Sentences with phrase «sometimes kept as pets»

Profiles of the small and medium - sized exotic or wild cats that are sometimes kept as pets in the United States.
They are immune to the venom of the snakes they eat, so mussurana snakes are sometimes kept as pets to get rid of other, more dangerous snakes.

Not exact matches

Pet owners keeping reptiles in captivity as household pets sometimes find that their pet may have a nutritional deficiency.
Puppies are smart, and sometimes it's a struggle to keep one step ahead of them, but by using positive reinforcement techniques — as simple as praise and petting — combined with limited humane corrections when needed, you can have a more - or-less model canine citizen.
As long as an animal maintains general good health, a sound temperament and we have space, we will keep a pet for weeks, sometimes monthAs long as an animal maintains general good health, a sound temperament and we have space, we will keep a pet for weeks, sometimes monthas an animal maintains general good health, a sound temperament and we have space, we will keep a pet for weeks, sometimes months.
For dogs living in the same household where the aggressor does not abort aggression when the second dog capitulates (expresses submission), owners are sometimes better served to place the «victim» dog and to keep the aggressor as an «only pet
During the course of the game, players encounter women who can be saved from nearby enemies; sexual mistreatment is sometimes implied in the dialogue (e.g., «These guys kept me as their pet, or mascot, or something.»).
Items such as school lunches, clothing, health costs, extracurricular activities, summer camp expenses and sometimes even pet costs that somehow must be kept and paid for because the pet belongs to a child, are determined as «shared» expenses and these monthly costs are estimated in a budget or 10 to 20 items.
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