweat.
Fairfield Inn and Suites, which hired her as spokesperson for something the company called «National Amazing Month,» a marketing campaign that involved conducting a survey in which it asked 1,400 people about who helps them stay amazing.
If you use the same testimonial again and again, prospective consumers will wonder if this is the only person who had something good to say about your business.
Thurman says that as people in business, «we should take heart because, although a lot of people who consider themselves progressive and spiritual feel like business is something very lowly, that it's about just making money, the vocation of business can be extraordinarily honorable and has the ability to make a long - lasting positive impact on our society and world at large.»
Recruiting is about finding a wise person who truly adds something important to the team, not just novelty.
A lot of people have ideas, but there are few who decide to do something about them now.
ON THE VALUE OF SURROUNDING ONESELF WITH TALENTED PEOPLE If you're in an environment where you're not learning as much as you think you should be, if you don't have the people around you who you think are going to inspire you to do the best work that you can, then think about changing somePEOPLE If you're in an environment where you're not learning as much as you think you should be, if you don't have the people around you who you think are going to inspire you to do the best work that you can, then think about changing somepeople around you who you think are going to inspire you to do the best work that you can, then think about changing something.
Taking the extra few minutes to know a little something about the person you are reaching out to will serve you better than being the person who requests their connection the fastest.
Here's something you may not know about court cases: There are often people in the public gallery who are paid to closely watch the members of the jury to see how they react to different witnesses.
«I'll ask [potential hires] about something that hasn't gone so well in their life and then ask them what they've learned from it because the next thing I look for in people is curiosity,» he says, «I'm interested in people who take those negative experiences in their lives and are really curious about what happened and can talk intelligently about what they learned and what they might do differently.»
A person who sees a problem is a Human Being; a person who finds a solution is visionary; and the person who goes out and does something about it is an entrepreneur.
I'm thinking about people who use Buffer or its content or who have done something that ranges from interesting to amazing in social.
As a career development specialist and one who has worked with young people in and out of schools for 35 + years, I DO promote the notion that finding something you are passionate about is KEY to loving what you do.
If you know people who occasionally complain about something, maybe they need a solution that can be delivered as a product or service.
At some point, provided that dividend is safe and investors are convinced it is going to be maintained, the dividend yield on the stock itself is going to be so attractive that it brings in buyers from the sidelines, people who otherwise can not stand to see the yield right there in front of them without doing something about it.
Online, my social - media universe was filled with journalists and Jewish communal professionals, rabbis and professors and nonprofit workers, all of whom knew that a Tablet writer had said something offensive about the Harvey Weinstein case — but outside my front door, I encountered people who didn't inhabit my social - media universe.
«What I really liked about this program is it's giving a lot of people who maybe wouldn't get into Harvard an opportunity to participate in something just as selective and just as valuable and just as educational,» Mr. Burnham said.
I was instantly taken away to the slums of India when I first opened the book and read about a volunteer who felt powerless to do anything to help the people he was serving and how he managed to create something of lasting value for people who need medical care.
«Rational arguments do not convince people who have emotional biases about something.
I think sometimes when I watch him operate, I think he might be one of the first people who really understood the genius of the wisdom - of - crowds idea, that he — so you know, ask a bunch of people what they think about something, and then why.
Ezra Klein: But this goes to something I think is hard for entrepreneurs, hard for the government, hard for anybody on either side of the aisle who wants to change anything, which is that people are very risk averse about their healthcare.
«He knows he has to do something,» said another person who has spoken with Trump about the issue, who said the president seemed open to stricter gun control but had not decided what it would look like.
In the website the visitors can easily mention about something that they need to raise funds and the people who are interested in helping others will visit the website and will financially assist the project.
«He basically would wait to think about something before speaking,» one person who worked with him told Recode.
Having a bad credit may not be the end of the road for people who are willing to do something about it.
The funny thing about people saying their faith isn't shaken is that these are the same people who will often look at other natural disasters in foreign countries and say God is punishing these people, or that something bad happened because of some aspect of the culture that God disapproves of.
People always talk about «label interest,» and you have that from here or there, but we started to not pay attention to any of that unless we felt that interest was something that was legitimate and real and it was someone who also shared our interests.
Chris Christie's attack on Rand Paul - where Christie complained about piddling «esoteric» libertarian concerns voiced by people who were too cowardly to face «the widows and the orphans» of 9/11 - reminded me of something, but I couldn't put my finger on it.
The moment that I set myself up as the «victim» of «journalism shaming,» not only do I take something away from people who have truly been victimized, but I add to the momentum of false victimhood culture while ignoring the words of Jesus about turning the other cheek.
Because they want to talk about something real — something that really meant something in their life, not the invisible person in the sky who they never even spoke too.
It doesn't matter who CNN writes an article on there's always going to be something about the person to trash.
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