Sentences with phrase «something shameful»

But, kids or not, framing divorce as something shameful or wrong or negative, that someone «got what's coming to him,» just perpetuates old stereotypes that marriage should be «until death» no matter what.
Even those who support a woman's right to an abortion often qualify their support by saying abortion is a «bad thing,» an «agonizing decision,» making the medical procedure so remote and radioactive that it takes it out of the world of the everyday, turning an act that is normal and necessary into something shameful and secretive.
Breastfeeding is such a natural and wonderful thing that our Western society has turned into something shameful.
Now, moms should cover as much as they want, but when women are only ever shown nursing while covered up it reinforces the idea that there is something shameful about women's bodies, and creates a situation where women who don't or can't nurse under a cover are mistreated.
However, I will never use one because I think it is important to normalize breastfeeding and not send the message that it is something shameful or to be hidden.
If you're uncomfortable discussing these topics, your kids may think that this means there's something shameful about the changes they go through and might be less likely to bring their concerns to you.
When a mom feels that she needs to hide to breastfeed, the message is that there's something shameful or wrong with what she's doing.
If you show discomfort, your child will wonder if there's something shameful about what you're saying.
Because breastfeeding is still seen by way too many people as something shameful or disgusting.
But, kids or not, framing divorce as something shameful or wrong or negative, that someone «got what's coming to him,» just perpetuates old stereotypes that marriage should be «until death» no matter what.
A shonda for the goyim means, roughly, that someone of the Jewish faith is not only doing something shameful (shonda), but doing it in front of non-Jews, which of course is an entirely worse offense.
There's something shameful about women's bodies.

Not exact matches

«This is something I have not previously talked about, really, because it's kind of shameful and embarrassing and weird.»
It's shameful that will be torn down and replaced with something flashy and modern just because the current rulers don't care to preserve their faith's history and heritage.
Like I said, it's incredulous disbelief that you shut - down our real world and live in something that is so incredibly false it is shameful.
Somebody has to do something about this shameful situation.
Something originally shameful became deeply attractive.
«No Christian Church or Ministry would ever resort to something as shameful as a giant phallus», you say.
There are obvious sins in the world that need to be carefully attended to, but just because I, as a wife and partner, don't agree with something my partner does or thinks, doesn't always mean they need my correction, or worse, shameful comments.
On the other hand, maybe she felt incredibly shameful that she could not supply something better for the Messiah.
R. P. C. Hanson has said that many preachers today deal with God's wrath the way the Victorians handled sex, treating it as something a bit shameful, embarrassing, and best left in the closet.
Then in a final frenzy of casuistry yelp that something must be done about «this shameful cycle.»
Wenger said in an interview recently that its no coincidence that Arsenal are top of the league and that's very true mainly due to the defensive resilience we have shown an area he neglected for almost a decade BUT it also not a coincidence that we have not won a single trophy in 10 years these and other transfer dealings prove that, YET we award him with a new contract, shameful!!!!!! I maintain, regardless of all the money in the game no top manager would have gone this long with out silverware if the manager new what he's doing we would have one something by now, wenger is the most careless manager i» v ever seen BUT hey that's just me
An orgasmic birth is unsettling in a lot of ways because 1) we still think of women's sexuality as a shameful thing to begin with, let alone during something as sacred as birth and 2) the majority of individuals who give birth definitely do not come anywhere near feeling pleasure during the delivery.
I've never seen her categorize breastfeeding as something gross or shameful.
If I had taken the time to dig into what professionals have to say about co-sleeping, I would have found comfort in my decision, instead of feeling shameful, as if I had done something wrong.
There IS something wrong with making mother feel shameful when they can't or don't wish to nurse.
It is time we did something about this shameful «distinction.
As she described it, it sounded like she was doing something really wrong, something illegal, or flat out shameful.
This little «baby step» of having the NYPD remove its barriers (something that the mayor will probably come to regret), is shameful given the blatant violations of law they have tolerated because they fear the onslaught of NYC's Democrats opposing the mayor's legislative agenda or Brookfield's plans for other properties in the city.
When you shine light on something that is considered taboo, it no longer feels scary or shameful, so take the time to educate yourself about your body, your hormones, your period and your sexual health.
And photographing something that you're going to style to the point that it can't be eaten is shameful!
You will fail to appear humble or self - deprecating and you'll most likely make your date feel like a co-conspirator in something vaguely shameful.
What's wrong with this movie, and the other movies, and these books, is not that they're shameful or that there's something wrong with or something silly about explicit content.
In adolescence we spend so much time trying to define ourselves, but when you have something so overwhelmingly shameful in your life that often becomes the thing we most identify as.
Such is the inevitable result of attempting to place sex in a special category by itself, something that is powerful but shameful, about which it is necessary to know yet about which one must not be taught.
This is surely shameful enough to you to motivate you into doing SOMETHING to relieve student loan debt.
Having poor to fair credit history is nothing to be shameful about, especially if you're trying to do something about it, and LoanMart realizes that this may affect many applicants in the bank, credit union, or pawn shop arenas who just need a little extra financial support to get out of a rut; when the final determining factor for an applicant is presented to an institution, it usually pertains to credit.
Despite an incredibly shaky and somewhat shameful PC release, I still think that Hello Games deserves a great deal of credit for attempting something on this scale.
It's beyond shameful of Tabata and his team to deliver something so repetitive, shallow and largely broken (like the jumping mechanics and QTEs).
If our politicians, so - called Aboriginal leaders and other reconciliation enthusiasts want something to cry about, or hold a minute's silence for, they should get out and look at the appalling health conditions, lack of housing and the shameful level of education among our black fellow Australians.
Is it totally shameful of me to say I'd love to create something inspiring for myself?
When I read your blog, here you were putting it all out there for the world to see it wasn't shameful, you're not the cheapest person in the world, and there is nothing wrong with admitting you love something but need to cut corners to afford it.
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