Sentences with phrase «sometimes personal stuff»

Sometimes my personal stuff gets mixed in here as well.
Sometimes my personal stuff gets mixed in here as well.

Not exact matches

And we are really struggling at month two, I think it sometimes can work against us just based on my own personal experience because I'm like «Oh my gosh I got four more months of this, you know and so I understand even for people that are more type «A» kind of personality that want to set more goals and have you know, things in mind as far as dates are concerned and stuff, kind of keep that in mind.
I think we've struck a better balance after that initial introductory period but I think there are also risks there were if you're fully remote and therefore the only way to interact with colleagues is through some sort of chat portal, it can get too fun to just chat with people rather than using it to communicate about work and sometimes personal check in stuff to see how you're team is doing because you care about them because you work with them, but to focus it on getting work done rather than just being fun and silly.
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