Sentences with phrase «something such as»

During the nursing sessions I try to use distraction for myself such as playing on my phone.
To provide you with quotes, comparisons, information or advice we may need to collect some basic information about you such as your age, gender and occupation.
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They have many options in them such as bonds, stocks, futures, and mutual funds in a global perspective.
This will not only help you as an individual but also allow you to understand those around you such as your spouse, children, friends, and family members.
Once you're done grooming, end the activity with something fun for them such as fetch or tug.
Be specific about ways they can support you such as picking up groceries, doing laundry, walking your dog or simply holding your baby while you take a bath.
Even something such as the use tobacco products can and will play a very big part when choosing the right life insurance companies to apply with.
Liability insurance is any insurance policy that protects an individual or business from the risk that they may be sued and held legally liable for something such as malpractice, injury or negligence.
They may have another option for you such as reducing coverage amounts or increasing your deductible.
Talk to your provider and try natural methods to help them such as like massage, probiotics, heat and tummy time before moving to medications.
We may also collect information about you such as your use of the Site and communication preferences.
You also have several other «books» in you such as your thoughts on the church and vision, power, diversity in thought, etc..
What is the basis for demanding proof of something such as faith when one does not know what is even written or that it is meant to work the other way around?
- Dating community for those who serve us such as police, nurses, military - find love romance or friendship Looking for a serious relationship for love & romance?
Other options are available to you such as reducing coverage or cancelling your policy altogether.
When you're looking to find love, our single dating site provides a number of excellent features to help you such as personality matching and psychological matching.
If you wait until the afternoon or evening to do something meaningful for yourself such as exercising or reading, you're likely to push it off the to - do list altogether.
In addition to putting more into the products we make, we put even more behind them such as the Moloney heritage, reputation and the Molon name.»
Make a set of cards with sentences on them such as «I did not help Mummy lay the table after she asked me to,» «I took Fred's pencil because I liked it,» «I dropped my dinner plate by accident» «I took Fred's coat, thinking it was mine,» etc..
The principle of complementarity — each bringing to the relationship what the other lacks — is closely related to the idea of «marital balance» as described by Dorothy Fahs Beck in her insightful analysis of marital conflict; marital balance is «a dovetailing of the partners» needs and patterns of reciprocity in meeting them such as will maintain over the long run an equilibrium in gratification that is acceptable to both.
To do so is to test what is taught us such as the church in Berea did when Paul came to teach them about Jesus Christ.
For instance the community may be exhorted to believe something such as the proposition that Jesus is indeed the Christ.
If your baby has mastered holding and grabbing objects around them such as toys (or chunks of hair!)
When selecting the Bach Flower Remedies, look at each negative emotion and select the Bach Flower Remedy that removes it such as but not limited to:
Pain is likely to have come on gradually and sporting activities which may have caused the injury it such as bench press in weight training are likely to have been painful or uncomfortable for a period of time.
The gameplay follows your basic Angry Birds formula but adds more real world elements to it such as ballistas, catapults and more.
Players explore and investigate different parts of a village and castle in large open areas, facing off with parasite - infected villagers and other enemies that can come in crowds or individually, sometimes holding weapons themselves such as axes, machine guns and chainsaws.
For those of you who can't stand kidney beans, you could consider making this with another legume that is more palatable to you such as chickpeas or cannellini beans.
This could mean working in specialisms that are new to you such as maritime law, for instance.
At Progressive, we drop the common requirements other insurers may force on you such as marine surveys, navigation plans and travel restrictions.
There are also other third party apps available at the Gear App store so the user has the freedom to download more health based apps that work for them such as Nike + for Running, workout trainers, lifestyle monitors, etc..
Consider using Collaborative Divorce or Mediation to have a divorce process that supports putting the needs of your kids first, while addressing your child's immediate concerns over areas that impact them such as college tuition, directly and honestly.
Consider using Collaborative Divorce or Mediation to have a divorce process that supports putting the needs of your kids first, while addressing your child's immediate concerns over areas that impact them such as college tuition, directly and honestly.
With players behind him such as Mesut Ozil in particular, Lacazette would easily solve the issue that Giroud created considering his lack of speed.
If you date has taken time to choose the venue, compliment something about it such as the convenient location.
Companion dogs for the disabled are also highly trained to accomplish tasks the owner can not do for themselves such as picking something up off the floor, opening the refrigerator door, fetching the newspaper and bringing in the mail.
They will range from big to small, with even something such as snoring will have an effect on morale.
Professional Liability Insurance, also known as Errors and Omissions (E&O) Insurance, is an insurance policy that protects an individual or business from the risk that they may be sued and held legally liable for something such as malpractice, injury, or negligence.
At Progressive, we drop the common requirements other insurers may force on you such as marine surveys, navigation plans and travel restrictions.
I will inflict pain on you such as you have never imagined!
Once done with Cebu and Bohol, you could continue to Dumaguete and explore the beautiful islands around it such as Siquijor for example.
We made a few changes to it such as reducing the surrender charges and lowering the age at entry.
We have many trained professionals to help you such as Lactation Consultants and Breastfeed Counsellors.
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