Sentences with phrase «sometimes painful feelings»

Self - exploration and change involve hard work, and sometimes painful feelings are stirred up in the process of healing.
It takes courage to write, to expose oneself without compromising either the need to express sometimes painful feelings, or the demands of impatient readers who are distracted by a desire for rapid gratification.

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Upon learning about precession, I realized that while building my business sometimes felt painful and confusing, each small step was taking me somewhere, even when I didn't feel like I had a clue where I was going.
Like many of their First World colleagues they sometimes wrestle down the displaced and rootless feelings they harbor by hankering for a largely imaginary folk culture that will resolve the painful contradictions that afflict them, and us.
You are right to explore what you want because it's always good to question ourselves, our beliefs, our desires, and its OK to feel alone and lonely (although it may be feel painful and sad sometimes, just like it may feel freeing and exhilarating other times).
Throughout our long, circuitous, sometimes funny, often painful journey to start a family, Scott and I frequently felt alone.
At first the stitched area may be painful; sometimes women will feel a burning sensation or discomfort when sitting down.
Sometimes baby's latches are occasionally shallow in the early learning stages, which usually means baby is sucking mostly on the nipple; this not only feels painful, but also baby is not getting the proper amount of milk needed.
However, even the lowest setting for vacuum strength felt pretty powerful — as in actually painful sometimes (and with a teething, nursing toddler, it's not as though my pain threshold is nil).
I wanted to breastfeed, but at the beginning it was very painful and unbearable sometimes but i had to bear it because of the nutrients my baby was getting from that milk, after two months with the help of the nipple cream it was so much easier and didn't even feel that my baby was feeding.
Although she says she never considered harming her children, she acknowledged that women do sometimes have these painful feelings and believes that postpartum depression is something that should be discussed.
This often causes PTSD, and it's because of witnessing the baby experience multiple painful procedures and due to the fear and feelings of helplessness and sometimes guilt or poor treatment involved.
Sometimes, the act of giving birth can be a painful reminder of traumatic events that have occurred earlier in their lives leaving them feeling powerless and victimized.
It happens to all of us — sometimes, we just fall into a rut and life feels flat, or worse, painful.
I could feel large nodules under the skin and sometimes even sitting wrong was painful in my cellulite.
My right foot is slightly wider than my left so sometimes, depending on the socks I wear, the right foot feels a little snug, but it isn't painful or uncomfortable.
While Swerdlow's film feels predominantly comedic — aiming to depict the junky's behavior as childish and pathetic — it's only natural that for the actors involved, the experience was sometimes painful, forcing them to relive moments from their past that they'd rather not.
This painful history may account for the cult of honesty that sometimes makes life at Hyde feel like a free - floating session of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Since onychectomy is a painful procedure which can sometimes take up to a year to fully recover from, it is common for cats to develop an incorrect association between the pain they feel and their litter pan.
After a dental operation, your cat will need softer food while his gums heal although sometimes a cat will tuck into his favourite dried food within a few hours of going home which shows just how much better he feels when his painful teeth have removed!
It's always painful for me to see my character of choices caught up in a lengthy beat down, as sometimes it feels like they never end.
After seeing the backlash people had to its Year In Review feature that sometimes surfaced painful memories of ex-lovers and deceased friends, Facebook built special rules into the On This Day algorithm to protect people's feelings.
Rebuild trust after an affair: Recovering from an affair can feel painful and sometimes hopeless.
«It's the same painful conflicts and arguments, over and over» «I don't like the way we talk to each other — it's too harsh and we get into these horrible cycles — we just drift further and further apart»» The demands of the children take over — really, there seems to be no time for the two of us» «I wish we treated each other with more respect & kindness — I sometimes feel like I just do nt matter»» We don't listen to each other — we really aren't connecting like we used to.
Even though life can sometimes feel dark, painful or overwhelming, I believe in the resilience of the human spirit and the hope that change is possible.
I strive to provide my clients with deep, compassionate listening and encourage them to bring their loving attention to those feelings, emotions and urges that are sometimes too painful to witness on your own.
I've been feeling lonely suffering from empty nest and thinking life sure is painful sometimes.
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