Sentences with phrase «something positive about someone»

The issue here is not saying something positive about lawyers you respect.
This club was started by one student athlete who wanted to do something positive about bullying in the school.
It is really nice to read something positive about the end of a breastfeeding journey.
I've actually been through this situation and it was really hard to find something positive about it.
That is what he has to say about this idea that he said something positive about religion.
The point is that a major media outlet is reporting something positive about home birth!
As I observe a person (walking by, in a meeting), I think of something positive about them.
Every person on earth wants to hear something positive about themselves — their appearance, achievements, or acumen.
A high graduation rate also implies something positive about student engagement, school safety, and student morale — issues parents care deeply about.
Likewise, «I really appreciate your willingness to hang in there with me during this hard conversation» acknowledges something positive about your partner in the moment.
To me, their words say something positive about the success of this exercise on our classroom's culture.
Well, now it's said, so let's do something positive about it!
If your food bowl is moved, adjust and find something positive about the new location.
they do nt seem to understand that every person does things right and wrong, but they close their eyes on the right things and if you mention something positive about wenger they bring other stuff into it which has got nothing to do on the matter on hand, like sean williams up there..
Some are indeed terrible, but others are well conceived and through a short snippet of text, convey something positive about the firm's brand.
Try starting a meeting with an inspirational YouTube video or go around the room and ask everyone to share something positive about the day.
I often get intrusive blasphemous thoughts and usually when it comes into my head, I try to think or say aloud something positive about God.
At first blush, it might seem odd for a Pentecostal to write something positive about the brief light of Mercersburg theology, which came to be through the creative instincts of John W. Nevin and Philip Schaff.
When Razor said something positive about shot - blocking, Ludwig made some noises about the fact that blocked shots could also be a sign that things weren't going well.
The 33 - year old has already made the news a few times since joining for Arsenal, with his two mistakes against West Ham condemning us to a shock defeat on the opening day and then all the furore when Arsene Wenger left him on the bench for the Champions League loss to Olympiacos, so it is nice to see something positive about him.
Try posting something positive about Renee Fleming on an opera queen site.
I think being a high school «misfit» can often mean something positive about a person on an individual level.
Every day of my pregnancy, I read or watched something positive about natural childbirth or successful VBAC.
This is the first time we read something positive about babywearing from the CPSC and it is true.
Cameron says it's very good to hear Sir Peter say something positive about Margaret Thatcher - and that he obviously went to a much better school than him.
And Len certainly rewarded Lutfur when he observed that he didn't deal with many politicians who were so keen to do something positive about trade union rights.
Hey Everyone, I'm waiting for the day when Chris Cillizza's blog will either say something positive about Republicans or something negative about Democrats.
Instead of obsessing about the shape of your legs, tweak that thought into something positive about what your legs allow you to do.
Here I try to say something positive about Wii U, and you come here just for being an asshole.
@Joe: Are you positive about switching your 8900 to a 8520?
The least you have to gain by talking to reporters is getting your firm's name in the news, promoting something positive about it, or positioning yourself as a strong advocate for your clients.
It was required to have two additional, free, navigational paths: a «Tweet - wall» where users could tweet something positive about the paper and bypass the bitcoin payment, and a clearly visible «X» in the upper corner of the interstitial.
If at one point we criticise Samsung for the major compromises while trying to keep the device slim, it is the overall build and size that is keeping us positive about the Galaxy S6.
So this Valentine's Day, tell your partner something positive about the sexual aspects of your relationship.
If the friend disparages marriage, respond with something positive about your own relationship.
Yet there is also something positive about this invitation to readers to appreciate the human frailties of clerical detectives.
A Marketing Evolution study commissioned by inPowered late last year found that when consumers read something positive about a product or brand from a credible source, it increases purchase intent by 50 %.
So assuming that the Frenchman is going to go for option A I thought I would try to find something positive about the situation for Arsenal fans to take some comfort from and maybe the strain of his constant international duties with Chile could be the answer.
Greet the students at the door with a friendly smile, make eye contact, give them a handshake, use their names and mention something positive about them;
With any luck, you'll be able to use the opportunity to convey something positive about yourself: for example, having the courage of your convictions to change direction in your degree, or retaking examinations after some difficult circumstances.
For, Burnley will be motivated by the big occasion of playing against a super club like Arsenal to do something positive about their dismal away record this season in this game by causing an upset in game.
Goosh... can't somebody here say something positive about our great team for ones???
Hiring your first salesperson takes a lot of work and foresight, but it says something positive about your company — you're now ready to move into a new phase of growth.
I then realised I did not mean that, but I wanted to use the word «satanic» in order to say something positive about the holy spirit (which I do believe).
finally somebody said something positive about this story.
Are you positive about the supply?
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