Sentences with phrase «sometimes practical reasons»

There are sometimes practical reasons to avoid a divorce, such as loss of spousal pension rights.

Not exact matches

Morals and manners are not conflicting, but complementary, and sometimes overlapping, parts of the ensemble of fundamental beliefs and needs that we hold simply because we are rational agents blessed with practical reason.
As I discussed a few days ago, sometimes you might not be a match for someone for very practical reasons, however sometimes, when asked a pointed question, you might give an answer, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's a deal breaking issue... For example, whilst I would prefer to not date a smoker, and when asked would answer that, if I met someone I got on with well, and they happened to smoke, it wouldn't be a complete deal breaker for me.
For various reasons, sometimes practical, sometimes test driven, many teachers compromise on authenticity.
For both practical and legal reasons, a letter of claim, sometimes also known as a letter before action, is crucial before starting legal proceedings.
Yet sometimes, we change careers for practical reasons.
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