Sentences with phrase «something someone take for granted»

He also began to appreciate all the things we take for granted in life, big and small.
But the report also emphasizes that there are things we take for granted today that will need to change for an aggressive phase - out of fossil fuels to become reality.
Much of what we take for granted about our inner lives, from visual perception to memories, is little more than an elaborate construct of the mind.
We have learned that the public schools are really lacking in books, paper, pens... all the things we take for granted as part of a school's supply to the students.
He more than anyone else brought in the sort of professionalism we take for granted now.
Don't you think we could find better uses for the commodity of fresh water (which we take for granted in this country) than to water our plants or wash our cars?
Sometimes you take for granted how much you value something until it's gone.
Isn't it so funny how being sick makes us wish we could do everything we took for granted when we were healthy?
I felt guilty because I took for granted time spent with my first baby, I wasn't going to do that the second time around.
Of course, carriers provide another very practical and key benefit that many of us take for granted before becoming parents: free hands!
Sometimes we take for granted how hearing tragic stories on the news and other media impact us.
Everything we took for granted in the past — from what we expect from our jobs to whom we work with and how — is changing before our eyes.
I think I took for granted how easy it was to make new friends back in my college days where you had opportunities to meet new people every semester.
There are things we take for granted like qualifying for next champions league.
I have talked about how free checking accounts, which we took for granted so far, have changed lately after new bank laws have been enacted since last year.
We return home with a new perspective, recognizing how much we take for granted, how much is far from inevitable.
This is important because security and privacy regulations we take for granted here are not the same in other nations.
It helps us appreciate the formative experiences we took for granted at the time.
Insurance is one of those things in life that many of us take for granted until the day we need it.
The little things I took for granted everyday before, I now celebrated.
Perhaps we take for granted just how versatile this meat really is, or maybe we just feel safe with the recipes we've made over and over again.
I took a career hit this week, losing a long - term contract that perhaps I took for granted.
Insurance is one of those things in life we take for granted until the moment we need it.
Almost every time I read one of your posts, I realize something else I take for granted about my country / culture.
Too often I take for granted how blessed I really am.
I spent an hour, cocktail and camera in hand, walking through my home, snapping photos of the rooms and details I took for granted all those years.
Chrome OS argues that much of the computer experience we take for granted today is outdated, clunky, and unnecessary.
There are a plethora of factors in games we take for granted, especially in the horror genre.
I admit even I took it for granted when I looked around me to see the struggles so many families face on a day - to - day basis.
You may not be aware of this, but virtually every product you take for granted today has likely at one time or another been tested on guinea pigs.
It also includes other stuff we take for granted — talking, sitting, standing, thinking, even breathing.
Features we take for granted Let's not forget all the features that made the first two iPads unbeatable.
For an employer, though, your personal mix of skills — including the ones you take for granted — could make you the perfect candidate.
In a world where we take for granted electricity and power I think it is great for kids to know where it come from.
Although we take it for granted, it's amazing how much more productive those digital messages make us.
There are many freedoms we take for granted that represent rights granted by the state.
The film also takes you back to a time when the outcome was precarious, and the freedoms we thought we took for granted hung in the balance.
Though we take it for granted, it takes a lot of coping skills to manage that physical burst of energy experienced whenever we feel frustrated or angry.
It would be interesting to look at the history of printmaking as a kind of analog precursor to the digital imaging tools and processes we take for granted today.
A professional resume writer can help you discover those talents and abilities you take for granted — and then describe them so that potential employers recognize their value.
The human body relies on billions and billions of tiny cells that work together to perform all the functions we take for granted.
«I wanted to pay attention to material we take for granted,» she said.
Credit is something that we all took for granted years ago and now it seems that many of us are suffering because of it.
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