Sentences with phrase «something the definitive version»

The latter also offers an impressive visual quality, making it the definitive version of the game.
Having it on the virtual console, fully makes it the definitive version as the analog control stick makes it harder to notice that you are limited to 8 directions.
The HD release greatly improves the controls and adds online multiplayer, making it the definitive version.
It takes advantage of the hardware features offered by the Switch to offer an experience that makes it the definitive version of Street Fighter II.
a must have this price point considering the fact that it comes with he definitive version of Symphony of the Night.
Declaring itself the definitive version of Mortal Kombat on any system, NetherRealm Studios has managed to deliver on that premise.
The PS4 and Xbox One version of the game includes a wealth of new content consisting of new crafting materials, items and such as well as some fresh world variations and a more generously proportioned sandbox, easily making it the definitive version of the game.
And while the core gameplay remains the same in each iteration, Tetris Attack serves as a testament to the appeal of a franchise name, because — as stated — the Yoshi's Island characters and visuals make it the definitive version of the game.
Yeah, but they prefaced the video with «Is it the definitive version
The top - down perspective seems well - suited to the Switch when playing in handheld mode, and all downloadable content released so far will be bundled into the package, making it the definitive version.
We're excited to see what they do with these classic titles — the intuitive, simple controls for the Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition made it the definitive version.
The Director's Cut adds a host of new content and enhancements to the original game: 5 all - new missions, alternate endings, new music, a redesigned interface, team customization options, a revamped combat system, and more — making it the definitive version of this one - of - a-kind cyberpunk RPG experience.
A Clone in the Dark on the PS3 and PS Vita, this version of the game brings 1080p visuals and all the expansion content available for the game to date, making it the definitive version.
The much - discussed and highly publicized collection features the original Halo saga, boasting updated visuals and various other improvements, making it the definitive version of one of gaming's greatest legacies.
Final Fantasy XV launched on PC a month ago, including a host of new features and all the DLC in order to make it the definitive version of the...
L.A. Noire: The VR Case Files is an immersive detective story worth investigating, but its limited content doesn't make it the definitive version of the game.
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