Sentences with phrase «sometimes takes years»

The beauty that you are already seeing the Lord uncover in healing... sometimes it takes years to get to this point... it's incredible that He's letting you see a glimpse of it right now!»
Sometimes it takes years and many challenges to get it that way.
«It sometimes takes years to do that,» he says.
Sometimes it takes years for a lead to convert to a transaction - ready client.
Sometimes it takes years to sell a high - end property.
Sometimes it takes years to accomplish those lofty goals.
From experience with separate products marketed through the FDA's 510 (k) process without adequate pre-market clinical testing, I believe it sometimes takes years for problems to come to light.
Sometimes it takes years.
«Sometimes it takes years for me to understand or explore the possibilities of an image,» says James Steele.
It can be grueling, it can be fun, and it sometimes takes years to find the right one Read More
In games with very hard execution, sometimes it takes years to discover that ultimately, the game is shallow because it took that long for people to be good at doing certain combos or techniques.
The idea that we need to give our books away, after spending our time and money writing those books, putting hours into research, honing our craft, editing and rewriting and editing again, sometimes it takes years.
«Sometimes it takes years
Thus far, such side effects seen in clinical trials have been minor, but it sometimes takes years of exposure to a drug before deadly infections show up, he says.
Annually, approx. 50 people in Denmark are diagnosed with the disease, which is often confused with eczema or other benign skin diseases, which is why it sometimes takes years to reach the proper diagnosis.
Rather, success sometimes takes years of hard work and dedication, and learning from mistakes is a part of the journey.
Sometimes it takes years to take down those bars one at a time.
The catch is that sometimes faith comes in an instant, sometimes it takes years, and sometimes it's lost and only found many years later.
But like leaving a bad relationship, sometimes it takes years to realize you are even better without it.
But for the most part, the sinful pattern took years to develop, it took years to walk down that road of sin, and so it sometimes takes years to walk back.
My ministry has been more about relationship evangelism which sometimes takes years!
Some acquisitions become accretive right away while others sometimes take years.
We spend a lot of time testing and experimenting — the development of a new product can sometimes take a year — and then we get our family members to taste it.
Sometimes it takes a year.
It can sometimes take a year or longer to finally get pregnant.
«What sometimes took years, we want to be able to do in months,» says CASIS's interim director, Jim Royston.
Even now, after 15 years of practice, poses sometimes take a year to master, and sometimes more.
Her products are inspired by the needs of her clients and she truly practices slow beauty — sometimes taking years to develop, trial, and perfect her products, which work on the physical, emotional, and cellular levels.
Our harvesters use ancient time - tested techniques, sometimes taking years, to produce these treasures from nature.
We all know that most of us put ourselves last and turn our attention to the master bedroom once we've completed everything else in our home (which can sometimes take years) but having a place to retreat to at night to wipe the cares of the day away can litterly change your life!
It's not a position anybody wants to be placed in and it can sometimes take years for someone to accept and finally say, «We need to talk because this isn't working out.»
While most dating experts and divorce attorneys agree that it's usually best to wait until a divorce is finalized before dating again, the truth is, divorce can be a long, drawn out process — sometimes taking years.
2018-04-07 17:12 While most dating experts and divorce attorneys agree that it's usually best to wait until a divorce is finalized before dating again, the truth is, divorce can be a long, drawn out process — sometimes taking years.
This can sometimes take years to develop.
When his father is accused of murder, his family is essentially exiled, with the men ordered to stay housebound as the elders confer to decide on a suitable punishment (this can sometimes take years).
I was in advertising sales for a large chunk of my career and sometimes it took years before a particular client would actually buy.
Full - length novels can sometimes take years to complete, especially considering the distractions of new ideas constantly popping out of their imaginations.
And revoking a license is rare, sometimes taking years to complete, while a breeder may continue to do business.
It can sometimes take years to get an unstable immune system like this back in balance (and rarely it is even impossible) and resolve the symptoms.
Criminal cruelty cases can sometimes take years to resolve and the animals are often left in limbo, unable to be adopted into loving homes.
Sometimes they are ready to go and sometimes they take years to formulate.
A investigation of benefit fraud can be a time consuming process, sometimes taking years.
Healing can sometimes take years.
Requirements for qualifying and receiving your Social Security Disability benefits or receiving help through the Federal Employees Liability Act (FELA) are both complex and stringent, and it can sometimes take years before you begin to collect them.
It can sometimes take a year or more for your court date to occur.
«It can sometimes take years for a fatal accident inquiry to get underway because of delays in investigations by the Health and Safety Executive and the Crown Office in deciding whether one is necessary,» he added.
As with other changes that require a significant technical overhaul, these things can sometimes take years.
In comparison, divorce litigation cases can sometimes take years to be completed.

Not exact matches

«It can take six months for someone in this role to get up to speed, and sometimes a year.
Based on history, the acceptance period for major technology changes is much longer than innovative evolutionary changes — sometimes taking 20 years or more for pervasive acceptance.
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