Sentences with phrase «sometimes feel like»

Sometimes I feel like I ought to pass up writing about a particular news item if it's not hot off the presses, but then I figure, if I missed something that appeared in the news a few weeks ago, maybe you did, too.
Do you sometimes feel like you're raising a bunch of dawdlers with no concept of time?
If you sometimes feel like Dr. Mom (or Dr. Dad), it's not surprising: When your kids get sick with a cold, cough, or flu, it's up to you to swoop to the rescue.
Sometimes i feel like being a mother in the 70's I missed all the good stuff!
Every new mother knows that sometimes we feel like newborn babies are less than angels.
Between policing public table manners, juggling high chairs, and defusing tantrums, a meal out with the family can sometimes feel like more work than firing up the oven in your own kitchen.
Having a handful of kids over can sometimes feel like a handful.
I've just gotten back to browsing the Kaboutjie website, last time I did was when my daughter (now 4) was just a few months old and I was chosen as fan on the week and won an Amber teething necklace I now have a son and he's 4 months old I look forward to reading through posts, I sometimes feel like a first time mom because of the big age... [Read more]
With so many options, sizes, colors, and styles, choosing the right stroller can sometimes feel like a shot in the dark.
I sometimes feel like I lead 2 very different lives.
Feeding my toddler can sometimes feel like a battle.
I get so excited looking at all of the different types and sometimes I feel like I just want to try them all.
I just end up sitting beside her and wait for her to calm down, even though I sometimes feel like a bad parent for not trying to make her stop.
Sometimes I feel like our society is pushing our little ones to watch television and play video games and forget about how much brain power and imagination can be cultivated by a single -LSB-...]
I sometimes feel like I want to put up a sign saying «THIS BOTTLE CONTAINS EXPRESSED BREAST MILK!»
While it can sometimes feel like people attack Christmas / Christians more than say, Jewish people celebrating their beliefs, I think it's related to the fact that often Christians are the ones complaining the loudest if they don't get what they want.
Between policing public table manners, juggling high chairs, and defusing tantrums, a meal out with the family can sometimes feel like more work than firing up the oven in your... more
I have 3 young kids and I sometimes feel like I'm always cleaning up after them.
For many of us, the loss of one hour's sleep can sometimes feel like a household crisis because of the havoc it wreaks on your family's schedule.
Sometimes I feel like I need to explain that my first child died because I don't want anyone to assume that I do know what I'm doing.
We wear many hats at An Angel's Gift - sometimes we feel like we play the role of a counselor when holding the hands of our clients and donors navigating the emotional aspects of a cycle (good and bad!)
Sometimes I feel like American parenting styles are so rigid: if you're an attachment parent or free - range you have to be like that in all aspects of childrearing.
That's why breastfeeding moms often need to hear that they are doing a good job and that «breast is best,» to remind them why they are making what can sometimes feel like a daily sacrifice.
Sometimes I feel like an odd - mom - out because I'm still exclusively breastfeeding my 7 month old.
Add the complexity of trying to keep things healthy while also delicious, and making lunches can sometimes feel like the worst.
Sometimes I feel like I am alone, and that every other parent is buying their kids their own iPhone and iPad....
She's incredibly condescending and it can sometimes feel like her goal in life is to make you feel like an idiot.
Sometimes I feel like I've packed half of the house just to go to the park.
Trying to figure out how much your baby should eat in the first year can sometimes feel like rocket science.
Sometimes I feel like I'm forcing her but she really doesn't understand the process so is it best to let her decide?
Sometimes I feel like giving up after I ask my son if he needs to go potty, only to get a «no,» and then later see (or smell or step in) the poop that he definitely didn't need to take in the potty, but apparently needed to take on my floor.
Sometimes I feel like she's not eating enough because her last feeding is usually around 7:00 - 7:30, she falls asleep around 8:30 and sleeps through the night until 5:30 or 6:00 am.
I don't have a problem with them shifting side to side but they do sometimes feel like they move front / back slightly but nothing that has caused any leaks.
I don't know about you, but sometimes I feel like I am drowning in all of the papers my boys bring home from school.
You have endless chores around your home and sometimes you feel like the house maid instead of a valuable member of the family.
As anyone with a high - needs baby or child knows, it takes a lot of work to keep that going, and sometimes I feel like I don't have much more attention to give.
Sometimes I feel like the only person who cares about this... and then I read your blog and know I'm far from alone.
I sometimes feel like my usual hair products sacrifice a bit of body and volume to deliver smooth, shiny hair, so I really liked how much life my hair had when using the Avon Lotus Shield products.
and of course Susan, you have been in the trenches for a long time fighting this fight and sometimes I feel like we are just like toddlers jumping and popping bubbles but the bubble machine just keeps making the bubbles... Eventually it isn't any fun At All, it is discouraging and you just want to sit and cry.
But sometimes you feel like your baby is costing you every penny you earn.
JOHNER RIEHL: Stopping it feels so good sometimes and that is what you sometimes feel like a parent that you need.
Younger kids sometimes feel like the older kids get to do whatever they want.
Sometimes I feel like she isn't eating enough.
«Sometimes I feel like «Yeah, I've got this» and other times I feel completely overwhelmed and tired.
I didn't think I was going to jump into this conversation, because I sometimes feel like my 17 - year military career has been atypical enough that I shouldn't bother telling people I've served.
As a new mom, you can sometimes feel like you're isolated from the world around you — stuck in the house with no one but your precious baby to talk to.
I know I am doing what is best for my daughter but sometimes I feel like I need to find gentle ways to help her sleep for longer stretches, on her own but them am at a loss for how to do that.
I sometimes feel like saying - «no, and I don't expect her to either».
Sometimes I feel like getting kids to help with the housework may seem more like a chore than the actual cleaning task does.
From cooking to cleaning to carpooling sometimes I feel like it never stops.
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