Sentences with phrase «something on one's mind»

Learn what turns your partner on and off, and imprint it on your mind.
If you had many job hopping in past, mentioning them in your resume will put a bad impression of you on the mind of the employer.
I've got it on my mind, because it's currently still in my living room.
I'm pretty sure they woke up with them on their minds after having one before bed last night.
It's been something on my mind recently, I would love to hear more of your thoughts about that topic.
And there's one way you can make sure your special someone will have you on their mind while you're apart: make them a special playlist!
Regular follow up communicates your desire to obtain a job, and it can keep you on the mind of a prospective employer.
But the true secret to a great photo is always having something on your mind at the time the picture is taken.
I had it on my mind for such a long time since I'm always on the hunt for some office appropriate clothing.
Of course, finding ways to get more women into surfing is always something on her mind.
I would love one of the urban style signs — the more scripture I'm surrounded with, the easier it is to write it on my mind.
We don't even have it on the minds of enough of our political leadership because there is no immediate payoff at the polls.
Keeping it in front of our eyes keep it on our mind.
I had it on my mind for months and months, so I knew that it was a great investment piece and went for it!
With over 100 hand - crafted puzzles, Kami 2 takes you on a mind - twisting journey that combines logic and problem - solving.
there is clearly intelligence in you, please stop trying to waist it on mind numbing conservatives, you would have better luck with a brick wall
We must have had them on the mind as I posted a similar look -LRB--: I love how classic your stripes are and paired with the blue pants, you can't go wrong!
Located 5 minutes drive from the central part of Ubud is the mod - ethnic resort of the Puri Sebali Resort this resort prides itself on its mind blowing experiences of original foods, views and resort concepts all inspired by and true to traditional Balinese styles.
It precipitated a heartbreaking falling away that saw Brendan Rodgers» Reds finish in an agonisingly close second place and it seems to have imprinted itself on the minds of millions.
Years in the past, but not many, a webcomic launched that would captivate legions of devoted fans around the world and take them on a mind - bending, genre - defying epic journey that would forever change the way they look at stairs.
Jesus: You look like you've got something on your mind.
Ironically... the insight given to us on the mind of God down through the years doesn't just come from this «old book of myths».
«It is with them on our minds and in our hearts that Sen. Hamilton and I introduced two bills in the New York State Assembly and New York State Senate today to hopefully make our streets safer so that future tragedies like the one this week can be avoided.
Hebrews 10:16 «Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB) 16 This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, says the Lord: I will put My laws on their hearts and write them on their minds» Someone can know Christ without mentally knowing they are actually Christian.
A quick call to your local Chamber of Commerce will go a long way toward keeping you on the minds of current and past clients, as well as those in your farming area.
This has been something on my mind for a long time and one night I just started writing it out, it was time.
All this last week I have had you on my mind, hoping that everything was going well with you and tempted to write or phone you to find out, and now your letter comes, telling me of the tragedy that has befallen your home — the sudden and utterly unexpected death of your mother.
The only reality which can impose itself on the mind is one which surpasses it in the line of its own excellence, that is, of inwardness.
We have a lot of smart people posting a lot of smart comments, so if you've got something on your mind that you'd like to turn into a post, please contact me.
Ever since I've been slowly eliminating not so healthy things such as butter out of my diet, I've had it on my mind to make a healthier version of Muraveynik one day.
Then...) • Tweet us something on your mind about HS sports (If you're feeling saucy, use the hashtag #WinYourLid) • Tweet us to nominate a SportStar of the Week using #SSOTW.
Hope Wenger has him on his mind.
He seemed confident in other areas such as distribution, but under pressure or when caught early he seemed to lack focus or have something on his mind.
«When he gets something on his mind, there's no changing it,» Wunsch says.
Often times we see that our kids have something on their mind, but they don't have the tools to express themselves.
If you're an organic family, and it's something on your mind, you need to prepare a tiny bit ahead of time.
If so, potty training is probably something on your mind!
Is it «dirty politics» for me to consider this before I enter her space and talk to her about something on my mind?
Biochemist Melissa Moore, recently hired to head RNA research at the Boston - area biotech, had something on her mind: hype.
«If I have something on my mind, a little stress, I just take it out on the bag.»
However, on occasion, particularly if I have something on my mind, I will get into bed and not fall asleep because my mind is in overdrive.
«When I have trouble falling asleep, it's usually because I have something on my mind about work or my kids.
If there's something on my mind, I ask them for guidance about that.
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