Sentences with phrase «sometimes be painful»

Usually the birth of a child is a happy event for everyone in the family especially the mother but a happy event like the birth of a child can sometimes be painful.
This is a good thing, and it means that your body is responding in natural and necessary ways, but it can sometimes be painful (cramps) and can be a pain (extra pads).
Speaking of comfort or discomfort for that matter, pumping can sometimes be painful for moms, especially those who are exclusively pumping.
I'm honest and sometimes that's painful.
Sometimes it was painful and I threw a few «hissy fits» along the way, which were always met with compassion, understanding and spiritual kindness from my publishing cohorts.
Sometimes it is painful or uncomfortable, but it also helps us to grow.
We are grateful to the Söderström - Königska Research foundation for economical support and to the interviewees who told us about their lives, a task that sometimes was painful.

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One big, sometimes painful, bonus of online media is that mistakes get corrected very fast, usually before they end up in print, Leonhardt added.
Sometimes the best advice, no matter how painful, is to practice patience and honesty.
Upon learning about precession, I realized that while building my business sometimes felt painful and confusing, each small step was taking me somewhere, even when I didn't feel like I had a clue where I was going.
Keeping the end game in mind, despite the sometimes painful process, is a lesson in commitment for the rest of us.
Sometimes the most painful time during tax season is opening a shoebox full of mismatched and unorganized documentation, and trying to make sense of it.
Sometimes our opportunity for success lies in the not so great: the things we don't do well, that we don't like to do... or that are figuratively painful to do.
If you have a fear of associating with people, you have to go out there and do it, and it's painful... When I was young and completed the [public speaking] course, I was worried I would lapse back... so I started teaching a class at night and, you know, you've got to force yourself to do some things sometimes
Sometimes the benefit is avoiding an annoying or painful problem.
Religious teachings often DEFY logic and reason (e.g., God is all knowing, all seeing and all powerful and yet He allows someone's husband or wife to die a painful and horrific death from colon cancer)-- that's why the religious sometimes must turn to faith (e.g., God works in mysterious ways).
I also experienced menstrual cramps so painful as to be debilitating; sometimes, they left me unable to move.
It's hard, sometimes painful, often disorienting and always messy — certainly not a cheery, no - conflict, refreshingly bubbly, perpetual happy place.
Therapy is such hard work and can sometimes be very painful.
The actual end of most human lives is sad, painful, sometimes grueling, profoundly embarrassing, and pathetic, often leaving emptiness, loss, regret, relief, and other contradictory and disturbing emotions in its wake.
Yes, sometimes that is how it works... as painful as it is, we can look back and thank God that He used such pain to draw us closer to Him and what He is doing in our lives.
Sadly, no, and so hard, sometimes painful lessons are learned.
Sometimes a painful experience turns out to be a lucky break for us.
But sometimes such a rivalry does exist, and it is surely one of the most painful of all human dilemmas.
My periods were horrible, painful, long, irregularly constant (as in, I would sometimes bleed all but three or four days a month), copious, clotty, hideous things.
These qualities are the outcome, rather than the presupposition, of a spiritual journey, sometimes prolonged and always painful, though a void, past an enemy, and into the presence of a companion.
It's painful when you are holding the mirror, sometimes.
Although it was a painful at the time (and sometimes still is), the loss of my job was one of the best things that ever happened to me.
Sometimes the person who would rather stick it out (even at a painful and unfair cost) is the one who is dumped and THEN @ssigned 100 % of the blame.
Our sometimes tranquil circumstances can easily cause us to repress the memory of the millions of people both today and in the past who have been displaced, slaughtered and eventually forgotten throughout human history's painful transitions.
They'll be refreshed if instead they discover warm acceptance of them as persons, and a viewing of the past as prologue, as a foundation of valuable — though sometimes painful — experiences on which they can build!
I need you to be willing to talk about painful things sometimes and not pretend to yourself that everything's OK when it isn't.
It is difficult and sometimes painful to follow Christ.
Sometimes you read or hear comments like that and you come to the painful conclusion that it is representative of much of our church family and of even it's finest members when joined together in the collective.
Righteousness makes us people with responsibility — however painful (sometimes cripplingly so) that may be.
I try to understand that from the many sides of the issue, people's views and opinions are often deeply rooted in sometimes very painful and personal experiences.
Sometimes, in painful situations, it is better to not say anything at all, then to try to comfort those who are grieving only to offend or hurt them further.
Sometimes the conversation is rancorous, painful, awkward and divisive.
True, yesterday's arguments sometimes look a little odd in today's fashion of environmentalism, but then one remembers that the alternative would be a perhaps painful reexamination of assumptions to which many have attached their identities.
Sometimes the cutting is painful when things we are quite attached to must be cut off and removed.
people who refuse to see the reality of these struggles sometimes bemuse me (then, i guess, it's less painful if you switch off).
They are painful moments of real life: the miscarriage experienced by a young couple, the struggle another couple had with infertility, the sometimes crippling nature of depression, the happy couple in their first apartment, the birth of a grandchild, the completion of a doctorate.
I'm a big fan of growth, as painful as it is sometimes.
We keep ourselves two or three clicks away from the real goodness sometimes, because it's painful to get there.
It is a mighty act of God in, through, and out of a mighty act of faith sufficient to override the brash, persistent, painful, sometimes uncontrollable, bursts of mortal unfaith.
Falling loosely in the «post-rock» genre occupied by bands such as Sigur Ros, Gungor create music that is sometimes anthemic in its praise, sometimes painful in its introspective honesty, and always interesting.
One of their primary goals is to upgrade the quality of foster parent care by seeing that those who undertake the challenging, and sometimes emotionally painful, occupation of foster parenthood are adequately rewarded and that corporately they have enough political clout to help shape legislation beneficial to both the children involved and the men and women who are willing to care for them.
They teach that God sometimes permits the believer to stumble and fall into one temptation or another — precisely to humble him and thereby confirm him the more in the good; the contrast between the relapse and the perhaps considerable progress in the good is so humiliating, the identity with himself so painful.
Sometimes this kind of mental, conceptual growing can be painful.
sometimes peace can be painful yeah...
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