Sentences with phrase «sometimes wake up at night»

Sometimes I wake up at night and some little detail crosses my mind....
Do you sometimes wake up at night, thinking: I wish I knew what a credited NAMA was...?
At times they would be hard to put to sleep, and sometimes wake up at night and start crying.

Not exact matches

It wakes me up at night, gets in my mouth sometimes when I'm trying to eat.
she seems to sleep better too and now does nt wake up at night seemingly for no reason and start crying as she did sometimes before potty training.
Plus, the older one can understand that sometimes little kids wake up at night, and just go back to sleep.
Whether you are transitioning a young child from their crib to a bed, trying to keep a child in bed through the night, needing to convince your child not to wake up at the crack of dawn, or struggling to sleep - train a child of any age who is on the Autism Spectrum, sometimes a parent just needs a little help teaching healthy sleep habits.
Three - year - old Madi only nursed when she woke up in the morning, sometimes before a nap, and then before she went to bed at night.
She'll wake up at night and be whiny and sometimes go back to sleep.
We found that we did decide if one woke up let's say at night time and with hungry we would feed her and then we would go again and just feed the second one sometimes sort of that dream feeling.
Even at nearly 2 years old, it's not a perfect situation — she still sometimes cries at bedtime, she still sometimes wakes up in the middle of the night, and she still sometimes wakes up too early and won't go back to sleep unless I lie down with her on a mattress in her room.
Matthew still wakes up at least three times a night to nurse — sometimes more like four to six times.
We finally realized that all her moaning and groaning and sometimes crying out at night and super cuddling was not waking her up but it was really disturbing mine and hubby's sleep and affecting our moods and how we interact with our DD.
Sometimes he wakes up ready to play in the middle of the night (cute and infuriating at the same time).
To sum it up... my 16 month old son was waking up at least five times a night, sometimes way more!!
Both babies have nearly gotten over their colds and Phoebe's pink eye is basically behind us but there are still lingering coughs at night, sometimes waking up the whole household.
Love nursing but when nurses for hours, I feel like going nuts sometimes I feel some sort of anxiety... he wakes most of the time 1 - 2 times and sometimes he sleeps thru the night up to 10 hrs but it is not often and lately he is waking up at 3 am and doesn't want me to leave his bedroom.
There is not enough room for all of us, but they sneak in sometimes at night, and then we wake up to a mass of arms and legs.
My son is 8 months old and still wake up at night sometimes 3 times.
Though sometimes, if the baby has no need to wake up at night to be BF, moms can BF before sleep and then take their sleeping baby into his crib, and having woken up in the morning, the child comes to his mom by himself.
He sleeps like a champ at night - he'll go down around 10 or 11 pm, wake up for a feeding or two (and sometimes we even have to wake him), and will usually be up again around 6 or 7 am.
«Sometimes suddenly individuals wake up with a heavy nose bleed at night.
I can't say that every night he sleeps perfectly, BUT if he wakes up at 5 I go in there and tell him his SleepBuddy is still blue and he goes back to bed sometimes not waking up until 7 even though it's set for 6.
Gradually, she started waking up once at night to be nursed, then twice, and now it has spiralled out of control, and she will wake up about every 2 hours, sometimes more and sometimes less.
Its working, some nights she will sleep till seven in the morning, sometimes she wakes up at two.
So, I figured, if she loves running (sometimes YANKING) her fingers through my hair, I went out and bought a piece of hair extensions and each time she woke up at night, I would immediately ensure the extension was near her so she could stroke it... and it worked!
, and sometimes wakes up from his night with a dry diaper, even though he feeds at night.
Your baby usually wakes up at night, which sometimes deprives of your sleep and urges you to comfort him or her all the night.
Why I love sleeping with the baby is the closeness to her (i never roll at night, no danger), it feels so right.We went through the stages her waking up several times at night to now 0 - 1 time (sometimes she is thirsty and sometimes she sleeps till morning).
Patients with sleep apnoea sometimes stop breathing for 30 seconds or longer at night before they wake up and start breathing again.
If you find you wake up at night with low blood sugar then you need to hack that and sometimes collagen before sleep does it and sometimes you can do it with the honey trick.
The numbness is sometimes in both legs but mostly the left and its the worst at night when he goes to sleep and its so bad at times he wakes up at least 2 times a night.
This interests me greatly because when I was pregnant with my (now 11 - month - old) son, I found myself sometimes waking up at all hours of the night and feeling oddly alert and completely incapable of falling back asleep, but knowing that I needed to sleep more.
When I come home at night, I feel so tired that I don't feel like making myself a lunch... and sometimes in the morning, it is hard for me to wake up motivated... So instead of taking the bus, I take my car and this costs a lot...
Dozer is a 1 yr old bull - boxer dog, very playful and friendly, loves to snuggle and cuddle when sleeping, he wakes at night to go «pee» and starts gagging and trying to cough up something, sometimes he coughs up what looks like spit.
No fuss, no barking, except sometimes she might wake up in the night and paw lightly at the door — I soothe her back to sleep verbally in about 20 seconds (by saying very quietly «shhhh, good girl, good puppy, shhhhh»)
Lacy, Hertford «In the early weeks I was so very tired when I was breastfeeding... every three hours... sometimes I felt angry when the baby woke me up at night... I used to take it out on my partner.»
Sleeping problems Child doesn't want to sleep alone; has trouble getting to sleep; has nightmares; resists going to bed at night; sleeps less than most children during day and / or night; talks or cries out in sleep; wakes up often at night (7 items, each rated as «often true,» «sometimes true,» or «never true»; Cronbach α =.68)
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