Sentences with phrase «something someone take»

If «slow club» really is all about the journey, what if we took more time over our physical journeys?
When it takes as much energy to extract the oil as the energy provided by the extracted oil, then it can no longer make sense to extract it.
So let's take advantage of the internet and create a cyber community of natural parenting advocates comprised of parents all over the world!
Nor did it take long for the entire tray of 20 cookies to disappear.
I'd like to share this with you because I've been asked many times what I take when I get sick.
Most customers are surprised about the amount of time we take in our first phone conversation.
The doctors say that as long he takes care of his health routine, he should have no problems lifting weights.
Members contract to share their faith journeys in weekly meetings for as long as it takes for each person's faith story to be told with leisure.
I feel you on that though — it's so hard to schedule vacation time so you take advantage of the holiday, but then kinda miss it in the process!
But let's take for a moment as a given that his construction is true.
Wouldn't it be great if we each took care of ourselves and our families... but then the government couldn't own you and have your vote in their pockets.
So how do you take advantage of functional training?
Throughout my career, I will consider the ethical implications of my work before I take action.
The worst outcome would be having teachers put into a position where they take on too great a responsibility without the appropriate training.
What do you take from that part of the story?
It should come as little surprise, because when he took more control over his work, he became more humble and more hungry to become a better leader.
But at the end of the day, don't let it take away from what this team has already accomplished this year.
All in all it took about a year and a half of dedicated study.
My advice to students is tell us more about yourself, your experiences, activities, the accomplishments in which you take pride, your inspirations and dreams.
Because I had to use a manual a couple of times and I really dislike it just because it takes so much time and so much more effort.
Zero issues with overly sticky dough... just letting it cool for 15 minutes was all it took after blending.
Until it does so, it is likely to lose the vote when it takes place.
So, if you can identify optimal posting times, that'll already help you take steps in the right direction.
That will not be that which you take into account reasonable, but it's what's motivating his habits.
Many women seek ways to get the men of their dreams to notice them and often report that they will do whatever it takes even if it includes manipulation.
Parent reviewers say it takes only about a half - hour to an hour to build, with beautiful results.
To those of you looking at photos I took with my husband years ago in the privacy of our home, hope you feel great about yourselves.
The steps you take before the end of the tax year can help your business save money almost immediately.
To be honest, I'm not sure why it took so long to make these because they are SO GOOD!
Let us take just one example of this striking new tone and rich teaching.
Make sure you take part in the hunt — and read lots of brilliant blog posts — and enter to win the # 1000 grand prize of lovely breastfeeding and baby things.
We build relationships - we get calls from parent's years after we took care of their first babies to come back and help them again with their second and third newborns!
8 competitors go to round two, where they take part in a pair role play based around a real life situation.
And she believes it saves money when you take into account what she says is the indirect costs to taxpayers from the present big money donor system.
I hate when I find an outfit that I feel super confident in, and then I take pictures for my blog, and realize there are so many issues.
What if they take too long deciding and everybody's safe?
So be aware of what you post and how photos you take look like.
Not all of them where gigantic and nobody said they took full grown adults.
Custom - designed seats hold you and your passenger firmly in place while you take full advantage of the cornering forces.
Why does it take years for these people to come forward.
For me I think it took almost ten years to allow myself to receive help, (for the kids, house, or even financial) from my husband.
It worked out perfectly and I don't think it takes away from the finished product at all.
But the more risks I take with my style, the quieter that voice becomes and the more I come to accept and dress this body, right now.
This is what happens when you take months and months and months to get a product to market.
Of course it takes time for online daters to get to know each other and relate to each other.

Phrases with «something someone take»

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