Sentences with phrase «something of the past»

She spoke from personal experience about how hard it is to raise two young children and told me of her past struggles as well.
Remember those situations to remind you of past examples of your resilience.
Perhaps our bath, morning, noon or night as long as there is a bath per day mentality - will become something of the past.
Su Li - zhen's Shanghainese landlady «can't bear to throw things away» and Chow must physically unburden himself of the past by burying his memory in an ancient monument.
The IRS will send you a notice to notify you of past due taxes.
Contacted debtors over the phone and through other sources to inform them of past due accounts, helped borrowers make payment arrangements and assisted with the development of payment plans.
Anyone who is growing in their faith and understanding of God would not be in complete agreement with even themselves of past years.
I have confused Carpenter by arguing, in A Christian Natural Theology, that an occasion may have hybrid feelings of the aims for it of past occasions, but I never intended to reduce the efficacy of the past to this very special case.
«Memories of things you've done don't feel like they belong to you; it robs you of your past.
They then tested whether the flies preferred the scent that reminded them of that past experience of ejaculation.
Parts of it would remind you of some past sci - fi movies if you've seen enough of them, but I think it all came together well enough to produce an entertaining film.
One example is M is for Memory, represented by Sarah Illenberger's shot of a watermelon raincloud and a brief text explaining that «photos gently tug at our memory, reminding us of past moods and situations.
Approaches were more conceptual and painting from life just wasn't in vogue, it was considered something of the past.
Come to think of it, that's what I've been telling myself each of these past few weekends as I gear up for another day of thorough spring cleaning.
Read your resume carefully to remind yourself of your past achievements and identify areas to highlight at the interview.»
Some women even find it necessary to clear out the gifts from their exes in order to help them rid themselves of the past and move on.
Grand romantic gestures aren't off limits either, and mustn't be seen as something of the past.
Eldest brother, Frédéric (Assayas regular, Charles Berling), wants to preserve their mother's legacy; Adrienne (a blonde Juliette Binoche) is keen to unburden herself of the past; while businessman Jérémie (Jérémie Renier) wants to flog it all to fund his family's new life in Shanghai.
High quality, rust free 2002s are becoming something of the past and we're proud to call this tii our own.
I hope to one day see the day when religions are looked upon as something of the past and we see ourselves as humans not different religious affliliations.
You've seen the T - shirt, I'm sure, that says, «When the devil reminds you of your past, remind him of his future.»
Just because something reminds us of the past doesn't mean it will resonate today.
So, while to the rest of the world I was simply speaking to a photo of Richard Branson on my cellphone screen, I was really using him to remind me of past times when I was able to succeed.
Some people are afraid to look back at their losses and remind themselves of past failures.
Even if positions were far more polarized, I would want to try to work it out, to come to a place where we could be together, than to sever those relationships» I thought this was very beautiful and it reminded me of this past Christmas with my family (the first since I had come out and faced their rejection).
No Christian has a reason to be proud, because his sinful body remembers him of his past daily.
The present moment in the long flow of experience is what it is largely by its inclusion in itself of those past moments.
does that remind you of the past.
It is to receive forgiveness because you have asked God to forgive you of all past sins, so that the guilt, the concerns, the worries, and the mistakes that we have made in the past are forgiven and the slate is truly wiped clean.
He visited the prison daily to remind himself of his past and of his forgiveness.
And the peas with the sauce and macaroni did remind me of past tuna casserole days even without the kelp.
Whether it got you through some lean times or was a simple meal gathering family around the table, the first bite will always remind you of the past, giving you a chance to relive it again and again.
As we are facing the Black Cats this weekend it reminded me of past collaborations I have done with Colin from Salut Sunderland before other games between us, so I thought I'd check out to see the «View from the Enemy».
For Davis Bertans, he probably reminded him of his past players like Danny Ferry and Matt Bonner.
Without absolving them of past mis - steps, I think Dell deserves credit for the roster that's on the floor now, and Gentry and the coaching staff deserve praise for the Pelican's current success.
On the contrary, it's actually a new product that resembles something of the past.
There was a time when I would have run screaming at even the suggestion to wipe my extremities with anything other than toilet paper; that was about the same time I scoffed at the idea of cloth diapers as something of the past - suitable for 3rd world countries maybe, but NEVER the progressive, modern mother of the new millenium!
Running away and washing one's hands, does not abdicate either of them of their past or present role in creating division and undermining colleagues for their own political gain.
It reminds them of the past, how they used to fish in Laos,» said Kazoua Moua, a member of the Hmong community in Madison.
Of course, out of deference to conservation, it is agreed that the extraordinary assemblage of wildlife that still occupies the open country may be preserved as something of the past in a few national parks.
The exhaustion leaks into almost every aspect of your marriage to the point where emotional and sexual intimacy is something of the past.
The question could also remind them of past incidents while they're trying to enjoy a sober season.
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